Coronation Day

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Sunil's POV

We will son be on our way, to fly out to London. For the big day tmorrow, I have spoke with Johnny. We are on good term I hope, I understand where he is coming from.

I walk in the house after I see Ashton and Mattia, talking with Fabio. You ok Kids, yeah we are. I feel like we need a talk, a proper one.

I'm really glad to have you both home, but you can live at both houses. I
Don't feel like im pressuring you both to stay here, no we want to. We really missed you, I missed you both so much. Do you like Fabio, yeah he's amazing. He's such a gentleman and genuine person, he a great step dad. You don't have to call him that, no we want to. I just dont want this to be too fast for you both, I'm Trying my best. I know I have not been the best dad, but I do love you and I would do anything for you both. You are a great dad, do not be silly Mattia says. You have saved my life, it's just sad we wasn't their for when you needed us. Fabio told us, but why dad.

Well I sigh, when Johnny broke up with me. I couldn't keep fighting, I had nothing left to fight with. I couldn't keep being the lost dog following Johnny, always making things right. I wanted to, but I was drained I was empty, I had no one to turn too. That I could tell, because I felt like they were to busy for me. I did not want to burden them with my issues, so I kept it to myself. I did not want to tell you, because I knew you would come home. You both needed time as much as I did, to process everything. One dull rainy day, I could not fight to live no more. I went for a long drive, making sure it's what I wanted. I wrote letters for you both, until you got married and later. I went to the bridge which was empty because of the weather, I stepped over the frame and just thought. I apologised to my mom, family friends and god, for what I was about to do. You got to remember, you know my mom was my everything besides you both and Johnny. I was about to jump, when Fabio pulled me back over. He had words with me, I instantly fell for him. But I wanted to take it slow, after your dad. I just felt he would leave me to, after finding out how messed up I was.

But he supported and stuck with me, dad should of too. Ashton no that was out of line, your dad was suffering too. He lost the man he loved, and his second mother. In a matter of months, your dad was amazing. He was always their for me, but I think he ran out of fight to. We have had alot of ups and downs, your right dad. I'm sorry, hey its ok putara (son in punjabi).

Let's get ready to go, we will be late.

We arrive at London, a car is waiting for us at the airport. We arrive at the Palace, We humbly welcome you Mr Royalty and your family. We go into our huge room, and sit down. The door Knocks, it's Prince William, Prince George, Princess Kate. They greet us, Prince George says me and my sister loves your music. Aww thanks, your Highnesses like me. I'm privileged, here have These. I give them a Tshirt, and I sign them a poster. Omg thank you so much, sir Sunil is Fine Prince George. You can call me George, or Georgie. It feels wrong, no you can call us all by our first name. We really are big fans, we're so happy to meet you William says.

We will comeback later, if that is fine with you. We would love that would we kids, Mattia and Ashton walk forward with Fabio. These are my sons Ashton and Mattia, this is my partner Fabio. Aww what a lovely family Kate says. We will see you all later, it was nice meeting you I say. The pleasure is ours they reply, we sit down and I say to Fabio. Tonight me and you, I'm ready. You sure Amore, 100% I feel bad making you what so long. No I want to go at your pace, well I'm ready. I hug him, I Love you Fabio.

Just then the door Knocks, it's The king to be. Hello your Majesty I say while bowing, thank you so much for coming to celebrate my important day. The pleasure is mine, thanks for inviting me.

He leaves, the door Knocks again. It's the George, hey come in I say. We sit down and talk for a long time, sorry what happened between you and Johnny George says. I really shipped you both, hey George no upsetting talk. No it's ok William, he's fine. You are a big fan I take it, yes I am. I Really hoped you were coming, after my grandad said he invited you.

Smut Warning

I've been waiting so long for this Fabio says, he takes of his shirt. He kisses me Padsionatley, he then kisses down my neck body and to my cock. He takes of my trousers, he begins to suck my cock. Oh fuck Fabio, your so good at this. Mmmhhh fuck. You taste so good Amore, he devours my cock at a father pace. His head bobs up and down, I put my hand on his head.

He than says fuck me, I eat him out. Your so wet for me Fabio, yes I am. I put my tip in, he gasps, I'll stop if its too much. No fuck me, I put my full length in. Slowly fuck Fabio, fuck your so tight and wet. Faster Amore, I speed up. Fuck me faster with that big cock, fill me up. I fuck him harder and faster. I'm gonna cum Fabio, I cum in him. Of fuck, that was amazing. I pull out, and Fabio cums. I lick up his cum. You taste so good Fab, we fall to the bed.

The next Day

The coronation Ceremony has happened, we're outside. The Royal Family are greeting people, I see a gun man. I say George watch out, I pull George back. He falls on top of me, you ok buddy. Yes thanks to you, the royal Guards arrest the shooter. Sunil your bleeding George says, I'm ok. The bullet has hit my torso, Fabio comes running with Mattia and Ashton.

You ok dad they ask, yeah I am. My arm hurts, George says. I think it's broken, the king comes. Arrest him to, he touched a royal. No dad he save George, he would be dead if it wasn't for him. Doctor now Kate says, the come.

I am patched up and the bullet is removed. George walks in, thank you for saving me. Don't be silly, I would do it again too. I'm sorry about your Broken arm, better than being dead. Can you Sign the cast, of course I will. Can you come to my Birthday, oh I'm sos sorry dont hate me. I'm on tour, I will definitely pop by though. Your the best, George here you are. We have been looking everywhere for you, atleast your safe with Sunil.

Your mom wants you George, Sunil can you please come to his birthday. I heard you couldn't I'll pay the expenses of the tour and double your pay, I'll be their I want it to be suprise for George. I never let down fans, or freinds. That we are, freinds William says.

You all ready for the performance tmorrow, we are so excited. Yeah, just a bit nervous. Your lucky to be alive William says, thanks once again. But why would you do that, well its just who I am. I've seen alot in this life, for me it's been alot. My grandma's death, my mom and son dieing. Its just made me want tro make sure now has to go through that, with me it's different. Myself family know so much, I just want to be with my Son, mom and dad. But I feel selfish if I leave them behind, I saved your son. Because he has alot to see, he is the future of my homeland. He needs to be here to keep your Family mission, I'm a nobody. He's more important than I am and to more people, I would do it over again without hesitation. I dont have any motivation to continue music, not since the tribute. Its not like before, I lost another piece of my heart, but George deserves to live. I do don't get me wrong but, I want to see my mom so bad. Its sounds bad, but I wanted to die.

Sunil George says, don't you ever leave me. Alot of people depend on you. Think about Krew, Mattia, Fabio, Johnny and Ashton. Along with you extended family, Gavin also does that you protect and look after his brothers. He hugs me, your right I'm sorry. I see a vision of Krew being hit by a car, I call Krew.

You ok buddy, sorry its been awhile I've been busy. You always are, just promise to come see me. I miss you, I need you. Krew where are you, in the front garden. Go inside now, why. Just than the phone cuts off, he rings back. Im inside, i will try to come soon. I

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