Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up at 4:30 so I decided to get into some workout clothes then I stretched, and do a light workout before everyone woke up at 5.

A few minutes before 5 there was a knock at my door. I opened it and it was Mark. "I thought I heard you up. It's almost 5, let's go eat, then Tana, and Okada will be here at 6 to help train you." He said. "Ok." I said and followed him out of the room and to the dining room.

We sat down and waited for everyone to get to the kitchen. We all ate then we went back to our rooms to get ready.

I put my long black and blue hair into a reverse braid, and got my wrestling boots and put the young lion gear they gave me on, since I am a women they gave me the choice to wear the trunks or pants, so I chose the pants, cause I won't get to wear my ideal wrestling gear until I graduate.

I grabbed my gym bag that has some towel's for when I sweat, and some water bottles and some other stuff. Then I went to my training room, and started running the ropes and did some exercises and stretches before they got here.

"Good job young one, most young lions are too scared to do that, so they just sit and stare at their phone and wait for us." I heard a voice from the doorway, I turned around and saw Okada, and Tana right behind him. "It's a good thing that you want to be active in the dojo, this shows us that you really want this." Tana said and I smiled.

I got out of the ring, and went over to them. I bowed, held my hand out to them.

"こんにちは、私はハーレー・トンプソンです、お二人にお会いできて光栄です (Hello, I'm Harley Thompson and it's a pleasure to meet you both.)" I said. I learned how to speak Japanese in high school, I also learned how to speak Spanish.

"あなたにも会えて嬉しいです、ハーレー、私は棚橋弘至、こちらはオカダ・カズチカです。(Nice to meet you too, Harley, I'm Hiroshi Tanahashi and this is Kazuchika Okada.)" Tana said.

"Ok let's get to training." Okada said after he shook my hand.

Our training session went well and it was about 4 hours, but then Tana and Okada got tired so they called one of the junior heavyweights in. "Harley this is Will Ospreay, while we take a break we want you to train with him, and we will critique you from over here." Okada said.

"I'm Will, and you must be Harley?" Will said and shook my hand. "Yeah I'm Harley." I said. Will was great he showed be a bunch of the basics and showed me how to perform them in the best way possible.

After about two hours of training with him Mark walked in "Okay, Okada, Tana, and Will how did she do?" Mark asked. "She's great, did everything we asked her and executed the moves really well." Okada said. "She's wonderful, a really natural born star. She has all of the basics down." Will said. "Good, well unfortunately training with the Vets is done for the day, Harley, it's lunch time, and you will have a 30 minute break to relax after you eat." Mark said.

Everyone grabbed their stuff and we all walked out. I took my stuff to my room, redid my hair, washed my face, the. Put more deodorant on, then I went to the dining room.

We all ate, then I went to my room and laid down and checked on my agenda what I had to do next and I had to train with Mark for an hour then after that I just have to clean for 30 minutes to an hour.

After I did all of that I was told that I had a match with Master Wato in my debut match tonight.

So I went to the venue with all of my stuff, and got ready, then after that I did my match, Master Wato was a horrible wrestler but I just kept quiet about that, there was a 10 minute time limit on that, and I won, I beat him in 5 minutes and 36 seconds. Then after that I went to the back took a shower, got into my track suit, then went out there with the rest of the young lions.

Today was hard but it felt right, this place is going to help me get to places where I need to be, all I got to do is keep focusing on my training and getting better.

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