Reunion Of The Family

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Fabio's POV

I have been really nervous, about Sunil, Kevin and Krew. I don't want to message and make it obvious I'm worried, I'm just scared about what my dad is capable of. He will hurt everyone around me I love, to get to me.

Just then Sunil walks in, I jump up and hug him tight. He hugs me back, you ok Piara. Yeah just missed you, I begin to cry. Fab what's wrong, he kisses my head. Nothing like I said I missed you, he wipes my tears. he holds my hand, he takes me to another room.

Fab what's the matter, I was just worried about you. Why he says, because of my dad. I begin to cry, he hugs me Fabio we will be ok. He's hurt 3 people I love, yet your still with me. WHY, fabio don't shout. Its because I love you, your not the one who's doing this he is. BUT ITS MY FAULT, IF YOU NEVER MET ME YOU WOULD NOT OF KNOW ABOUT HIM, US HIDING. KREW, MATTIA AND NIDAL WOULD NOT OF GOT HURT i say. Fabio stop, I would not of made it this far if it wasnt for you, I would of been dead that day. You helped me out my dark times, brought the old me back. I look at him, he kisses me. Thanks Amore, for what. This, you just know how to make things right.

Nidal walks in, is everything ok. Yes they are, Fabby why were you shouting at dad, I was angry at myself Nido. Oh ok, Dad I missed you Nidal says hugging me. Mattia walks in with Kevin, I missed you too dad Mattia says. Hugging me, Kevin goes to leave. Come on I say to Kevin, he looks up and smiles.

Sunil's POV

We check out the air bnb, I gave Ash and Gav the La house I have, saves them looking and paying for one.

I knock the door, Ashton opens it. DAD he shouts, he hugs me we missed you so much Gavin says hugging me tight.

They hug Fabio, Nidal, Mattia Tight. Can we hug you Kevin they ask, he knods. We missed you, he whispers I did too.

How long you here for dad, you want us gone already I say. No just wanted to know how much time we have with you all, guess I'll give you 3 tries. 1 week, no I say. 3 Ashton says, no I say. 1 month. No 5 months and 20 days, no way. The door Knocks, I open it. Hey John you ok I say hugging him, he says yes. He begins to say, wow alot of memories here between us. I'm sorry John, no dont be silly.

Ashton Gaving come here, there's someone here for you. Dad they shout hugging him, we all sit down.

Kevin walks up to me, can you come with me to the toilet. Sure, I take him. He come put and sits on the floor. I sit with him, my brothers probably think I don't care about them. I just don't know how to show emotion, I have issues. I feel like im just gonna be let down, he begins to tear up. I hold his hand, they know they love you. They know your suffering, they want to let you trust them. In time you will feel safe, they won't ever hurt you. Their always gonna be here for you, they love you so much. They know you love them, they know it's hard for you to show it. They know you suffered alot, that's why you don't speak much. I can only speak to you, I trust you. You saved me, gave me a home. Thank you so much, you saved my life. I would be dead, if you did not pretend you knew me. He hugs me, I'm scared dad. I'm speechless, I know you are. But with us you don't need to be, I feel so alone I feel like I have no one. Even though I do, I've never felt love until I came to your household. It feels weird, that people actually care for me. I hug him, all I ever wanted was to be loved by someone. Don't matter if it was a parent, brother, friend or partner. I found it, but I still feel scared. I feel alone, i feel ashamed. People love me, but I can't show it back. Hey Kevin, don't be silly. After all you went through, this is normal. Its just going to take time, your brothers know this. Fabio knows this we all do, they don't hate you that you only trust or talk to me, they are just glad you have someone you can't talk to.

He smiles, I have the best family ever he Says. Yes you do, were not perfect but we try Kevin. Can we sit here abit, yeah of course we can. He puts his head on my shoulder, I look down to see him asleep. I put him in a bedroom, and go downstairs.

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