Dates of Memories

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Fabio's POV

Today Last part of the Album is releasing. I'm happy but sad at the same time, Sunil had Been great comforting me. I don't know how he does it, it's an angel.

I wake up early to go to the set, I know Sunil has not slept much. So I'm letting him stay in bed, he has alot going on.

I leave the house to go to the studio.

Sunil's POV

I wake up, I see Kevin awake and laying on my chest. You ok Kev, I say. Yes thanks to you, want to go downstairs. What do you want for breakfast, Waffles please my mom used to make them. He begins to cry, oh Kevin I hug him. It's ok, I'm here.

You know you got me, Fabio and your brothers. Alot of Uncles and freinds who will be here for you. He hugs me, when your ready I'm here. You know for what, he says thank you.

It's been about 2 weeks since Gavin and Ashton left, it's hit Mattia hard. Fabio has the final scene to film today, he sais he will be back at 2. Mattia, Nidal breakfast I say. They comedown, you ok Mattia. He just knods, I hug him. I know you miss your brothers, so do you Nidal. So get ready at 6pm were going to LA, to see them. We will be their for 5 months, I think it will help you both.

The eat and get packing, Kevin says. I always wanted to go LA, well today you will. Thanks your the best dad, Kevin says. I hug him, I kiss his head. Can you come with me to pack, We both go. Mattia comes in, Kevin you can have this. Its a Teddy, that dad brought me. It always made me feel happy and safe, aww Mattia that's so cute of you. Kevin hugs Mattia, it's ok Mattia says. His name is Rio, I hug Mattia. I love you so damn much, you nearly made me cry you so cute.

I hug Kevin, I love you Kevin. I'm so happy your my son, I'm so proud of you. He smiles, thank you I have not heard that in so long. Since my Parents left, He begins to cry. I hug him, about 5 years ago they were police officers. Their was a bomb, they put me somewhere safe. They said they would be back for me, they left me somewhere safe. They never came back, I waited until I saw a article of my my parents that they saves everyone, but they died. I was homeless ever since, the police believed I died too. I was all alone, bullied and beaten in care. Until I me you, I prayed for a better life. Their you were, like a angel answering my prayers. I hug him, im so sorry Kevin. You never have to worry about things like thar ever again, I promise I protect you. I hug him, your always be safe with me Kevin.

Fabio how you feeling, ok I guess. I know it's been a few months without your mom. He hugs me, I'm here for you Fabio. If you need to talk don't hold it in, having Kevin does not change anything. Thanks Amore, he hugs kisses my cheek.

We leave for the Airport, I message Johnny. As he is in LA too, Gavin and Ashton do not know we're coming. I tell him about Kevin, he says he's looking forward to meet him.

I tell Fabio see you soon, what do you mean Amore. I got to get Krew, I promised I'd come get him. No amore please don't let me go alone, you won't be you'll have Mattia, Nidal and Kevin Please, Piara It will be ok. I'll be their later on today worse case scenario tmorrow, ok amore. I hug him, im sorry Fab, its ok amore.

Amore take Kevin with you, he needs you right now. Ok Fabby, he kisses my cheek and hugs me.

Kevin ready, how come we're not going with Fabio he says quietly. Well see them soon, we have to go get someone from Utah. Oh ok, he says nervously. You'll be ok Kev, I sit him on my lap. He puts his head on my chest, I kiss his head. I'm so proud of you Kevin, your be ok your with me.

Fabio's POV

I did not want to leave Sunil, I wanted to be with him. But I know I'll see him soon, it's just I worry about him. My dad is still on the loose, he's been quiet, but knowing him, he's planning something big. Me being with him I can't still do something, I just hope he will be ok.

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