Forest Fires Of Dispair

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Johnny's POV

Ash you did not have to do that, he would never keep me from you. I'm still your dad, I always will be. Nothing will change that, Sunil is not trying to replace me. He needs you right now, your not helping. He had to kill 2000 people for me, Fabio, you and yout brothers. No he did it for Fabio, no he did not. If he did, he would not of took you with him. 

Ash come on, he would never replace your dad. I hug him, I promise he would never. He just wants a family, I could not keep up to his expectations. I failed him, and you  mattia and Gavin. No he failed you, NO HE DID NOT, I DID. I LEFT HIM WHEN HE WAS IN THE DARK, I LEFT HIM TO SUFFER. I start throwing stuff, Sunil Runs in and puts Ashton behind him. Johnny Calm down, he grabs my arms. Its ok, John im here. I throw The PlayStation, toward the door but it hits Sunil. I'm sorry I say, hey John it's ok. Sit in here and calm down I'll be back, he leaves. Sorry Ashy it just angered me, I'm to blame for the downfall for me and your dad.

Sunil's POV

You ok Ashton, I hug him. He pushes me back leave me alone I hate you, look what you caused. I lost all my stuff, here have this I pull out a wad of money. I just leave, it hurts me to loose my kids.

Fabio's POV

Amore whats wrong, Ashton he hates me. He thinks me marrying you, makes you his dad. That im replacing Johnny as his father with you, no your not oif Mattia knows this he should too. He's just struggling Fab, what do I do. Let him have time, he'll realise . I don't know, he wished I died and that he hates me. He does, does he. I smirk, Amore if you need a walk go. I'll come too, sorry Fab i need to be alone right now.

I sit on the table Ashton walks in, oh lord bless me. Ashton their has been some bad news, what. Your dad died, Sunil was run over. No, yeah he was flung in the air, and his head exploded. Then cars went over him, he's in pieces and diced. No dad, I'm sorry. What did I do, Sunil walks in. Dad your Alive, yeah why would I not be. Johnny walks in too, what's wrong Ashton Sunil says, Fabio said you were dead. No I'm alive, what the he'll Fab, That was evil. Shut up John, it worked did it not. You should never wish your dad dead or that you hate him. When he does, you'll be in pieces crying and in pain. You hating him, will make you miss out on time.

I'm sorry dad, Ashton says. I was being stupid, Ash Johnny will always be your dad, I woukd not replace him I say. I'm sorry Fabio, for thinking that. Me too, for doing this. No i needed this, it was a wake up call I needed Step dad. Fabio is fine Ashton, I'm sorry he says. It's ok, don't worry about it.

Andrea comes down, can you do me a favour Andrea will you be my best man with Biago and walk me down the Isle. Sure, I'd be honoured.

Sunil's POV

I call Ashton, Gavin, Johnny and Mattia and Nidal.

Gavin and Ashton will you be my best men for my wedding, of course it would be my privilege Ashton says, yes dad gavin says. Mattia, Nidal and Johnny will you walk me down the Isle. Also be my best men too, yes we would be privileged. When are you thinking of getting married, next month I say. Got to start preparing, can not wait Johnny says.

Recently I have noticed Nidal, seem down. I see his diary on his bed but don't read it, if something is bugging him he will tell me.

So I put it on his desk, he walks in. Dad what are you doing, just cleaning your room. You've been reading my diary, no Nido I promise. I don't want to pry In your business, if I needed to know. You would tell me, he sighs. I'm just missing my friends, I book tickets  to LA. Your not listening I am, your missing your friends. I would never stop you seeing them, I just miss seeing them. Me and you are going on a trip, just me and you he says. Yes, you need this trip. What about Fabio he needs you too, he has the others. You only trust me, so technically you only have me.

I'll help you pack, your the best. Thanks dad, I love you he says. So do Nido, I hug him and kiss his head. Fabio walks in, he doesn't speak much.  He has his good and bad days, Fab. He looks at me, Nido is not doing so well mentally. He misses his friends, so I'm taking him to LA too see them. He looks at me, I feel bad leaving you. He kisses my hand, does that mean go. He knods, i will be back soon. He hugs me, Fab you need to speak if your hurting it helps. I know Amore he whispers, its just your busy. No I'm not, I'll tell you Amore when you comeback. He kisses my head to reassure me, he leaves.

I'm really worried about Fab, I don't want to leave him alone. But I cannot, let Nido down. I decide to go, I tell Gavin to keep a eye on him.

Nidal does not know where we're going, we arrive I blind fold him. I take him straight to Salish's house, she takes of his blindfold. He hugs and lifts her up, he looks at me and says. Hoe did you know, I reply with I'm your dad I just do. Thanks he says,I love you. I love you to Nidal, I let them catch up.

Jordan Salish's dad takes me to the kitchen, your young to be his dad yeah I know. But he needed a stable parent and family, so I adopted him. Your such a good person, thanks. He was having it hard we noticed a change in him, but he never told us what was wrong. He was scared, he only told us two months ago. How he met someone who does anything for him, loves him. The love he was missing he said to me, so you got any other children. Yeah 3 others, all had issues with their parents or they died. I have my oldest Ashton, Middle son Gavin and Youngest Mattia. Nidal needed someone like you, we thank you. We were going to Adopt him, but he disappeared. We got a message of Nidal 4 months ago, saying he was safe. The way he talks about you, its like your his shield. I am, I would protect that kid with my life.

You got a partner Jordan asks, yeah I do. Fabio, he's a model. I left him when he needed me the most, but so did Nidal. But he has his kids, Nidal has them too. But he is distant, so he only has me. Wow you are such a great dad, I'm sure you are too Jordan.

Later, we leave.

3 days later, I get a message from gavin.

Glion: Dad Fabio is missing, we can't find him. I have called him, he did not answer.

Me: on our way back, I knew I should not of left. But Nido needed me, fuck.

Glion: dad don't be silly, I'll keep looking. I'll keep you updated, love you dad.

Me: Love you too Son, thanks.

Nido, I have to go. Your not taking me, Son if you want you can. Or you can stay with Salish, I'll comeback for you. But you need to decide, Fabio has gone missing. I'm scared he will do something stupid, I'm coming too. Nidal I'm sorry the trip was cut short, but I'll bring you back. Thanks dad I needed this, but we need to go.

I message Jordan, he responds with hope he's ok.

Gavin Phones me, Dad how far are you like a hour. We found him, he's on a bridge. Oh fuck, stall him. Dad he's gonna jump, keep talking to him. This is a forest fire full of despair, Gavin says.

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