Wishes become Hopeless

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Sunil's POV

I get home, I sit down on the sofa. Fabio begins talking, which I do not hear because I'm trying to understand what's wrong with Johnny. Amore he says shaking me, you ok. Yeah just tired sorry, piara what were you saying. How was Johnny's trip, good.

Fabio's POV

What's wrong amore i put his head on my lap, nothing. Amore their is I can tell I'm your husband remember, fine. Johnny was acting different. How do you mean, well he got a boyfriend out their. His name is Bryceson, he actually nice. But Johnny was off, I hugged him he just stood their. He said I was just his friend, I said I was his Ex to Walker. He looked at me widening hi eyes, I felt like he was ashamed I was his ex. The boy is good looking, I'm sorry Fab I should not of said thar forgive me. Amore your not ok, why are you apologising your only describing him. I play with his hair, anyway I asked when he was gonna see the kids, but before I could finish asking, he said soon. That's not like him, is he ashamed of you and the kids. If he is I'll kill him, I got and idea Amore it's crafty but let's do it. I tell him the idea, he agrees.

I get the kids, get ready your going to see Johnny. Yes they shout, we taking the Tesla I ask sunil, yeah we have too. I kiss him, im sorry I say. For what, the way Johnny was acting. It wasn't you Fab, it was Johnny. I know but still, I love you what would I so without Fab.

We take the kids, I knock the door

Sunil's POV

Walker opens it, hey Walker. We walk in, dad the kids shout. Walker says you have kids, no their just call me dad because I'm close to them. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU JOHNNY LIE, YOU CAN LIE ABOUT ME BUT NOT OUR KIDS. ARE YOU FUCKING ASHAMED, IM YOUR EX AND YOU HAVE KIDS. HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO THEM, AND ME. I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU, Mattia, Ashton and Gavin run outside. Look what you did Sunil Johnny says, ME IT WAS YOU. I lunge towards Johnny, Fabio stops me. I NEVER THOUGHT I WOUKD SEE THE DAY, YOU WOUKD BE ASHAMED TO HAVE KIDS. I'm not. So why did you lie, trying to Impress Walker. I know so much about you John, I know your secrets. Shall I start spilling them, Fuck you Sunil. FUCK ME, IM NOT TBE ONES WHO SAID IM NOT THEIR DAD YOU DID.

Nidal leaves I'll go check on them, thanks Nido. Your a disgrace Johnny, you failed your children. Howard you, Walker sit your ass down your new to the scene, know your role and kewp quiet that's a good little boy. Amore stop, Nah Johnny I was so happy for you to comeback. I came to your party when you stabbed me in the back, for you to do it again. I should not if expected anything less, were done. Don't you ever call or message me, what about the kids. After seeing what you said I doubt it, please tell them I'm sorry. Who am I hedwig from Harry Potter, a letter messenger no. Tell them yourself, I'm out of here. You called me a a shit dad, turns out you were after all the times I told the kids to forgive you. After everything I did for you, I loft up my tshirt. You remember this scar, caused for you to live. I leave, you fucked up John big. I don't think I can help you now, fuck off don't.

Fabio's POV

I hug Sunil who is in tears, I k ew he was ashamed of me. I never will be Amore, I love you for you. I hold his hand, want to go. Gavin, Mattia and Nidal hug me, why did he say that. I don't know what's going on. through your dad's Brain, but I won't be the one to help him Sunil says.

We get home, I hug Sunil. I knew he was ashamed of me, that I'm his Ex. He never really loved me for the right reason, like you do Fab. I hug him, Amore let it all out. I put his head on my shoulder, amore I got you. I don't know what's happening to him, did he say it to not be tied down by Walker. He was nice and I was mean to him, fucking hell. John would never be like this, something has changed. He never even wanted Walker to know he had kids, he can and say whatever he wants to me. But never hurt my kids, he hurt his own kids. He's probably expecting me to sort it out, he can do it himself sunil say. Amore you should, I think he meant this to happen. He spoke to you didn't he Fab, no he didn't amore. Your lying, you know he is wrong. But instead, you go helping him.

It's not like that Amore, it I'd Fab. Did you say you would help him, yes I say. Their you go, he hurt the kids and me. Lying about us, I never did that too him. Being Asian, it'd hard to be gay and introduce your parents to partner. I was never scared or ashamed, he was. With you you told your mom, but not your dad which was understandable.

I love you so much Fab, but your helping him I can't face you right now. Amore don't be like this, he gets of my chest turns around and turns off the lamp. I'm sorry Amore, I just wanted them to have their dad. They do me and you, I don't meant like thar amore. I like the light to be turned off he says, I sigh I'm sorry amore I love you. I kiss his head, I hear him sniffle.

I hug him, he says get off me. Please amore, I wont be able to sleep knowing your upset with me. He says get off, I do. I'm sorry, I get out of bed.
I'll sleep on the sofa, no dont he says. What do you want from me Amore, you he says. I'm just upset, please stay in bed. No I cant do this bullshit, fine. I get up, you sleep in the bed ill go elsewhere. No amore, no Fabio it's best. I've upset you, but so did I amore. But I've hurt you more, he hugs me.

Sunil's POV

I sit against the wall, no blanket or pillow. I do not want to wake the kids, I'm woken up by Fabio. Amore come to bed, no im fine here. Please I can't let you sleep here, I know you don't want to wake the kids. No it's fine Fab, its my choice. Fab please just go, I'm sorry amore.

Later while I'm then woken by Kevin, dad what you doing out here. Have you had a fight with dad, kinda I say. He helps me up, you can sleep with me. He goes to the toilet, and gets back into bed. He lays on my chest, he kisses my chest. I love you dad, I do to kev. Want to talk about it, my poor boy you have been through enough. I can't add to your plate, I'll be fine. No dad it's gonna bug me, fine. We'll we got into bed, and Fabio was on about forgiving Johnny. I said I can't, he hurt the kids. How could he lie about me and having kids. He told fabio to ask me to forgive Johnny, so I could sort out this problem. I may be overstepping here but if i am forgive me dad, why so you have to be the one to sort it out. When Johnny is the one in the wrong, he should. I begin to cry, I'm sorry dad. Don't be, your right. See even you see it, it just hurts me that Fabio would agree to help Johnny. Kevin kisses my head, he puts my head on his chest. He plays with my head, dad it will be ok. I'm here for you, I love you. Now get some sleep, I should he comforting you that's my job. It's mine too, when my dad is in distress. Your such a good soul, got it of you. Like father like son Kevin says, I begin to cry. Dad don't cry, I'm just so proud of you kev. I wrap my arms around him, I kiss his bare chest. I love you Kevin, I hug him tight.

I wake up still on Kevin's Chest, I look up. You could of woke up if you wanted, no you needed me dad. You were comfortable I did not want to ruin that, I know you have sleeping troubles. How, when I come into your room when I need someone, your always awake. But when you were actually asleep for the whole night, I know you probably in and out for sleep. You wake up so early, and do the housework. The only time you don't is when your ill, so you deserved this sleep. That's why I did not move dad, your so observant.

We go downstairs, morning amore. I just say morning, he tries to make conversation. Nothing he says, fine be like that. When your ready, I'll be waiting. Me, your the one in the wrong and you know it.

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