Turning Of Tides

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Fabio's POV

Mattia just hugs me crying, dad what are we going to do. Mattia I can't lie to you son, but dad will die. If he cannot get a kidney match, he's not a match. Can I do it dad, no son your too young. Were waiting on Johnny, Ashton, and Gavin to make a decision. Johnny is a match Mattia says, dad gave his Kidney to him. Son, Johnny needs it. Or he will die, he sighs. I hug him, the doctor comes out. He is stable, you both can go in.

I go in to See sunil in a coma, and on life support. I read his notes, Punctured lungs, not able to breath on his own. Needs kidney, blood transfusion and lung treatment to be decided by board. Waiting on family and friends to see if are a match, without treatment Sunil S Royalty will die.

Me and Mattia fall asleep, Nidal and Gavin wake us up. They hug me, wheres Johnny outside. Tell him he needs to be in here, we got some decisions to make. He with security outside, Gavin goes get him and Ashton. They come in, we all got some choices to make. So my dad stabbed Sunil, he needs a kidney and blood transfusion but no one on the list is a match, or avaliable. Johnny says im a match, but you need the kidney. Yes but I don't need the blood, he needs it more. Gavin, Ashton and Nidal say we will get tested, no. He's our dad we want too, please. I will too, I say.

Later the doctor comes in, Gavin Ashton, Nidal and Fabio. I have some good news, Fabio you are a match for a kidney. Great, I'll do it. But their is a issue, it will be dangerous for you. Due to the anaesthesia, you may die or not wake up. I'm willing to risk it I say, anything for my amore what he needs I'll give.

I get prepped for surgery, hours later I wake up. It was a success the doctor says, but only time will tell. He is still on life support, until we can sort out his lungs.

Who's with Sunil I ask, Johnny. I have a bad feeling, boys go get me a drink please. They do, I go to Sunils room. Their is my dad, beating up Sunil. I'll plug of your life support he says, I walk in. No dad, he pushes me causing me to pop my stiches. I groan, Sunil wakes up. Fa...bio yo...u o...k, yes amore. My dad goes to Sunil, kicking off the bed, Amore I shout. My blood boils, my anger returns. I get up and punch my dad, he falls to the floor. F...ab...io I.... lo...ve you, tell my ...ki..ds I... lov..e the....m t...oo. I'm gonna..... die, I shout for doctors they come running. They lift Sunil back into bed, my dad gets up. Security come and arrest him. How can you hit me Fab, I did everything for you I was their for you, no Sunil was. You made me do things I would never want to do, Elio. The only person who was thei for me was Sunil, Johnny, Mom, and My step sons and son. You made me do it, now you have done this. Your dead to me, I never want to see you. Fab don't say that, it's final. The last time I'll see you is tomorrow for mom's Funeral, after that I never want to see you again..

My mom's Funeral is over, I go to the hospital without telling anyone. I lay with Sunil, he wraps his arms around me. He wakes up, I'm... so..rry Fabio.... that I was...t their for you. Its not your fault amore, still.... I...m sorry. I.... love ..you.

His eyes close, I....m t...ry..ing to.. St..ay a...wake. no rest amore I say, his embrace is what I need. Right now, it's helping me Amore more than you know.

Days later I get a call from the hospital, Sunil is awake. Has been for awhile, calling for you. But we did not know wake he meant by Fabby, but I understood when I got on shift.

I go to the hospital, I walk into the room.   Im so sorry Piara, come here. I hug him tight, tears stream from my eyes. I'm sorry Fab I wasn't their for you when you needed me, but you are now Amore.

Sunil's POV

I'm all good, I just need to take it easy with my lungs I say. So I'm discharging myself, no Amore you need to be here. No with my family, I love you Fabio. He says nothing, I lift up his head from my chest. I kiss his head, wipe away his tears.

We go home, I'm wheel myself in. Nidal shouts Dad your ok, yes I am son. He hugs me, I'm so glad your ok. Johnny, Mattia, Ashton and Gavin say the same.

I feel terrible, because they go back later Nidal says, Dad when will you be coming home. I don't know Nido, but soon.

I get up from the wheel chair, im sick of this shit. I walk like im drunk, amore get back in the chair. No I say, come on fab let's get you to bed. You look tired I say, I am worried about you and just everything. I shouldn't be with you Sunil, my father tried to kill you. Fabio stop, I knew the risks. It was your dad not you, its not like you made him do it. Becoming distant from me won't help you or me, you know this. Fabio looks at me, Fab come on get some sleep. I'm sick of you blaming yourself, when it's not your fault. He just cries, he runs in to my arms. I'm sorry Amore, you Don't have nothing be sorry for Piara.

I know you miss your mom, bit she's with you always. I'm sorry Fabby I was not their for you, but you are now he says. Yes I am, he hugs me. Your so good with your words, Fabio. I'm scared for you, so were leaving Canada. I can't speak with my friends it puts us in risk, No amore you can't do this. Fabio I have to for you and Mt family. Your dad might come for you, we will come back when things die down. No, yes Fabio. We will go to England, but my dad knows your from Birmingham. Yes but I have other houses their, he does not know about. He'll do searches, I used a fake name for them. So we will be ok, Amore I love you. I do to Fabio, now get some sleep.

Johnny Walks in, John I need to talk to you. Tomorrow I'm leaving and taking the kids, but their mine too. I know, that's why I'm doing this. To protect them, I'll bring them back soon. You can't, I have too. Fabio's Dad knows where I live, so your leaving me behind. Taking my kids away, it's not forever. Can I visit, I'm sorry John you can't. Can I call, yes but I will give you another number to call on. I'm gonna miss you, but you have to go. John leave Toronto to please, go to LA. With this, I give Johnny a check. So when we spilt I wrote this check, you were my partner and what was mine wad yours. So your going me 20 million dollars, yes I had it in another account. No I cant, Johnny its yours. Everything got hectic I forgot about it, you have to take it. Please, I need you to be safe too. When I'm back, I'll sort the problem with your parents. I need a favour off you John, anything Sunil. Take care of Andrea for me please, sure if you need more money tell me. But where you gonna get it from, Noah. The rent from the houses he looks after it for me, its a boy 500 thousand. Plus I have 100 million in my account, so we will be fine. Tell Noah, Bryce and George. What about Krew, I'm going to tell him myself. I'm gonna video call him soon, Johnny Hugs me. Thanks for everything, I may not say this enough but thank you. For saving me, loving me and everything else. Don't be silly John that what partners/Bestfriends do.

Get a flight today to LA, were going soon too.

I ring Krew, Hey bud you ok. Yeah, when can I come see you, not right now. Krew listen to me, you won't hear from me for awhile. I have a target on my back, so I'm gonna go off the grid. Where to he says, so I can visit. Krewbie I can't tell you, it would put you and me in risk. But I promise I'll come see you, or I'll bring you to mine for awhile. How does that sound, great. Stay safe, I love you he says. So do I, I'll see you soon.

2 hours later I wake Fab, we gotta go. Yes Amore, I get a notification. Fabio your dad escaped, he's after us. I get the kids, we leave. GAVIN, ASHTON, MATTIA NIDAL, they come running in. What is it dad, were leaving. Back to Toronto no, were not safe their. But Fabios dad was Aressted Gavin says, he escaped Glion. So were going to England, so you can't talk or message anyone. I Need you all to be safe, but your ill. I'm healthy enough to protect my family, we leave.

Later we arrive in the UK, we arrive at Northumbria. Bamburgh, to my get away house. Noah rings me, what you doing their. Need somewhere to lay low, ok you need anything. I'll let you Know Noey, but you can't tell Bryce. Ok no problem, I want you all safe. I know what you mean, Bryce is not like that. But it's dangerous because if he knows, it may put you all in risk. Yes Noah, I trust Brycey with my life. Be safe, you too Noey.

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