The Saviour, Is My lover 3

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Sunil's POV

Hey Fabio you ready, yeah he says. Come in then, Johnny is going to Help us, thanks Fabio says turning to Fabio.

When will you be Back Gavin says, I don't know. He hugs me and whispers, just be their for him. He needs you, only your the one. I hug Nidal I'll be back soon, I'll call Ashton. As he went to see his brothers, hey Ash you ok. Yeah you, Ash listen to me, when you get back I won't be here. Fabio's Mom passed, so I'm going to Italy with him. I love you so much, I'll see you soon. I love you dad, you can do this. That's not fair, no it is. You to more important, when your stress free and asleep I will be. Your so sweet Amore, that's why I'm proud to call him my dad. Sunil blushes, stop you both. Your gonna make me emotional, get some sleep Sunil says. Sorry dad, we all laugh. Now sleep, ok goodnight Amore, goodnight Dad.

We leave, 30 minutes later we arrive at the airport.

Fabio, sit with me I say. Where, on my laps. I'll hurt you, you won't I promise. He sits down slowly, I hug him tight. I love you Fabio, if you need to cry let it all out. I'm ok Amore, thanks your the best ever. Hey no you are, I kiss his head. We get to our gate, Fabio is asleep. You ok Mattia, yeah are you dad. I'm good, I hold his hand. I love you so much Mattia, why did you bring me i say. I did not want to leave you behind, we both did not. You need me, I promised not to leave you. So I brought you with me, Dad I love you. I need a toilet he says, I go with him. Where you going, with you. Your the best dad ever, I'm not but your the best son. Mattia drops his wallet, Mat before I could say something. The man taps Mattia, I hold his hand. Mattia I'm here, he breaths heavy. Its ok, thanks I say to the man.

Mattia sits on my left Lap, your ok Mattia. He calms down, I'm glad you were their. I would of lost myself, I would of just sat in the corner crying and screaming. You would not be able to hear me, I have a sixth sense I would of.

We get on the flight, in our business pods. Mattia is next to me, and Fabio infront.

The flight is in the air, Fabio says can I sit with you. Of course you can, why you asking Fab. He sits with me, I wrap my arms around him. I kiss his head, he smiles weakly. How do you know I needed that and this hug, I'm your boyfriend I know everything about you. Were connected, is Mattia ok Fabio asks. Yeah had an encounter, but I was their. How are you feeling, Amore. Good as I can be, you Fabby. He sighs, its ok let it out. He crys, I miss my mom. I know, its going to be hard but I'm here with you every step of the way. I will be your shoulder to cry on, the ears to your feelings, the embrace to your comfort. He at me and kisses me. Tell Mattia to join us, Mattia I call out. No response, I message him. Sit with us, their is no space. Their is always space for my bello son, I see him smile. I open the door, see told you their is space. I sit in the middle, between Fabio and Mattia.

We arrive in Italy, Fabio's Dad sent a car.

Fabio's POV

I run into my dad's chest, I'm so sorry I failed you he says. Not you did not dad, your the best dad ever. Sunil walks in, I'm so sorry Matteo. She was like a mom to me, but she's always looking down on you both, she was such a great woman. He asks about Sunils health, its good he replies.

Hey Mattia, I'm Fabios dad Matteo. I leave, to look around the house I begin to cry.

Sunil's POV

Matteo puts out his hand, to shake Mattia's hand. I grab Mattia's hand, it's ok Matty he won't hurt you I promise. He shakes Matteo's hand Matty go check on Fabio, he's still struggling after that day. Yes he is, bless him. He had you so he will be fine, so will Fabio. I'm so glad he has you, he always talks about you. You have me too, you alway will if you ever need me. Thanks Sunil, how did the surgery go. Well i think, my back feels stronger. Just hope it works, it will suns.

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