Forest Fires of Dispair 2

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Sunil's POV

We arrive to the location, Nidal twist his ankle. I tell Gavin to come to me, he runs with Ashton and Mattia. Take him to the hospital, who's with Fabio. Johnny, Mattia says.

I run to Fabio, Fab what you doing. He says nothing, Piara don't do this to me. I need you, I walk closer slowly. Comeback over the railing, he just looks at me. Fab please I need you, I can't live without you. I know you lost your mom and it hurts, but I did too. This is not the answer, you know who taught me that. You, you did. You were right, I'm so glad you were there. That day, or I would not of got to kiss you, or fuck you. He smiles trying to hide it, I need you. I walk over the railing, I hold his hand. If you jump I will, he looks at me.

Fabio's POV

Sunil is holding my hand, he says if you die I die too. I'm so shocked, no one had ever done this with me. Its your choice, Am..ore I say, you go. Let me do this, Never Fabio. We both die together, no amore you have kids. So do you step kids and a son Nidal. He needs you, they need you I do. So if you jump I will too, he holds my hand tighter. Fabio I know your hurting, so am I. But this is not the way, I'm here for you. I can help you through this dark patch, but if you want to jump let's do it. I sit down on the bridge, so does he. Amore I'm sorry, Fabio don't be silly. I understand your pain, I do. I'm here for you, I'm not going anywhere.

I'm here for as long as you need me, I love you so much Fabio. He kisses me, Fab you want to talk about it. Were both wet, because it is tipping down rain. Your mom would not want you to do this, the rain is a sign. Amore I'm sorry, Fabio stop apologising. Your safe, I'm glad I got here on time he says. I hug him, he asks me why I was gonna do it, what can he do to help. I say nothing, but cry in his arms. Johnny says, I'm gonna check on the kids. They will be in the hospital, why Nido hurt himself. I'm worried but to sad to say anything, I'm glad I have Sunil. He stopped me, he does love me. He's determined to do anything for and with me.

3 hours later, I look at him. Ready to go, I just knod. He tells me to go over first, no Amore you should. No Fab your more important, when your over safely. I'll be ok, I will be over.
I walks over, slipping Sunil drops a bit. He's holding on to the bottom of the bridge, Amore. Take my hand, no Fab. If I die, I saved you. That's all that matters, I love you so much. Tell the kids I'm sorry, if I don't make it and that I love them.

Sunil drops into the water, I sit their AMORE I shout.

I sit their for hours crying, thinking about how I'm going to tell the kids their dad is dead. He died trying to save me, just then Sunil lifts me up. Fabio it's going to be ok, amore your ok. Yes, now our son needs us, I hug him tight. I'm so sorry Amore, Fabio it's ok. No one is hurt were both safe, promise me something Fabio. Don't let this affect you, don't be distant from me. Don't blame yourself, don't let the darkness take over. I say promise but crossing my fingers, how can I promise that I say in my head.

We arrive in the hospital, Fractured Ankle Nidal says. Sorry son, Sunil says. I'm sorry Nidal, its my fault I say. Don't be stupid, it was gonna happen sooner or later. Especially because I flip alot too, we hug him.

Next day

Sunil's POV

I wake up, I turn over to Fabio. Holding him tight, I whisper in his ear. I love you Fabio. I lay with him, he wakes up 20 minutes later. Hey Fab I was comfy I joke, he looks at me and crys. I can't do this he says, what do you mean Fab. It's to much, I could of killed you yesterday. Fab you promises to not do this or talk about it. How can I not, I feel ashamed. Fab no you shouldn't, I do I need to go. No when I needed a shoulder to lie on, who wad their for me. You a stranger turned lover, I barely knew. Let me be their for you, he ignores me. I get up and hug him, Fabio it's ok let it all out.

He just cries, Amore please let go. No, he beats my chest. Please amore I don't want to hurt you, no Fab I'm not going to. You need me, you leaving won't solve anything. He pushes me, I get back up and hug him. He does this another 5 times, Fab it's me Sunil. Your lover, I'm not letting you go into the darkness. Just trust me, let me be the one to hold you. Fab I'm taking your demons and making them mine, we get through this together. AMORE GET THE FUCK OFF ME, DONT MAKE ME HURT YOU. The kids run up, Dad let go he'll hurt you. You know his anger takes over, he won't Ashton. AMORE PLEASE GET OFF ME, I WILL HURT YOU. Fabio you won't, I know you. I kiss his head, he calms down.

Does that feel better, yes Amore. I'm sorry, Fabio it's ok. I lay him back in bed, Gavin whispers will you be ok, I knod. Let's go Gavin says, they do.

I put Fabio on my chest, I play with his hair. You are loved by me, my friends and your kids. Your not alone, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna help you, until you don't need my shoulder to cry on, I feel tears on my chest you laugh when say something funny, you smile without me making you. I love you Fabio so much, I'm so lucky to have you. To marry you and call you my husband, I'm so proud if the person you became and are. You light up my world, with laughter and love. I feel safe when I'm with you, the same way you feel safe with me. I'm here to stay, here to love you. Protect you, make you feel happy. Out of all the boyfriends I have had, your the best one. The best one to love me, the best in bed.

He giggles, your the one all along. The one I can count on, the one who will stick by me. The one who I can call my love, the one I can call our Sons dad. Their is no words to describe how amazing you are, you should know that you are. I'm the luckiest boy in the world, that you chose me to marry. I'm not gassing you up, but its all true. When your ready, i am. I kiss his head, he moves to my shoulder and looks at me. He smiles, their it is. That beautiful contagious smile, he kisses my lips passionately. Thank you Amore, I really needed them words. I love you Amore, I love you more Fabio. I'm glad I chose you, he says. He hugs me tight, your the best husband ever Fabio says. I try to be Fab, I'm doing all I can for you. I want the old you back, i know Amore. But I'm struggling, I know you are Fabio. I see it, it hurts me so bad seeing you like this. I hug him tight, you being here amore does really help. I feel comforted, I feel safe with you. I'm so happy I make you feel safe, I will always protect you Fabio. I know you always will protect me.

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