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I keep my head on Tom's shoulder.  He leans his head into mine, so our heads our touching.  He is rubbing my hand with his big hand.  Massaging my fingers.

I wish we could just leave.  I'm trying to just focus on how hot Tom is, how good he smells. And what he does to me when he kisses me.

But that just leads me to think about how I'm falling for him, what it would be like to be with him, and how good he would be and make me feel, and then how I know I'm just going to always be jealous and hurt because he does not want me. Nor will he ever.

The minister finishes, they say their vows, and they ask if there is anyone here who objects.  I can feel all eyes on me.  I kind of hide even more onto Tom.  

Rob kisses his bride. then they walk down the aisle to cheers and claps and people yelling congratulations.

Then something weird happens.

Rob and Kris are walking arm in arm down the aisle, to head into a private suite for pictures and to have family time. There is an hour wait until the reception starts. Which I'm thinking I need a break and to be in the room upstairs. Maybe just lie down awhile.  

Everyone stands.  I look at Tom..  He has his arm around me tightly pulling me into him.  But the look on his face, hasn't changed.  he looks angry, the look in his eyes, scares me.

As Rob and Kris pass, she of course is all smiles. 

  Rob sees me, and looks, but then has a very weird look on his face, when he sees Tom.  He stares and like looks shocked.  he just stands there, then looks at me.  That is when Tom kisses me. And if I thought that the kiss in the lobby by the elevator was my best kiss ever, I was wrong.  This one was even more powerful. Even more passionate.  Tom's lips crashed onto mine, with urgency, with desire, and then his tongue in my mouth exploring me. He bit my lip softly and made me totally go insane. And moan.  I am trying hard to not pass out, so Tom holds onto me tighter.

Tom stops. then turns and smirks at Rob. Who is standing there, shocked.  

Kris is pulling on Rob's arm.  her face upset, she's telling Rob let's go. He leaves with her.

What the hell just happened.  I mean why did Rob stop like that only after he saw Tom.

And Tom has been sitting here with a scowl on his face, looking so mean that his look even scares me, until he smirks at Rob. Then he's full-on smirk. Full on smile.

Does Rob know Tom?  I mean I knew Tom saw someone that was making him upset. And I guess it makes sense now with his f bomb tirade that it was Rob.   After Tom said it wasn't a girl that he saw, I was thinking maybe he saw one of Rob's friends he knew or Rob's brother. And that he was just mad, and then he was saying he was going to kill Rob for hurting me. I mean he's said that he would beat Rob up.

I mean it flashed in my mind when he was so upset and cussing that maybe he knew Rob.  But now I know for sure he does.  I wonder how? I mean as far as I know Rob has not been in trouble with the law, well that's not true, he has had 2 DUI's.  One after I was with him, and one that happened before I met him. But then there is so much I probably don't know about Rob. I mean he is a liar so.

My dad escorts Jackie. I am glad that he missed that kiss.  At least I think he did. Because of Rob staying in place. No one else started leaving. I'm sure that with the people behind them, my dad wasn't able to see.  Hoping that Jay didn't either. But since Jay can't stand seeing Rob, I doubt he did.  Looked like he was on his phone.  I am happy that all my ex friends saw that kiss.

My dad and aunt stop at us, and my dad hugs me.  So does my aunt. Then he tells me that he will see me at the reception. Jackie wants him to do pictures.  Another knife to my heart. Another thing that I won't get to do with my dad.

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