Truthful Tales

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Sunil's POV

Noah can I speak with you, sure.

So you wanted to know why me and John broke up, first of all I'm sorry for avoiding you. Bro I knew you were going through stuff, I wanted to come. Bit I got the hint you wanted to be alone, I know if you needed me you would call Noah says.

So after my mom died, I became quite evil. I fell into the darkness, the shadows would take over. I tried my best to fight it, but the darkness had more power over my happiness. I became a person I and others did not recognise, one minute I was me. The next someone else, I would say horrible things. Johnny could not handle it, a shelf fell on me. But Johnny just watched, prior to it. I said I wanted to die, so I could be with My mom, grandma and Gavin. Finally Mattia and Ashton came, and shouted at John. We made up, but I was becoming more of the dark person. Eventually Johnny could not wait, he tried his best to help me. But it got to much, so he left. Mattia and Ashton left too, so I just got depressed. The darkness left, like the mission it had was completed. Oh I'm so sorry Sunny, he hugs me tight.

Fabio's POV

Noah I'm sorry about earlier, no problem. But I need to talk to you it's important, I'm worried about Sunil. Why, well I feel their is something wrong with him. I feel like he won't tell me, but will tell Johnny. He seems better to me, he seems sad. He does stupid stuff when he's like this, after Johnny Broke up with him. He tried to kill himself, but I was their to stop his funeral happening.

Sunil walks in, Fabio if I wanted to tell Noah that I would. You never wanted to tell me Noah says, No. Because I know what your like, I love you you had your own things going on. I do not want to add to them, I'm fine Fabio trust me. Their is nothing wrong with me, fine I say I love you. Love you to Fabby, I'm sorry Noah.

Later I still think something is wrong with Sunil, so I call Johnny.

He picks up, what is wrong with Sunil. Nothing he says, don't lie to me. I worry for him, after when u left him he tried to kill himself. Fine he upset about his mom, he came to me and spoke to me. But you need to ask him the rest.

I go to Sunil, amore we need to talk. I spoke to Johnny, he said you spoke to him. Fine i went to him for advice, somethings I feel I can't tell you. You have your own things to worry about, WHAT DID YOU BOTH TALK ABOUT I SHOUT. You won't like the conversation, I'll loose you forever.  TELL ME I SAY, fine I was going to break up with you. WHAT WHY, I THOUGHT WE ARE HAPPY. stop shouting at me Fab, I'm sorry Amore. I am happy, it's just I'm a damaged person. I felt you deserved someone better than me, you did not deserve this. After everything you have been through, especially after your previous relationship you were so happy. Yes Amore but im happier with you, you are. Yes Amore, and nothing can change that. Johnny told me I could not break your heart, he did. I thought he wouldn't say that, so he could get back with you I say. He said he finds it hard for me to be with another boy, that isn't him. But he respects us, he's happy I have you and not someone like him. He's is a great person, he just makes mistakes Sunil says. He feels like he should of waited, he gave up on me. He thinks because of him, I tried to kill myself. But it wasn't. It was because I felt alone, it wasn't him. You were going break up with me, to protect me. Yes, your so stupid, you don't have to protect me Amore. I love you Sunil, I love you too Fabio.

I get a voice call of Bryce, Johnny needs someone. He's not looking or doing so good, he messaged me saying he wanted sex. I refused, boy code and that, but I have a feeling he's been sleeping with alot of men. He blacked out his socials, he has put see you on the other side.

Fabio I got to go John needs me, why is it always him. He's my bestfriend, I love him. But not the way I love you, you been with him alot. Yeah he helped me with the song, he's going through something. It's worrying me, I don't have time for this Fab. Leave now us is over, Fabio don't do this. Fabio, our sons need their real dad. Matt Ash get down here now, it's your dad.

I see Fabio leave, fuck. I go to Johnny's house, I see 3 boys walk out without their tshirts and bright red. What are you doing here, having the best sex ever. If you have hurt him I swear to god, I run in house. I see Water pouring down the stairs, I go to his bathroom. The door is locked, Johnny open the door please. This is not the answer, I get no response. I hit the door down, hurting my arm and shoulder. I see Johnny naked under the water, I lift him up out the bath and water. He gasps, he looks at me and crys. I take my jumper and coat off and put it on him, hey Johnny It's ok. I got you, don't tell the kids he says. You will have too when your ready, their downstairs. I hear Mattia scream get off me, John hang on ill be back. I walk outside and see the boys stripping mattia of his clothes, your so sexy. I want your tight hole, I run out and punch the boys. Get off my sons, I lift up mattia holding him. He just crys, hey is ok. I'm so glad you came dad he says, of course I would your my son and I love you.

Johnny fuck, I run upstairs and see Johnny lying on floor. I wrap a towel around him, are you hurt Mattia I say. No he says, John let's get you up. He looks at me and crys, don't do this ever again John. Your kids need you, I need you. He looks at me you do, yes your my bestfriend I love and still care about you. He hugs me, I'm so sorry. Mattia you ok, yeah he says. What happened Johnny asks, nothing I'm ok.

If you need me you know where i am, where your parent and sisters. My mom and dad are in LA, my sisters went on a girls trip. Well your staying at mine, pack some clothes.

We get home, I notice Mattia look scared. Like he was when we first met him, he stays in my arms. He just crying, I'm so sorry Mattia. I just huh him, your safe now son. Your with dad, he just hugs me tighter.

I got to bed, Mattia it's time to go to bed. Isay after i realise he's asleep, I tap him. Get of me no, don't touch me. Mattia it's ok your safe, it's dad. He looks at me, I'm sorry dad for hitting you. Hey Mattia, it's ok. Want to sleep with me tonight, he looks at me yes please. I'm here for you always, yeah I know Dad. I can rely on you always, he hugs me and I kiss his head. I'm sorry Mattia, it's all my fault. I have ruined your confidence, I'll never forgive myself. Dad it wasn't your fault, I should of made sure you came in too. I hug him while holding in my tears, Iet him get changed. I'll be back, I'm just gonna ask if your dad's okay. Please dont leave me dad, I lift him up and take him too. Ow I say, sorry dad. Matty it wasn't you, I hurt my arm barging down the bathroom door.

I walk into Johnny's room, you ok. Yeah I'm sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about. If you need me I'm in the next room, you ok Mattia. Yes dad I am, goodnight he says.

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