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Fabio's POV

A few days have passed, Sunil has had surgery. He is still quite ill, so he's still in hospital. He's awake now, I'm on my way to the hospital to see him.

Is he ill because of me, did I hurt him that bad. I walk in the room, Fabio he says I missed you do much. Its only been 2 hours, still I issued you. Amore I would of came sooner if I knew, I'm sorry. Fabby don't be silly, your tired your health is important too. How is Kevin, he's good just really worried. You should of brought him, I tried to but he would not come out his room.

I press the button I got so the doctor can come, he does. Dr Snow, can I go home to see my son. He has not left his room, yes but be back in 2 hours. Fabio he must have someone with him at all times, he will need a external defibrillator. You must keep this on you, I will make sure he does. Won't I amore, yes you will.

We're on our way home, I feel so dizzy Fabio. It's ok I got you Amore, we go upstairs slowly. I knock Kevin's door, go away he says. Leave me alone, Kevin it's me. I walked up these stairs for you, it took me half an hour. I should be in hospital, but you needed me my son needed me. That was more important, Fabio stop with the voice recording.

Sunil's POV

Fab do me a Favour, keys are I'm my room drawer. I open the door, I'll leave you to it Amore. Shout if you need me, I walk in. Fabio get out, Kevin it's really me. I'm out of breath, I feel so dizzy. Kevin gets up, hugs me and helps me to the bed. Dad what's that buldge, it's a external defibrillator. If something happens to me, it will save me. You should not be here, go back to the hospital. I can't Kev, your more important.

No your health is, no you are. I begin to tear up, Dad don't cry. Kevin, I need to tell you something. It may be confusing, but trust me. You know your brother Gavin, yes I do dad. Well a year back, he killed himself. Because his family hated him, he went back to them hoping they changed. On his mom's birthday he killed himself, as her gift. I blamed myself, that I was not their and never saw the signs. After that day I promised to always be their for my kids no matter what, I can not let that happen again.

He hugs me, my dad was never like this. He did care for me after we came here, but he had work. I hug Kevin tight, you never have to worry being alone ever again. I lift him up, should you be carrying me. Probably not, but your my son. He looks at me with shock, why are you risking your health over me. Your my son, and I'm so proud to call you my son. He has tears in his eyes, im sorry Kev I did not mean to make you cry. These are tears of Joy, I begin to feel Dizzy. We go downstairs, I fall at the bottom. Kevin im sorry, he runs upstairs after I try to lift him up.

I go after him, Kevin what's wrong. Go please, have mercy on me. I did not mean to, don't hurt me please. Kevin it's ok, I never will. Your ok, he cry. I was beaten up at every home, it just brought back flashback. When I was pushed down the stairs, I hug him. We go back down, Nido sees me. So you saw Kevin first, what about us we were downstairs. Yeah Gavin, Mattia and Ashton say. He needed me more, he has not left his room... since... I was... ill amore you ok. Yeah just dizzy, FUCK YKU DAD NIDO SAYS. I go to hug him, he pushes me I hit my head. I'm sorry I say, they all go upstairs. Their angry with you it's all my fault, NO KEVIN DONT SAY THAT. it is, no it isn't I promise. They help me up I feel strange. I fall to the ground, blacking out.

Fabio's POV

Kevin don't touch him, his defibrillator will kick in. He's breathing, his head is bleeding alot. He stiches must of came out, we put him in the sofa. I bandage up his head, I call the ambulance.

What's happened Nidal says, your dad had another heart attack or Cardiac arrest.

Mattia, Gavin and Ashton come down too. We go to the hospital, from what we see he suffered trauma to the head, causing his brain to bleed causing a blockage. He in a critical state, he will have to be airlifted to Toronto Hospital. From what we see, his lungs have been damaged causing COPD. Weakening of the lungs, which he will need steroids for.

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