Tales From Below

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Fabio's POV

Im out of surgery mine was minor, im ok all the glass was removed. Sunil has gone into surgery, we are all nervous. Because this surgery van either help, or make him paralysed from the hips down. Meaning he won't be able to walk, Mattia is crying. Johnny goes up to him, to hug him. Dad help me, it is your dad. He gets up and runs into my chest Fabio your ok, hey Mattia he will be ok. I lift him up, its just the last time he was kidnapped. He will be ok, it's his doctor is in their. Security is outside, we have nothing to worry about. Safe you know he, he dies I say. He won't, he's strong you know that. Of he does you have me and Johnny, and your brothers. But I need him, and he'll be their. You have nothing to worry about, I wipe Mattia's tears away.

Johnny is angry, I'm sorry I whisper. Johnny walks off, Gavin look after your brother for me. I go after Johnny, hey what's the matter. You, you turned him against me. I'm his dad but yet he went to you, I hug Johnny he cries. I'm sorry Johnny, I'm not trying to replace you. But what do I do in that situation, say go to your dad. What kind of person does that make me, he pushes me back. I'm sorry Johnny, since you came Fabio. You made so much things worse, my kids no longer come to me. I'm sorry I say. Not good enough, my kids can't even come to me, they rather go to you. I'm Mattia's Ashton and Gavins Dad me, I know and your do a great job. DONT FUCKING GIVE ME SARCASM, I'm not. I'm being serious, you can be their for them in things that I can't. I'm sorry mattia came to me, I froze myself. I'm sorry, I have not said anything to them I promise. But still they love you more, don't be silly I say. OH FUCKING SAVE IT, YOU IDIOT. NOT GONNA GO ALL CRAZY FABIO, no im a changed man. Johnny begins to push me, I do nothing. I just hug him, he cries I'm so sorry Johnny. I really am, FUCK OF BACK TO ITALY. NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE, I walk off. Its best for me not to be in this situation.

Johnny's POV

I walk up to Mattia and hug him, he will be ok. Dad help, it's is me it's Johnny. I'm sorry dad, it's just. Yes son I know, where is Fabio Mattia asks. Why I ask, I need him. But you have me, dad I know. But when I say you make me laugh, when I need comfort Fabio knows what to do. I do love you dad, you have cheered me up. But I need Fabio, he's trained to help me. Fuck I get what it, why am I so stupid. Making idiotic mistakes, who am I to do this. Mattia comes to me for certain things, he goes to Fabio to certain things too. But if I say this to Mattia, I'll look like jerk. He left, but why. I don't know, he just did.

Fabio's POV

I hear a voice shouting my name, Fabio where are you. Fabio, I turn back to see Mattia.

Where you going he says, I got to go. Where home, no Mattia Italy. You coming back he asks. I sigh, I don't know. I begin to cry, hey dad it's ok Mattia says. He hugs me, please stay. I can't, but im so proud of you Ashton,Gavin, and Nidal. I am proud to call you my children, but if you need me I'll be here. I love you Mattia, don't go Dad I need you. I'm sorry, I leave the hospital.

I go home and pack my things, I'm gonna miss you Sunil. I say while looking at a photo, I leave my 2nd phone on the bed with a voice recording. I look around the whole house, I'm really going to miss this place.

I leave, and buy a ticket back to Italy.

Johnny's POV

Mattia comes back with anger and suffering in his eyes, what did you say to Fabio. Nothing Son, what did he say I did. Nothing, but I know you did. Stop this Mattia Gavin says, no what did you say. Nothing I say, See Mattia he said nothing. So why would he leave, he told me he's going back to Italy and won't return. So you must of said something, nothing son. Nah I don't believe you, you have no right to call me son no more. Fabio helped me so much, now he's gone what will I do. You have me, yes but your not Fabio. When I was nearly raped, you were barley their. I know you were suffering, but you blames dad like it was his fault. When it was yours, that's enough Mattia Gavin says. The doctor comes, he's awake you can go see him.

Sunil's POV

Mattia runs in crying, what's the matter. I'm just glad your ok, he just crys and crys. I'm fine son so stop crying, it's not that. I did not want to tell you this, but Fabio has gone back to Italy. He's never coming back, what why I begin to tear up. All the memories I shared with him come flooding back, why. I don't know, but dad spoke to him. He must of said something, is Fabio ok. He had surgery himself, yes he's fine.

But he's gone, dad I need him as much as I need you. I'm sorry for everything, hey Mattia it's water under the bridge. How can you still love me, I always will your my son. How can I not love you, you mean so much to me. He just hugs me, I love you dad. I love you more Mattia, I'm tired he say. Come here I open my arms, he lays on my chest and I wrap my arms around him. 10 minutes later he is asleep, I ring Fabio. But he does not pick up, Fabio please don't go I need you. Your my husband technically, so please don't leave me. I love you, whatever was said is not true.  I swear on my promise ring, so please don't go.

I ring 10 more times, i leave 50 messages.

He's really gone and not coming back.

4 days later I'm discharged, I go home all the adaptions have been made. Piara I mean Mattia, can you help me upstairs to my room please. Yes, you miss him don't you Fabio says. Yes I do, me too he says. I get into bed, I see a phone on the bed. It's Fabios, I see all the Mesaages and Calls. He must of got another phone, I sigh. Their is a voice recording, I play it. Amore it's me, but obviously you know that. You should know that I left back to Italy, it was a choice kinda. Well when you went into surgery I came out, I am fine. All the glass was removed, have a concussion, so now that I left it may be because I can't make decisions right now properly. But Johnny said something to me, that really affected me. But made me think, but I don't know if it's right. So don't be mad with him please, Johnny was worried about you. So what happened is, Mattia was worried. So Johnny went to hug him, he called for you. But he ran to me, I was at a shock. But I understood why Mattia came to me, Johnny didn't. He got jealous and angry, he thought i said things about him to change the kids view on him. But I would never, the view the kids have are their own based on what they witnessed. He said that I wasn't wanted here, and I should go back to Italy. It made me think, me and you have been amazing. The best time I ever had, but I felt like we drifted. Either because you were ill, or suffering I do and will always love you. We drifted, the passion was not their as much. The kids were close to me, but it felt strange for me when Gavin and Nidal came. I do love them, I felt like we drifted more. I don't know, maybe its just my imagination. I felt isolated, I feel like you no longer had time, love or anything for me. So the words Johnny spoke made me realise it, I felt like I wasn't wanted. But at the same time I did, Its wierd but my brain is confused. Him saying that might of made my brain think it. I dont know, but I hope you get well soon. You can all be a family again, you, Johnny, Mattia, Gavin, Ashton and Nidal. This won't be confusing for them, that they have a dad and step dad. I wish you all the best and I love you so much Amore, in the envelope in the draw is the promise ring you gave me.
And everything you brought me, I kept the necklace I needed some reminder of you everyday, of what I left behind. The best life ever, I love you Amore. Fabio Roy I mean Fabio Colombo.

Months later, I get a call. I pick it up, why won't you call me amore a voice says. Because I called a boy that once, I will never use it again unless it's him. I left him, I regret it so much. Ring him, I can't he will hate me. No he won't, he seems perfect. You guys can be friends Luca says, he was the best thing for you. He is a great person, he will always have you back. He loves you like no other, he's with Johnny now Fabio says. How do you know, I just do. FABIO IM NOT, the phone cuts off.

Fabio's POV

My phone rings, I answer it in Italian. Piara, Amore.............................

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