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Tom called his mom, and she wanted him to bring me home to meet her on Wednesday. Tuesday we are to have dinner with my dad and brother and Allison. I've been nervous all day. Tom tells me to relax.  I told him "How am I supposed to relax. I mean how are you relaxed. My dad is still going to grill us, I felt like I was on the witness stand yesterday with all his questions, and Jay does not believe it, and if he has told Allison that he doesn't believe it, she is going to probably tell Kris. Tom, we have too much riding on this now. Not just my stupid ex friends finding out, but your job is at stake. How can you just sit there and be all calm"?

He said, "Sydney I'm nervous. I need to make your father accept and like me. But I think I can. I mean I do respect you so much, and I care about you so much, and he's got to be able to see that once he gets to know me. And I just hope that I can convince Jay. But worrying and freaking out about it, to the point that it is going to make them think something is up with me, is not going to help. I'm trying to remain calm and not act like I'm freaked out."

Tom was in the spare bedroom getting dressed. He wasn't sure what to wear. He wanted to look nice. I told him he didn't need to dress up. But he wanted to, so he picked out a brown suit. I told him he looked very handsome, but we have to go, so that we aren't late. My father hates people who are late.

We go in my car.  We go in. My dad gets up to hug me, and kiss my cheek, and then shakes Tom's hand.  He said, "your brother will be here shortly, Allison had one of her many emergencies."  I laughed.

My dad asked me about work. Said that he talked to Joe and that he has questions now for Tom. He heard that Tom is going to be promoted to captain. Does that have anything to do with this engagement? I felt like I could faint. I mean of course now my dad is going to figure it all out.

Tom looked at me. Tom said, "no sir. I mean I am in love with your daughter. I would rather have your daughter than any job. And I told her that I would turn the job down, just because I don't want her thinking that is" I said, "Daddy Tom is the best one for the job. He is the best leader. I mean he is in charge with our boss is gone, and he works so hard, he works every day 7 days a week, goes in on the weekends, to prepare, and it's so much better to work cases with him, because he does research and we are so much more prepared, with all his hard work."

Jay came with Allison. Jay hugged me and shook Tom's hand.  Allison gave me a hug and said hi to Tom.

My dad said, "Tom can I get you a drink" Tom said, "uh just water is fine sir."  I said, "I can get it."  Jay said, "aw come on now Hanson we know you like the beer."  I looked at Jay. So did my dad. And Tom.

Tom said, "yeah I do drink beer, but not all the time, usually just when I'm out, like at a bar."

My dad jumped on that.  You go to bars often?  Do you take my daughter? What kind of bars? How much do you have to drink? What do you do if women come up to you and want to go home with you, or flirt with you? God I feel sick. I mean Tom is the one facing all the questions, but I feel like I'm on the witness stand. I think Tom feels the heat, as he keeps looking at me.

Tom said, "I don't go out often, I work hard, and by the time I get off out of  school, then back to the station to do reports, or research, I'm beat, and I have to get up early, I have a schedule I stick too, eat, lift weights, work out, and then go to bed early, so I can get up at 5 am. We have a once a week thing that we all do, and Sydney goes to at a local bar, that is a small bar, and we play pool, I'll have a few beers there, and then I do have beers at home that I have on the weekends when I'm working on research, but I don't get drunk, and I turn down girls who want to flirt with me, and turn down any hookups. I assure you sir; I am fine giving up sex. I don't want to have a meaningless empty hookup, when I know that after I'm married, Sydney and I won't just have sex, but make love, and have a once in a lifetime connection. She's it for me. I never want to feel empty or alone again."

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