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Fabio's POV

It's him Luca says isn't it, yes. Amore rang me but how, were done Fabio. Fuck you, Alek comeback. No, Amore I miss you, I do too. Please comeback I need you, I'm sorry I can't. You moved on, yeah I say. So have you, no never. I need you Fabio I want you, please come home. I love you so much, I do too. So if you do come home, I am home. No your real home with me, its so hard without you. I gave up on everything, treatment, life and I'm just nothing without you. I'm sorry amore, but you will find a way. I can't not without you, did you not say you love me too much to loose me, that you would never let me go until death. I say nothing, I did amore. Stop calling me Amore unless you mean it, I do amore. So come home please, I can't. So you don't love me no more, always. But I got a life seehere now, oh ok. How are you feeling I ask after surgery, good I think. Have not been to any appointments, you he asks. Same, I got to go Luca is calling me. Ok bye he says, I begin to cry. Luca what did I do, alot of stupid decisions fabz. I'm your bestfriend right, yeah I say. So you won't mind me saying this, you fucked up. I hug Luca, pack your leaving Italy behind today. I can't, you cna and you will. I'm coming to, you need to get their safe.

It takes me months to pack, and send stuff over. I send it the cabin, Sunil let me have if I needed it.

I arrive in Toronto, I missed this I say. Same Luca says, I go to Sunils House. Johnny opens the door, he hugs me and says im so so sorry Fabio. Mattia helped me understand, it's ok. It's not, you helped my son and me and I backstabbed you. Its ok, where are the kids. School Johny says, hey Johny I'm Luca the one who kidnapped Sunil we laugh, yeah that's me alright.

We go to Sunils room, he's asleep. Just lay with him, when he wakes up he will be suprised. No I cant, I'll wait till he wakes up. We leave, hours later. I go to the toilet and here sunil Crying, please god bring him back. I smile to myself, he wants me and deep down I want him too. I go downstairs, we knock the door. Sunil you got a visitor, no visitors. Even if it's a special one, no sorry Noah and Bryce. I walk in fuck this I say, I sit and lay next to him in bed. Go away, fine I will I say. Fabio it's you he says with a sad tone, not happy to see me. Yes I am, when did you get here. Today, you came to see me. Yeah, I missed you I say. I missed you more he says, I hug him. I'm sorry I left, it's ok. You are happy so it makes me happy he smiles weakly. Doesn't seem like it, well it does. Amore, I do love you but, don't call me amore unless you mean It. Amore listen, no. Amore. It's Sunil Fabio, only my boyfriend Fabio can call me amore. AMORE please listen, no. I get up and kiss his lips passionately, Amore I love you. I'm sorry I left. My brain was messed up, I wanted to call or even visit but you never reached out. So I thought you were angry with me, so I didn't. I was never angry, you left your phone here. I only got your number that day I rang, because you rang me. I did, yes. I don't remember doing it, must of been Luca. I kiss him, stop you have someone. I don't, it was just to try and forget you because I thought you got back with Johnny. No, I promised you till death do us apart. I kiss him again, does that mean were back together. No I just wanted to kiss you, obviously Amore. I hug him tight, i love you.

I go downstairs, the kids walk in with Johnny. Your downstairs dad, Mattia says. The kids all hug me, yes. I feel better, I really miss Fabio Mattia says. When is he coming back Nidal asks, hopefully soon Ashton says, for real Gavin says.

He walks out, miss me much. They hug him, so you came to visit Mattia says. No I'm here to stay, your back together yes we are I say. You know how sad dad was without you, your his light bringer. Never do that to him again, Nidal say.

I blush, they really like you sunil says.

So you still can't walk, no I stopped everything when you left. I could not face anything, if something happened I would have no one to hold. You left me, it hurt me. I love you so much, i know you felt distant. But I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I've only got my eyes on you, he hugs me tight. I missed your cuddles and smell, when you left I thought I'd never get to see or cuddle you again. I thought it was all gone for ever, I thought you hated me and I would never see your beautiful face again. You don't know how much you scared me Fabio, I was gonna leave Canada to move to Italy. So I could be with you, I'm sorry Amore. I promise to never do it again, I kiss his head.

I know you love me Amore, my judgement was off. He grabs my hand, me you bedroom now. I'm tired Amore, that's what I meant. I want to cuddle, I do want to have sex. But not today, you had a long flight. Johnny, will you help me to my room. Sure Sunny, just don't hurt yourself. I laugh, not for that reason. Yeah yeah, I nudge him. I'll do it Amore, no your tired.

We get into bed, and lie down. He cuddles me tight, any tighter I'll explode. I joke, I'm not going anywhere Amore I promise. I know you missed me, I missed you too. I made the most stupid decision ever in my life leaving you, I'm sorry. Luca even shouted at me, he was angry with me deep down. I was angry at myself too, it was hard to let you go.

I'm just a stupid boyfriend, no your not. Never call my boyfriend stupid, he's the best ever. Amore, I missed this. Your just great, you don't understand. After what I did how can you take me back, I begin to cry. He wipes my tears, because I love you. You are my only direction, the only selection. You are true perfection, your so sweet. You know how to make me happy, your the best Amore.

Now get some sleep, I extend my arms. I'll hurt you, no you won't. No I cant, please Fabio. No, I'll be ok promise. Fine, I take off my t-shirt. He puts his head on my chest, I look down he looks up. I love you Amore, I love you more.

I play with his hair, your comfortable. I missed this, your not mad with Johnny. No, you told me not to be. I did it for you, because I love you so much.

How was Italy he asks, i ignore his question. I don't want a argument already, Fab how was Italy. WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME I SAY AS I GET UP, Fabio what's wrong Baby. I was just asking, YOU WANT A ARGUEMENT I shout. No I was asking like how was your family freinds and how it felt to be back. FUCK THIS I say, Fabio what's the matter. I put his head on my chest, it's ok Fabio. I hug him, I begin to cry. I'm sorry Amore, what's wrong. I don't know, since Ieft I changed. It's ok Fabio, I'm here. He touches my head, my anger goes. It was good, I got to see my family. I'm not saying you stop me, I liked it. You should go more often Sunil says, would you come with me I ask. Of course I will, I'm sorry I say. Fabio it's ok, but what are you angry about. I don't know, something took over. It's ok, well work on it. Thanks Amore, that's why I love you. Your patience, your helpful and just loving, I kiss his lips.

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