Thou In Need

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Fabio's POV

I pick up Nidal and Mattia from School, Nidal does not say anything. But I can tell something is up, but he doesn't talk to me or his brothers only Sunil. It's hard, because I love him, care for him the way Sunil does. But I understand that he trusts Amore, alot more than me.

Hey Nidal you ok, he just knods. Are you sure Nidal, I am here for you. Yes he says, Mattia how are you. I'm great, he hugs me. How was your day, good just tired. Its ok, you can go home and sleep. How Is dad, he at an appointment. What for, I don't want to worry them. Just a check up I lie, oh ok. I see Nidal cry a bit, he will be ok I say. Don't cry Nidal, he hugs me. I freeze in shock, but then hug him back.

We get home, dad Mattia shouts. You ok, yeah I'm fine, he hugs me, ufff easy Mattia. Sorry dad, it's ok. Nidal smiles at Sunil, but runs upstairs. Amore I think something is wrong with Nido, he's been distant. I'll have a word with him Fabby, hang on.

Sunil's POV

I go upstairs in Fabio's arms, he puts in ny wheelchair. Fabio leaves, just then Nidal walks in. Hey Nido, what's wrong. Nothing he says, no their is. Ok fine, im being bullied in school. Hey Nido I'm so sorry, I hug him. We'll sort this out, no dad your not well. I sigh, Ashton is looking out for me. Its ok leave it, fine. But I am here for you son, yeah dad I know. He hugs me, thanks dad.

Few days later, I go to Pick up Mattia and Nidal. Dad Mattia shouts, hey Matty. How was school, great. He hugs me, I missed you. I did to Mattia, he sits on my lap. We go get Nidal, I see him getting bullied. Hey get off him, they run off. I help Nidal up, you ok Nido.

I'm furious to see my son get bullied, a side to me I haven't shown in awhile. I see the boys, what's wrong with you. Why are you bullying my son, what Nidal is your son. Sunil Royalty is your dad, omfg they run off in fear.

We're going to the office, Nidal who is this. My father Sunil, omg Nidals dad is here, we've never see him here. This is a rare sight, well I'm a busy man. Plus I'm recovering, my son knows of he needs me at school I'll drop everything. Like I did today, I had surgery. But I cancelled it to pick up my sons, they go quite. I see the boys with their parents, why are your sons bullying my son. Aw it's just playing the mother says,  what do you expect their kids plus he's a freak. Your sons are just useless kids who bully others to feel wanted. How dare you say that about my sons, the principle comes out. Enough, Mr Royalty. Been awhile how are you, ok i guess. Want to step into the office, kids wait here. The principle says, right I want the kids out who bully my son. We can't, don't forget who funds this school, if I withdraw that the school will loose its reputation, sorry Mr Royalty. We leave the office,

Mr And Mrs Castinlano your kids have been kicked out the school, we have a no tolerance for bullying. Can't we figure this out, no. We pay alot into this school, you will close. No they will be fine, I have donated all my music earnings for this month to the school. What 10'000 dollars gonna do, you mean 85,000. More then you pay I say, you can collect your children's stuff and leave the principle says.

I tell Nido and Mattia to sit on my laps, were going home. Nido I got a present for you, a phone. Thank you, what time do you want it back. Its yours, do what you want. Have social media, contact your friends. Just dont do anything sill or illegal, thanks dad. I get a call of Gavin, get home now. Fabio has fallen down the stairs and went through the window. Fuck, I don't have the car. I'll come get you Ashton says ill tell johnny to come over, I'll be their soon. Send me your address, ok thanks Ash. I get home, I wheel myself into the house as fast as I can, Fabio I see him with cuts and bleeding alot. Will be ok I say, we don't know yet. He may have glass inside the body, internal bleeding. Who is his other half, me I say. Well you better come with us.

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