The RollerCoaster Ride

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Sunil's POV

Last two days Fabio has been acting different, he looks dazed.

He walks into bed, I open up my arms for him. I notice his eyes are bloodshot red, I just thought he's been crying. He just lays on the bed, Fabio you don't want cuddles. NO JUST LEAVE ME BE, come on let's talk about it. I DONT FUCKING WANT TO, stop shouting Fab. I'm only trying to help, I already feel shit I can't do much. WELL YOU SHOULD, YOUR JUST SHIT. Fabio, you was not saying this the other day. What's wrong Fabby, YOU THATS WHAT. YOU BEING ANNOYING, PESTERING ME. Fab look at me, he doesn't. Fabio look at me, fine I'm just trying to be the best Boyfriend I can. But obviously I'm not doing a good job, YOUR SHIT AT IT. I DO NOT WANT TO MARRY YOU, CAN WE CALL IT OFF. If you want to we can, we need to focus on you right now. I NEVER WANT TO MARRY YOU, Fabio you don't mean that do you. I get up and walk round to him, Fabio you need me right now. Since you went to get a drink you changed, has something happened. He gets up, pushes me to the ground. YES YOU BEING SO ANNOYING, CAN'T YOU GET THE HINT. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU SO FUCK OFF, Fabio you don't mean that. HOW DO YOU KNOW,  he begins destroying the room. Fabio stop, I grab him. He begins hitting my chest, I hug him its ok Fabio I'm here. I put him in bed, get some sleep. Within minutes he falls asleep, I think to myself. He's never been like this ever, I know he's suffering. But he would never lash out at me like that, something triggered it. Maybe lack of sleep, or drugs. But I don't want to jump to conclusions, I've witnessed people on drugs. Their like this, I slide of bed. Mattia and Nidal comeback from the park. What happened in here and your arm is cut, Fabio got angry. He's hurting, Nidal says. He needs you dad, only you can fix him. I know, they help me clean up. I order the things Fabio Broke, most of it was his things. I feel bad, because I felt like I pushed him to this. I get back into bed, I check my socials and watch Fabio sleep. I wish I could just see what you're thinking, what your beautiful mind has to show.

I play with his hair, I get a vision. From Fabio's mom, your doing a great job Sunil. Your being with my son, is helping pushing the darkest of the darkness at bay. But work helps, that's what helped him with Elio. It's a escape but it also gives him time to think and helps him know he has to continue, try this If not. Take him somewhere secluded, it helps him think. If that does not work, give him a letter I wrote. The vision goes and Fabio wakes up, Fabio's mom gave me a box of letters to give Fabio for vital parts in his life. To give it when the time was right.

Fabio's POV

What happened to the room Amore I ask, nothing few things fell. I see a cracked photo, your Grandma gave you this Frame and Chain. These did not just fall, you don't remember Fabio. No, he grabs my hand, now keep calm for me. Ok amore, Fab you went crazy. You got into a rage, I.i.i stutter, what. I'm so sorry Amore, your grandma gave this you. Fabio it's ok, the Memories are more important not objects. I just cry in Sunil's arms, he hugs me. Fabio, he says. Yes Amore I respond, I know your on drugs. You've changed, for the worse. Fab I know your mom passed, but drugs are not the answer.  I'm not on drugs amore, Fabio you can't lie to me. I've seen people on drugs, your on cocaine.  I'm shocked he knew I was on coke, how do you know its cocaine. Fab I just do, now you need to stop. I will amore, starting now.

I empty the drugs down the sink, and delete the dealers number. You don't need that white stuff, when you can have mine. It's not powder its wet, but yo like it. I laugh and smile, Fab I know what will help. What I say, work. I found you a model shoot and an movie, a romantic one. Of ots not with you Amore I'm not doing it, I'm not gonna kiss anyone that's not you. Fab it's work, I understand I trust you. I feel bad and wrong, Fabio it isn't. Its what you have to do, I'm ok with it.

But how, its a job you have to do. Your so understanding, I love you. This will help me, but how did you know. I know everything about you, scrap that your my husband to be. He says nothing, Amkre what's wrong. Well you said you did not want to marry me ever, it wasn't me speaking it was the drugs of course I do. He hugs me, I love you we both say.

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