Reconnecting Sagas

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Sunil's POV

Amore, yes I reply with. You need to tell Mattia and Ashton, they need to be with you. You need to tell them, I can't this will just cause more heartbreak. Amore you need to tell them, they need to be here with you. They need their fathers, I'll be here with you Amore. I call Ashton who does not pick up, maybe their avoiding me. No they would not do that, I call Mattia. He picks up, hey dad you ok. How are you I ask, were doing a bit better. We will hopefully be home soon, we understand why you and dad broke up. We tried our best to keep you together, I'm sorry Matty It's my fault. NO IT ISNT DAD, you were going through alot. Dad was not understanding that fully, or supporting you.

Dad how are you, I begin to cry. Dad why are you crying, Matty is Ashton with you. No hang on, Ashton Bhaji get in here. Your learned punjabi a little bit, it's just cuter Mattia says. What's up Mattia, dad on the phone. DAD YOU OK ASHTON SCREAMS, no im not. I being to cry, Amore its ok I'm here. Who's that it's Fabio, im a friend Fab says. That's great were glad your happy. Ashton and Mattia listen carefully, I may not be around much longer. But you both know I love you right, yes we do and we love you more. Everything I have done is for you both, my empire is will be yours. I'm so proud to call you both my sons, I would do anything for you. I hope you know that, and that I have proved it.

Yes you have, your the best dad ever. I need to tell you something important, what is it dad they both say. I have Cancer, they begin to cry. Hey Sons, you know I'm always ill, you both knew i would not he around forever. Were on our way back. They will probably stay with Johnny, you never know.

The door Knocks i open it to see Krew and his family, Hey krew you ok. He walks pasts me and ignores me, Brandon looks at me and knods. I'm sorry he says, they all sit down. Krew goes to the toilet, I go up to the toilet too. Hey what happened to your arm, oh like you would care. I do what happened, showes you never called when it happened. If I knew I would, plus I haven't been well Krewbie. Don't call me that, you lost that right along time ago. I'm sorry, please listen to me Krew. I don't believe you, I don't want to hear it. He goes Downstairs, I follow after him. I sit down next to Krew, how have things been. He gets up and moves, Krew can we talk please. Fine he gets up and we both leave the room, what's that about Mindy says. I dont know I hear Fabio say, Krew I'm sorry I did not contact you. After my mom died, I fell apart. I literally not spoken to anyone, I only spoke to Mattia and Ashton earlier today. Your a bad friend and father to, krew I'm not well. Stop lying to get yourself out of trouble, here read this. I have Cancer Krew, he walks into the room.

Krew you ok I hear Mindy say, he just knods. Krew why are you crying Brexton says, I have a feeling I know why Fabio says. I walk in the room, I knod at Fabio. No they need to know, Sunil has cancer. Krew begins to cry he runs into my arms and says im sorry, hey Krew it's ok. Were so sorry, they all say. 3 hours later they leave.

Fabio tells me to get some rest which I do.

Fabio's POV

It's been a few hours since Sunil has been asleep, my chest begins to feel wet. I look down to see Sunil bleeding, from his eyes nose and ears. Amore wake up your bleeding, he doesn't wake up or move. I call an Ambulance, they say they will be with you soon. I call Johnny, but end it knowing he has a show in Toronto today. As the Start of his tour, which Sunil refused to do after the allegations. I call Lauren, she picks up. Hey Sunil you ok, this is Fabio his boyfriend. He is on his way to hospital, he's unresponsive. Tell John after his show, no im telling him now.

Johnny's POV

I'm on the stage, about to perform deep down. Lauren comes on with tears in her eyes, hey sis what's wrong. I hug her, she says put the mic down. I do, she just crys. Hey Lauren your worrying me what's the matter, its Sunil. He's really ill, he's on his way to hospital. How do you know, Fabio called me off his phone. But told me to wait after the show, but I could not do that. I begin to cry, sorry guys the date will be rescheduled. A family matter has come up, I run of stage with tears in my eyes. My mom stops me, hey John what's the matter. Its Sunil he's really ill, he on his way to hospital. What's wrong, he was bleeding through his nose and mouth Lauren says. He has cancer I say, he what. Were going now, dad we got to go. What's wrong, we will catch you up in the car.

Fabio's POV

The ambulance arrives, they take Sunil into hospital. The doctor comes in and says he will need surgery, so to call family and friends. I call Bryce, and Noah. I call Krew, knowing to fulfil Sunil's wish. I call him, Hey Krew it's Fabio. You need to get to the Hospital right now, it's Sunil he's not responding. Be cuts of the phone. Johnny arrives, where is he. He's in surgery, how long will it be. I'm not sure it depends, did you beat him up that's why he was bleeding, I thought we got past this. He was asleep and I found him like that, i would never hurt him. 3 hours later he's out of surgery, the doctor says be will need to take it slow with his voice.

3 days later Sunil wakes up, Did Fab hurt you Johnny asks. Johnny no, like I said not everyone is like you. Just leave before I say something I will regret, which will make us grow further apart.

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