Songs and Sagas Of A Fate Determined

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Sunil's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since the surgery, it has helped a bit. I can stand but not walk on my own, I'm really messed up. I have a lot of things to sort, Fabio and Noah. So that's what I'm going to do, Fabio is first. I have decided to go to Italy, to see why he is angry. Who is he close too when it happens, and why their doing it.

So I book a flight, business class. Its going to be a long flight, I haven't told Fabio. I want to suprise him, but im worried for Mattia and Nidal. They need me, what do I do. I want to take everyone, Gavin walks in. Hey Gav, you off somewhere dad. Yeah to Italy, to help Fabio then of to help Noah. You taking Mattia and Nidal, dad they need you. I know but I feel bad, why Ashton says walking in. For leaving you both behind, no its ok. I promise when I'm better well go on holiday, somewhere nice.

Fabio comes home, ready I say. For what Amore, an adventure I say. Yes but where we going, Italy I want to help you. What about Noah he needs you too, were going their too. Great he says, we leave for the airport. We ask our goodbyes, and leave.

We arrive in Italy, were greeted by Luca. We exchange greetings, so how are things I ask. Good, what you been up too in the hot weather, beaches I say. Yeah mainly, STOP FLIRTING, I'm not Fabio. I see Luca smile a but, I hold Fabios hand. He calms down and apologises.

We go to our villa, good thing about this is Fab we can have sex anywhere. He smiles, you ok Fab. Yeah, I feel the anger stronger here. I'm sacred of what I'll day or do to you, hey it will be ok hugging him to reassure him. The door Knocks, Fabio answers it. Andrea Biago, been awhile. Yeah it has, you left us and we never seen you again. Did someone over their stop you, no he didn't. Aww you found someone, yeah he's amazing I hear Fabio say.

Amore, meet Andrea and Biago. I look up too see Fabio pointing at Andrea saying this is is him, I was expecting a girl I say in my head. You both are in Di4ries right, yeah that's us.

I exchange greetings, Andrea just keeps looking at me. Fabio says to Biago let's go get food, here Piara take my card. No it's ok. I'll pay, no here take it please. Fine, he kisses me and leaves.

Andrea how long you know Fabio for, since we were kids. I'm glad he found someone like you, he needed someone like you after Elio. Thanks I say, your so hot he says. Thanks I guess I reply, so hoe come your in a wheelchair. Had an accident, which caused me not able to walk.

20 minutes later, hope Fab comes home soon, I need a toilet. I'll take you, you sure don't want it to be weird. No it's fine, he does. Andrea holds me, and pulls my pants and boxers down. Wow your big he says, sorry for looking. Hey its ok Andrea, thanks i laugh. He helps me back into my wheelchair, and takes me back into the kitchen. I begin taking plates out, they fall cutting Andrea's leg. Shit im sorry Drea, it's ok. I like the nickname. I get first aid, I clean his wound and bandage it up. We clean up and set the table, wait hang on Andrea says. Your famous right, well i would not say famous. But you are, I love your music. Thanks I say, your a good actor. Wait Sunil Royalty knows about me, what the fuck. He stares into my eyes and Kisses me, Nidal sees it. Get away from my dad, hey Nidal it's ok. I'm sorry Andrea says, I just like you. I fell in love with you, we just met.

Sorry about my son I say, i feel awkward. I'm sorry he says just over and over, Fabio comes back. Got food, Andrea runs upstairs. WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HIM, nothing Fabio I swear. But something happened I'll tell you later ok, fine. I'll go get him Fabio says, I'll go Piara.

Andrea what's wrong, I kissed you I made a bad mistake. Its ok, it's just my mind is all over the place. My parents fight all the time about me, but blame eachother about stuff. It's just hard, it's ok I say. I wipe his tears away, it's ok. I hug him, why don't you comeback with me and Fabio. I don't have no where to stay, no money for a ticket or anything, I'll pay silly. You'd do that for me, that's what friends do. Thanks he says, can.... leave it he says. No go on ask Drea, can I have a hug. Of course you can, but I will have to tell Fabio what happened.

He'll hate me, no he won't. I'm scared, he's a different person now. He's lost alot of his anger, I'll protect you. Thanks, ready to go eat sure.

You ok Andrea Fabio asks, yeah.

Fabio's POV

Fab I need to talk with you quickly, can't it wait. No I need to tell you something, I hold his hands. Andrea kissed me, what. I'm gonna kill him, no dont. SO YOU WANTED IT, YOU LIKED IT i shout. No I did not, sorry amore. He needs someone, his head is all over the place. Sunil says to me. His parents fight all the time, he's sick of it. He's scared, he did not want me to tell you. Because he was scared of you, because of your anger. Is it OK if he comes back with us, no he need us. We can help him, your such a great person amore I say. I thought you would be so angry, I feel it. But your keeping it at bay, i don't know. I would of been fine, if I did not come home I say.

Before I would not even feel anger if you told me, I would be a bit. Until you told me why he kissed you, he's a nice person. He helped me to the toilet, he's good like that amore. But he's good in bed too I say, did not need to know that I lie.

Well im gonna go, Biago says, you coming Andrea. Nah, I'm gonna stay a bit, I'll order you a uber Sunil says. No I walk it, no its fine. Thanks Biago says, I feel angry all of a sudden. Sunil notices and grabs my hand, I slowly calm down. Thanks amore I whisper in his ear, no problem.

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