Broken Ties, stronger Bond

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Fabio's POV

Its been a day since our date, i look down to see blood coming out Sunils mouth nose and ears. Amore wake up your bleeding, i wipe his mouth. His voice is really raspy, I'm ringing the doctor no excuses, Fab. No im doing it, please Fabio not yet. Fine, i wipe away the blood. Your so stubborn , yeah i am. It will be the death of you, no your hotness will be Fab. i blush, I take him downstairs. We just finished breakfast, he lifting the plates while i clean the dishes. I hear a crash and thud, Amore you ok as i see him on the floor. he cut his arm, wrist,hand and shoulder with glass, i lift him up help him to a chair. Amore what happened, i felt dizzy and tired. You need some rest, i take out the glass and get bandages. I bandage his hand and wrist, i also bandage his arm and shoulder. I give him paracetamol, and take him to bed. I see my shirt covered in blood, Later he comes out his room. I stand behind him, you ok now. He falls down the stairs and goes through the drawer, fuck amore you ok. Johnny walks in, Sunil he runs to him. so do i, stay away from him. I did not do anything, he fell down the stairs what did i do. That's what they all say, get away from him Johnny says while pushing me. You pushed him didn't you Fabio, talk about a saviour but your intensions are darker. No its not like that, i love him i do, you pushed him, i know this will go round in circles. He wont believe me unless i say i did it, yes i pushed him i say. YOU FUCKING PUSHED HIM, IM GOING TO KILL YOU. GO ON THEN, HOW WILL SUNIL EVER FORGIVE YOU. Johnny stop, he did not push me i fell. I swear on our sons life, im not well. I've called a ambulance Johnny says. Your bandage all over, Fab bucket now. Yes Amore, i run up the stairs. I hear Johnny say hes gone now you can tell me, John he did not push me i swear look into my eyes. I dont know, he pushed you he said he did. JOHNNY NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE YOU, what is that meant to mean. You know, i walk back downstairs. Here you go Amore, thanks Fabby.

The ambulance arrive, so does the police. Fabio Colombo, It is 6;15 pm im arresting you on suspicion of Domestic Abuse, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say could be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to contact a lawyer If you want, but cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided before any questioning. I get handcuffed, i did not do anything. He did not do anything Sunil says, Im ill i felt dizzy and i slipped. Sunils eyes close, i run to him an the police stop me i push past them. Amore wake up, the police grab me. Their is CCTV, i say that will prove im innocent.

im put in the police car then a cell, Amore i hope your ok. Just then, an officer says you parents have been contacted. Your lawyer will be arriving any minute, but how we have no money. Sunil provided the lawyer, the best you can get. Reviewing the CCTV, we cannot say for certain what happened, we are waiting of the call form a doctor. To see if Sunil is ill or not, if he is and he their is evidence of dizziness you will be acquitted of this charge. We meet the lawyer, after a hour. I am released on bail.

Sunil's POV

I wake up in hospital, wheres Fabio. In prison where he belongs, he pushed you down the stairs. No i felt dizzy and i fell, explain the blood. He helped me up when i fell earlier, stop covering for him. this made me really angry, DID I EVER CALL THE POLICE ON YOU, WHEN YOU BEAT ME UP AND LEFT ME FOR DEAD. Johnny not everybody is like you, yes you were going through a dark patch, you need to believe me he did not push me. I PROTECTED YOU, I SAVED YOUR LIFE. SHALL I TELL THE POLICE ABOUT YOU, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT. I CANT BELIEVE YOU JOHN. Im sorry, IT DOESNT CUT IT. Just then Fabio walks in, he walks round and kisses me. How are you out, you should be in jail where you belong. JOHNNY DID YOU NOT LEARN ANYTHING, HE DID NOT PUSH ME. YOU HAVE LEFT ME TO DIE TWICE, DID I EVER TELL THE POLICE NO. YOU BEAT ME, LET A SHELF CRUSH ME. i begin to cry, thank god my sons still had hope for me. you tried to poison their mind about me, JOHNNY I CAN TBARE TO FACE YOU, LEAVE BEFORE I SAY SOMETHING I REGRET, johnny leaves. Amore you should not be shouting, im s sorry to hear about that. It really hurt my heart. I fall in to Fabio's arms, he sits on the bed and hugs me. Amore it ok, i instantly stop crying.

The doctor comes in, we have done some tests. we need one more to do, so we are sure on our diagnosis. They take me in, i have a camera down my throat. i wake up and tell Fab to get me a drink, he does the doctor walks in. Mr Royalty based on our tests, and your track record we have found you have oesophagus cancer. I begin to cry, the doctor says im sorry. We will discuss treatment, he leaves. Fab walks in, i cant have cancer not now. Im the happiest ive ever been in awhile, i have my drink. i fall asleep, i wake up to see Noah and Bryce. Wheres Fabio, they look at each other. He had to leave to go back to Italy, is he coming back, we dont know Sunnybear Noah says. he holds my hand, he gives me some paper.

Dear Sunil my Amore

I had to go to Italy for the business, you know what i mean. If i dont make it back you know i have loved you like no other, i love you so much, im sorry i had to go when you needed me the most. The doctor told me you had cancer, i did not leave because you are a burden to me, I had to go, i tried to get out of it but i could not. Lots of love your Pyaara Fabio

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