A Lord Apon Us

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Sunil's POV

I'm laying In bed with Fab, the door Knocks Fab opens it. Ashton and Mattia Walk into my room, what's with the bags. Were moving back In, what about Johnny. He has his parents and siblings, you just have Fabio. Plus we wanted to come back but you never asked, I was going to. But you were having so much fun at John's I did not want to take you ways from it. I'm sorry I left Dad, no you had to. You had to, for yourselves. I know it, and deep down so do you. You both needed time to to think, and to accept what was happening between us both.

I'm so glad your home, but if its too much tell me. I know you have alot to adjust too, but I love you both so much. I get up out of bed, should you be out of bed dad. Probably not, but for you its worth it i hug and kiss them. You covered our stuff, yeah I wasn't sure if you both were going to ever comeback, but I wanted to keep your stuff. That's all I had left of you both, I would sleep with your clothes. I could not see your rooms empty without you, I was broken when you left. I did not know if you hated me, for what happened. Because I made it happen, you didn't you was not in a good place. Dad did not help, or try to work on you or your relationship. We were really worry for you, especially when he let the shelf crush you. You loves him you did, look how many times you went back to him. He still wants you back, but your with Fabio and he accepts that Mattia says. Mattia hugs me, I really missed you dad. I begin to tear up, I did too. I'm so happy your home, I am too Mattia says.


Fab I'm going to Johnny's, he said he will help me finish the song. Ok go finish it for your mom, I love you Amore I love you too Fabio. I knock on Johnny's door, he opens it. Oh it's you, that did not seem happy. You said you would help me finish the song, well I'm not. What I thought we sorted this out, we didn't. Looks we are now John, I lift him up and take him to his room. Let go of me, fine. What's the issue John, you giving up on us. John i cant do this with you, you broke up with me. BUT YOU STILL GAVE U PON US johnny shouts, HOW MANY TIMES, WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP CHASING OVER YOU LIKE A LOST PUPPY. You shouldn't be shouting Sunil Johnny says, neither should you after you made the choice to split. Ok I'm sorry, how many times do I have to pay Johnny says.

Ok your right, You know that song i wrote about you. I can't sleep without you it's true, I can't get proper sleep. I can do a few hours if I'm lucky, their is times I have to pretend Fabio is you. But now slowly I'm getting used to it, but you hurt me John more than you know. I begin to cry, Johnny get up out of the blanket and hugs me. He holds me tight, his soft skin touches mine. I'm so sorry Sunil I do regret leaving you, it's the worst decision I ever made. I know Johnny you loved me I say, I still do and always will. Now let's finish this song for Mom, I cry more. Hey Sunil it's ok, you have Me, Ashton, Mattia. I know I do, you also have Fabio.

Hours later we finish the song, and I finish the vocals.


Mattia and Ashton. Fab gets up, to get me water. He comes up, you got post. Me which from, I don't know but its from London. Its has HMS Charles on it, and says Lord Sunil Royalty. I open the letter, I have been invited to King Charles the 2nd Coronation. Wait let's see that, your a lord Fabio says. Yeah I am, you never told us Ashton says. I never told even told Johnny, Ashton ring Noah. Hey Uncle Noah how are you, I'm good you. I'm good too, do you know Dad is a lord. No but I guess I'll be seeing him at the Coronation then, yes you will.

I have been asked to perform for the king, oh man it suck we won't see it in person Mattia says. I've always wanted to go to one, you will Mattia we all will be. Where will we be staying Ashton Asks, where do you think. Buckingham Palace, I knod. No way, yes way. I'm so excited, me too I say.

Fabios POV

We're all in bed Supporting Sunil, because the tribute to his mom will be realesed soon. Its released, let's watch in Ashton says. Sunil looks at him, please dad. Ok then he says with a weak smile,

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