Bad News, Great Escapes

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He's left me, Hey its ok he will be back for you Noah says. Yeah that's if he lives, he will be fine. I don't know about that Noah, you know I love you right Noah. But I can't tell you, because you will hate me and Fabio. I won't, Noah you will. I can't risk loosing my bestfriend, my brother from another mother, I promise. NOAH LISTEN TO ME, THIS IS TO BIG. YOU WILL NEVER TALK TO ME, I promise on our promise ring I won't, fine Fab is part of the Maffia. Yeah see your speechless your going to leave, he hugs me. He will be fine, I begin to cry until I fall asleep.

Fabio's POV

I'm dreading going back home, theirs going to be a war. I don't want to to go, if I get killed ill never see Sunil again. I was hoping me leaving and me being with him. My father would let me leave, Sunny needs me more. He's ill but I don't know what's wrong with him, I get a voice message of Noah. Hey I thought you ought to know, Sunil may have Cancer. Fuck, I hope he doesn't. I arrive in Italy, my dad greets me, dad please let me leave. I have a boyfriend, he needs me as much as I need him him. Sorry Fabz I can't let that happen, please dad. NO AND THATS FINAL, I walk into my room ready to prepare. I write a message for Sunil, my bestfriend walks in Luca. Long time no see, yeah it'd been awhile hey. So how is Canada the best, I have the best boyfriend ever. He's name is Sunil, I need you to do something for me. If I die, go tell Sunil please I beg you. He means alot to you, yeah he's alot better than Elio. Wow that a shock, see I told you. You would find the right one, I need you to tell him I person if anything happens to me. Don't check on me, go straight to him. Royalty Road RK03NB royalty Palace 402, you can't miss it.

We go to war, they arrive an opposing Maffia Gang. I shoot 5 people, I get up to move. I get shot in the stomach, I see Luca run off. He knods at me, I hear my parents shout out Fabio my son. No stay with me, I love you mom and dad. I look to the sky, Su..nil m..y Amore I love you. I pass out,

Sunil's POV

I am awoken by a hand on my mouth, do not scream Fabio sent me. Im Luca he's bestfriend, bes told me alot about you. What's happened to Fab, he's been shot he's not in a good way. He say with a thick accent, Luca please take me too him. I cannot your in hospital for a reason, no Fabio is more Important I must be with him. Fine I'll get you before visiting closing times, Johnny walks in with Noah and Bryce. Who was that they say, oh he had the wrong room. Johnny if your hear to cause issues and make up lies leave now, he sits next to me. I'm sorry I really am, he hugs me. I just miss you so much, I still care for you.

I write a note, I wait for luca. He walks in All ready, luca can you pass me the bucket please. I cough up blood and clots, you ok Sunil. Yeah just got Ospheagus cancer, oh that sucks I'm sorry. It is what it is, so why did Fab leave when he you needed him the most. His father refused to let him stay, he is so stubborn, but you can get him out I know you can.

I arrive in Italy, I am blindfolded. Is it really necessary, it's not like I will sell out my boyfriend. Fine I trust you, so were you close to Elio. Yeah we I was, we were a unseperable. But he did wrong, I don't think he deserve to die. Its wrong that Fab had to do it, do you not fear Sunil it will happen to you. No I don't fear death, if I had to die I would prefer Fab to end it. Fearing death causes fear of living, we're here Luca says. Thank you for this, no problem, I walk in. Who's this Fabio dad says, I'm Fabio's bestfriend Mr Colombo. Oh the one he talks so much about, yeah I guess so sir. Call me Matteo, this is my wife Aurora. Nice to meet you both, I'm Sunil. Well it's great to finally meet you, strange request do you have a bucket I say. Your voice sounds raspy, I vomit blood on the floor. I'm so sorry, it's ok. I have Cancer,does Fabio know. No he doesn't, it will worry him more. I'll tell him in die time, you can go see him. He will be ok, he was just shot in the stomach. I walk in and hold his hand, he wakes up. AMORE YOUR ACTIALLY HERE, yeah of course I would come. Keep it low, i told your dad I was your bestfriend. Oh, thank you so much. Your the best, he hugs me. How are you Fab, forget about me how are you. I'm good, just waiting on the results than treatment than options.

Fabio's POV

My dad walks in, dad it's not what it looks like. He's your boyfriend, I know Fabz. He's a good one too, so I'm giving you out the Mafia. For him, if you told me he was this ill I would of told you to leave. He needs you, but you need him more. I'm sorry for what happened with Elio, but I promise I will protect you both. Thanks Dad,I love you. He had a word with you didn't he I say, yes and he was right.

Look you could of died, it would of been my fault. You both leave tonight, by plane. No one knows but You me and Luca, he will drop you.

We arrive at Canada, I open the door. Sunil is back home, but he will have to go back in hospital. He has been coughing up blood and clots, more regularly then usual. I see a letter addressed to Johnny, I ring him. Hey Johnny, you have a letter. From the hospital, I'm fine it must be for Sunil. Which means it's yours, open it. I can't it has your name on it, has Sunil been in hospital recently. Yeah he has, well open letter. I read it and drop my phone, Fabio what's the matter you their. I pick up my phone, he had cancer.

I'm on my way Johnny says, message me talk with him first, AMORE YOU LIED TO ME. I KNOW YOUR SECRET, what do you mean. I show him letter, he sighs. Fabio I did not tell you, I did not want you to worry about me. When you left I found out, I did not tell you. You would be worried about me. You could of told me after I say, you would of blamed yourself and would of became distant that you wasn't with me. I did it for you, in your best interest. I get up and leave, I need to think. Fab don't be like this please, fine. He opens up his arms, I run into them. I begin to cry, Fab I will be fine. I can have treatment their are options, but if I don't make it carry on without me.

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