Chapter 40

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I got in some heather gray sweatpants, a black sports bra and got my new varsity jacket on along with some green and purple Nikes. I curled my hair and got ready cause Nick Wayne's match was opening the show, and I was to attack him after his match and challenge him to Wembley. After his match the arena went black and I made my way out there and when the lights turned back on I gave Nick a hook kick to the face and then Darby came after me but I ducked and gave him a super kick.

Darby rolled out of the ring and so I gave Nick my finisher. I grabbed a mic and said "Nick fucking Wayne. You're good kid but not as good as me. And I can't help but notice that you are doing the same things that I do, talking the same way that I am, copying my style of the art that is pro wrestling, but what really caught me off guard is the fact that when I turned on the United empire because they weren't as good as me anymore that you had the nerve to stick up for them, that was mine and the empire's business, not yours kid, I will see you at Wembley Stadium." I said and he rolled out of the ring.

Then Aussie Opens music hit. Kyle and Mark came out and Kyle had a mic in his hand. "Harley, Harley, Harley, long time no see, I wouldn't have come out here but you had the nerve to talk bad about the United empire? And say that we're not good enough for you anymore?" He said. "You heard correctly Fletch, none of the United empire is on my level the only one that close is Will Ospreay, and he isn't even on my level, he's never beaten me in the ring." I said and Fletcher and Mark got in the ring.

"Ok that may be true, but you're not better than me." He got in my face. "Oh I'm not? Really cause while you two were wrestling Jobbers I won a who G1, that's something that you two will never achieve." I said as him and I went forehead to forehead. We put our mics down and started talking crap to each other when I said "You're just upset because what you and I had was never real, what Jay and I had and have today will always be real, and what you have with that little hoe isn't real." He went to go punch me but didn't instead he was looking behind me and nodded, I felt the vibration in the mat of someone running towards me, so I ducked and moved to the side and saw Skye blue forearm Fletcher. Once she saw who she hit she turned towards me so I kicked her as hard as I could in the face. And Davis tried to grab me but I saw 2 people attack him.

It was Jay and Riley. They took care of Aussie open while I took care of Skye blue. Once Skye blue and Aussie open ran up the ramp Tony Shavoni said "Guys I have just been informed by Tony Khan that tonight in the main event it will be Aussie open and Skye Blue vs El Phantasmo, Jay White, and the Winner of the G1 Climax 33 and is the Never Open Weight Champion, Harley Thompson."

Jay, Riley and I all stood on the ropes and smiled pointing at the three who were screaming at us. Once they made it to the back we did too.

"Alright guys I'm going go get ready, see you soon." I patted both men on the back and headed to the locker room. "I've kept your trophy, briefcase, and belt safe from Skye." Willow said pointing at Skye who was giving both of us dirty looks. "I wasn't going to do anything to it, I was just looking." Skye said. "It's whatever, if she would've done something to it then Tony would have to pay New Japan to get me a new one." I said. "Okay." Willow said. "Thank you though Willow, I'm going to go get changed." I said and grabbed my gear and headed to the bathroom. I put my gear on and then braided my hair into two reverse braids. I put my belt around my waist and put my robe on and then grabbed the briefcase and trophy.

I was walking out of the locker room when I saw Will talking to Aussie Open. "OY OY." I yelled at him as I walked towards him. He turned around and smiled. "What are you doing here Willy?" I gave him a hug. "I could ask you the same thing, but you will just have to wait and see." He said, "Ok, I see how it is, but I'm here to beat them and his lil hoe in the main event." I said and Kyle said "Don't call her that." "Oh sweet boy Kyle, I do what I want, but the G1 winner has to go get her makeup done, see you soon Boys." I laughed and walked past them and to the makeup room.

This is the makeup look that I went with today

As soon as my makeup was done I had to start heading to the Gorilla, when I made it there I saw Jay, Riley, Aussie Open, Skye and Will

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As soon as my makeup was done I had to start heading to the Gorilla, when I made it there I saw Jay, Riley, Aussie Open, Skye and Will. "What's up bitches." I yelled. They all turned towards me and Jay smiled. "Here we go." Jay laughed. "Oh shit, good luck Skye, you're gonna die." I heard Akira's voice. I turned around and saw him. I handed my stuff to Jay and then ran to Akira. He picked me up and I gave him a hug.

"Hey Akira do you want to come out with us?" Skye blue asked. Akira put me down and looked at her and with the most serious voice he laughed and said "Ew No. I would rather die than go out there with you, my loyalty lies with Harley."

"If you love her so much why don't you leave the United empire to join her?" Kyle said. "Ok, I will." Akira said and Will's mouth dropped and he said "AKIRA." "What?" Akira asked. "Stay with rev Empire." I said. "Ok." Akira put his head down and I gave him a hug.

"Alright guys, you're up next." Tony said and we nodded. Skye Blue went out first then her tag partners, Aussie Open went out. Then Riley and Jay went out together, then the arena went black.

I walked out and the lights flickered to show me then the shut off again, then they turned red and I started making my way to the ring. They announced Skye and Aussie open fist then they announced Riley, then Jay, then when they announced me I raised my briefcase and trophy then I handed those to Riley, then I raised my Belt in the air. I hopped off the top rope and then handed my robe to and all of my stuff to ref so that way they can put it on the time keeper's table.

I stretched and then gave Jay a kiss which made Fletcher even more mad. Riley and Davis started off in the ring then after a few minutes Riley tagged me in. I got in the ring and I got chest to chest to with Davis and he bent down to get on my height level so I kicked him in the stomach and hit a tornado DDT on him and spiked him right on his head. I then did something I have never done before, I lifted him and gave him Will's finisher the Storm Breaker. He rolled over to his side and tagged Skye blue in and she thought it was a good idea to get in my face. She shoved my face and I looked at the side then back at her and punched her in the Jaw which is illegal in the wrestling industry. She fell down as she was knocked out so I got on top of her and continued to punch her in the face and then the bell rung but I didn't stop, I started elbowing her as hard as I could in the face until I felt two pairs of arms grab me, so I turned around and saw Jay and Riley but I kicked both of them, when I turned around I saw that she was getting up so I gave her a Hidden blade to then I continued to elbow her in the head, after what felt 10 minutes of people trying to stop me I stood up and looked down at her and saw her blood painting the canvas, but I wasn't done, I grabbed her by her bloody hair and dragged her out to where the stairs were so I repeated slammed the back of her head into the very edge of the stairs. "STOP YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HER." I heard Kyle said. I turned around and saw him on his knees. So I smiled and I removed the mat to reveal the concrete so I grabbed sky and I gave her a powerbomb on her head and neck then I gave her the Storm driver on the top of her head then I slammed her head a few more times into the concrete then I spit on her. I saw Kyle crying so I laughed and walked past him and grabbed my belt and put it around my waist, then I put my robe on and grabbed my trophy and briefcase and walked up the ramp with Riley and Jay who were holding their faces, I turned around one more time and saw that they were putting Skye on a stretcher, so I smiled and made my way to the back where I saw Akira smiling and Will covering his mouth. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER." Will yelled at me. "I don't care." I walked past him and then I ran into Don.

"Harley that was insanely impressive, please would you like to join my family." I laughed and walked past him and to the women's locker room where I saw all of the women there covering their mouths.

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