Flames of Ashes

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Fabio's POV

It's been a few days since the fight, I have it's about 12am. I go to Sunils House, I walk to the drive way. I see Johnny walk in the house, I'm angry. Has he moved on without trying to fix us, i walk in to our bedroom. I see Sunil Cuddling someone, I leave the house in tears.

The next day Sunil voice messages me. Please Fab I'm sorry, where are you. Please come home, i need you. Come over at 11, I need help ill be in our room.

Does that mean he hasn't cheated on me, but why was Johnny their. He would not lie to me, I'm gonna go.

I walk in to our bedroom, who the fuck are you sleeping with I ask quietly. It's Mattia, don't lie to me, so what is Johnny's car doing here. He's staying with us, he's unstable. He tried to kill himself, amore I'm sorry. Your sleeping with John aren't you, no I promise. Come round to see, he lifts up the blanket and I see Mattia's face. What happened to your Arm and hand Amore, I hurt my arm barging down the door to get Johnny out the bath. He put his head under it, and left the taps running. Omg I'm such a fool, I'm so sorry I begin to cry. Hey Fabio it's ok, I hurt my hand punching the people who tried to rape Mattia. Its damaged him, the progress we made is gone.

It's all my fault if I just checked behind me before I came in, it's not your fault Amore you didn't know. Plus Johnny had worried you, I hug him and keep saying I'm sorry. Fabio I love you, but you don't trust me. That hurts, I don't think we can have a relationship if you can't trust me. Your breaking up with me i ask, no im not. I promised to never do that, I just think you need to work on yourself. If I'm a distraction, do what you need to do, I'm not pinning it on you that you need to break up with me. But do what you have to Fabio, I want to be with you. You need to have trust in me, I would never cheat on you. Or do something behind your back, Sunil I'm sorry.

I hug him and kiss him, I promise I trust you. Get some sleep Sunil says, I go out the room. Wait Fabio your not sleeping with me, I can put Mattia with John. No he needs you, and that's why I love you Fabio. By the way Fab, please don't tell Johnny, I won't plus that's for you to tell him not me. Sunil gets out of bed and kisses me, goodnight Fabio.

Sunil's POV

Mattia wakes up, Dad where are you. I'm him, I just look at him and I begin to cry. How can I sort out, I have to put everyone above myself. My arm and hand really hurts, I think its either broken or fractured. Few hours later I wake up, I lift up Mattia. Its me dad, I'm going downstairs. I did not want to leave you, my arm bulges out my skin fuck i shout. My arm gives way, I drop Mattia, but Johnny grabs him. Mattia wakes up, Dad help me. Mattia it's ok your with dad, he turns to me and grabs my body. I lifted him with my other arm, what's wrong Mattia. He just crys, not now John. It will hurt you too much, tell me his my son too. Mattia looks at me and knods,I will in due time John please just trust me. Fine,your arm needs to be checked out. Fabio walks putwhats going on, my arm is fucked Fab. John take him to hospital, I'll look after Ashton and Mattia. No dad don't leave me Mattia says, hey ok you can come too. Fab come with us, what about Ashton. He can come too, ok ill go get him.

We arrive at the hospital, I have an xray. Within 10 minutes I get my results, its a broken hand. I have fractured my arm in 3 places, I will need surgery. So I am put up in a room, Mattia is fast asleep on my bed next to me. Johnny walks in, hey how you feeling. What you think, its all my fault I'm so stupid. Your blaming it on me that's why your angry, hey John im not angry I was kidding. Its not your fault, it's my own fault for using my arm. And I would do it again for you, no matter what the pain.

I'm just as broken as you, but im slowly building my path to the light up. I haven't even gone to get my mom's ashes, I can't even concive the thought of scattering her. But John im always here for you, no matter what's happening im here. Don't think because I'm busy or have things going on I won't have time for you, I will always have time for the people I love.

I need to tell you something, John but I don't think your ready for it. It's something to with Mattia which is my fault, what did you do. The day I came to save you, 4 people left your house. I did not think about Ash or Matty I thought they were behind me, when I pulled you put the water. Mattia was screaming Johnny says, yeah the boys you had over tried to rape him. I got their in time, look what you did Sunil. You caused him to be like this it's all your fault, your such a shit dad. NO wonder I left your ass, YOUR USELESS AMD YOU DONT DESERVE THESE KIDS. GAVIN IS BETTER OFF BEING DEAD, IF YOU ARE HIS FATHER. Hey don't say that I say, no you need to hear this. Him getting nearly getting raped is on you, give Mattia to me.

He grabs Mattia, he wakes up. Let go of me dad help me, it is dad. He looks up and jumps out of Johnny's hands on to my bed in my arms, Mattia your coming with me. No I want to stay with dad, he's the one who let this happen to you. No it's not his fault dad, he saved me. He had two people to save that day, look how ungrateful you are. Mattia I. I I Johnny stutters and he runs off. I have tears streaming down my eyes, dad don't cry. It wasn't your fault, I promise. You saved me from it going further, Mattia your dad's right. I get up and leave, Mattia grabs me and hugs me. Dad don't leave I need you, it wasn't your fault. Dad just wanted to blame you, so he couldn't think you would blame him.

It's true Ashton says, get back into bed dad please. They both comfort me, until I fall asleep.

I wake up to see Fabio, morning my sleeping beauty. Your going into surgery soon, I am. I heard what happened with Johnny, he was out of order. It wasn't your fault Amore, i just say nothing.

I'm am taken to surgery.

Fabio's POV

He is out of surgery, the doctor comes out and says. Were sorry for your loss, I fall to the floor. Sunil dying and their is nothing that can be done, I would advice you too call family to come see him. I fall to the floor, and cry. I get up and compose myself, Ashton I need to talk with you. I'm so sorry but your dad is going to die, the doctors have tried everything. But his heart rate is slowing down, I'm so sorry. We both cry, wheres dad Mattia I go to him I'm sorry Matty Mattia asks tell me it's not true. Uncle Bryce it's ok he will get up he will be fine, Bryce just crys

Uncle Noah tell me it's not true Mattia says, you never lie tell me it's not true. I'm sorry Sweet child, he's going to leave us. Mattia falls into my arms, hey son its going to be ok. I hug him tight, I need to see him. No you can't, no I want to. He runs into his room, I run after him. He's laying on Sunil's Chest, crying. I sit next to him, im sorry Mattia.

I call Johnny, if Sunil has told you to ring to come talk. It's going to be no, tell him I'm moving out. It's all his fault what he's done, he deserves everything that happens to him. Even death, Johnny is silent. He's gonna die, I cut off the phone in tears.

I message everyone on his phone to let them know, the Binghams reply on route. So does the Prince William, we be their as soon as we can. Tell him ro hold on for us,

Ashton runs into the room and he lays on the bed opposite to Mattia, if this is goodbye dad i love you so much. Thanks for being the best dad I could ever ask for, the dad I needed. He kisses Sunil, they justly their and cry.

Johnny arrives, he walks in. Dad leave Mattia says, this is all your fault. You don't deserve to see him after everything you said, he says nothing. No Mattia he's staying I say, he was just angry. He already has enough guilt, don't put more on him I say.

A few hours later the Binghams arrive, They walk in. I'm so sorry Mattia, Ashton and Fabio Krew says. He was the best person ever, he was my brother and ill miss him.

The next day the royal family arrive, where is he. Your Highness I hear outside. Who have you come to see, Sunil Royalty he is a friend of ours. Room 21, they walk in. George says you saved me and I could not repay you, thank you so much for everything.

Half an hour later, Sunil breathes his last breath.

The doctor comes in sorry for your loss, where is doctor Snow John asks. He's off the doctor replies hesitantly, oh ok. That's when I thought something doesn't feel right, we will send him to The Funeral home his Son was at.

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