Chapter 50

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*The next morning*
We woke up at 9 and got ready.
I put on a pair of short baby blue denim shorts, with a lace white corset top, a pair of doc martens, and jays Black leather jacket.

I curled my hair and did some light makeup, put some sunglasses on and then grabbed my phone and my purse.

Jay wore some tight black jeans and a tan satin button up, he wore some tuxedo shoes and put his hair up in a bun, put some sunglasses on as well, then we were both ready.

"You look beautiful as always." Jay grabbed my waist and kissed me. "Thank you." I smiled and kissed him back. "Let's go get breakfast, then we can go to my parents house." He smiled. "Okay, where at?" I asked.

"It's this cafe I used to eat at when I was younger, you will see." He grabbed my hand and we were out the door.

When we got to the cafe we sat down and the lady who was taking our order was older and when Jay took off his glasses she gasped and said "Jamie White, I haven't seen you in years." "Yes, it's been a while, Mrs. Smith this is my girlfriend Harley Thompson, she's not from here she is from Canada." Jay introduced me to her.

"Oh you are one lucky woman, Jamie was always such a good boy, he would come here every day, then one day he just stopped I got worried and called his mom who said he left to pursue a career in Professional Wrestling, did that ever work out?" She turned back to Jay, "Yeah you are looking at a Grand Slam champion, and Harley is one as well, and that's actually how her and I met, we met in Japan." Jay smiled. "Ooo well look at you two, so what would you like to eat?" She asked Jay.

"Can I get an orange juice and a breakfast sandwich." Jay said, "And for you darling?" She smiled at me. I took my glasses off and said "I will take the same."

"Alright, I will be back with your order in a bit." She smiled and walked away.

"She seems nice." I smiled. "Yeah she was one of my moms best friends, she always kept me out of trouble." Jay said. "That's good, you still need that." I laughed and Jay flipped me off.

I laughed at him and he said "I really do love you Harley. I can't imagine life without you." I blushed and smiled. "Jamie if only you could feel the love that I have for you in my heart, I love you so much and I probably wouldn't be what I am today without you."

I smiled at me, and then she brought our food out. "Ok here you guys go, and does your mom know that you are here?" She asked Jay. "No, we are surprising her after this so don't tell her." Jay said. "Ok, I won't, well enjoy your food." She smiled. "Thank you." Jay and I said at the same time. "You guys are adorable." The lady said then walked away.

Once we were done eating Jay paid and we intertwined our fingers then we left. Jay opened my door for me then got in on his side. The whole ride to his parents house his hand was on my thigh. "God for a wrestler, your skin is so soft." He gripped onto my skin a little more.

"Well thank you, I try to keep it as soft as possible." I smiled knowing he's getting a little needy. When we got to his moms house he knocked on the door and it opened after a few minutes.

Jay's arm was around my waist and we were talking when his mom screamed. "OH MY GOD. Jay, Harley!" She opened the door and hugged us both.

"Come in, when did you guys get here?" She asked. "This morning at like 3." Jay laughed. "Wow, that's early, well sit down you two, Jay you're siblings should be back any minute now. And Harley darling, how are you doing?" She asked.

Jay and I sat down and I said "I've been good, just really tired, that's why I told Jay we should come here to visit you guys and just to get away from work, I mean we are constantly working, we never have any time for each other." "You know I didn't even know that you guys were back together, but I'm glad that you guys are." She said.

"Yeah we got back together in June." Jay smiled. "Harley have you ever met his siblings?" His mom asked me. "Actually no I haven't." I said. "You will love them, all they do is talk about how good you are." She laughed. "I mean they're not wrong." I took my sunglasses off, and put them in my purse.

Jay grabbed my legs and placed them on his lap. "So when are they going to get here mom?" He asked. "Now actually." His mom pointed to the front door opening.

"Hey Sam, we have guest, look." His mom said to the women who walked through the door. "Oh my god, Jay, and Harley, we haven't actually met yet." She said and I stood up to shake her hand. She gave Jay a hug and smiled at me, "And this is Dylan, our brother." Sam said when another man walked in.

"Jay." He said and gave Jay a huge hug. "Dylan, this is my girlfriend Harley, Harley this is my older brother Dylan." Jay said, I shook his hand and said "It's great to meet you all." "You too, we watch you and Jay all the time on TV, and man you are so much better than Jay." Dylan said. Jay and I sat back down and Sam, Dylan, and their mom sat on the other couch.

"So where are you guys staying?" Sam asked. "We're staying at the hotel by the Cafe." Jay said. "Oh why don't you guys stay here?" His mom asked. I looked at Jay who was already looking at me. "Yeah, sure why not." I smiled. "Alright perfect, well later, I will send Jay and Dylan to the hotel to grab your guy's stuff." His mom clapped and smiled wildly.

"Why don't we just go and do that now, give mom some time with the girls." Dylan said. "Yeah, sounds good, we will be right back babe, I love you." Jay kissed my cheek and stood up. "I love you too." I smiled.

Once the left Sam jumped next to me "Alright spill the tea, you and Jay plan on getting married anytime soon?" She asked "Well we have talked about it, but we want to wait a little longer before we do, we both want to be together, we just want to give it time before we rush into marriage." I said.

"Oh my god mom, we need to show her Jays baby pictures." Sam said. "Yes, yes you do." I laughed. His mom nodded and stood up.

She walked to a closet and grabbed a whole box. "There is a lot, so Sam scoot over so I can sit next to her." She said.

She opened the box and started showing me pictures of Jay, some of them he was just in underwear, some of them were of him in baby suits and onesies, and some of them were of him naked in the bathtub.

"He was such a beautiful baby." I smiled at the pictures.

"Here I have like 4 of this photo, and it's wallet size, keep it." She handed me one of him on his second birthday wearing a suit, he has such a beautiful smile, his hair was short and he was laying down on his stomach with his hands propping up his head. "Thank you." I put it in my wallet right away.

*20 minutes later*
"And look at this one of him, he was so cute, he loved bathes when he was a baby." It was another one of him in the bathtub.

"Mom what are you doing?" We heard Jay. "Just showing Harley some of your baby pictures, like this one of you when you were a baby in the bathtub." She showed him the picture. "Oh mom no, stop that." Jay pleaded "No, now go put your stuff in your room." She said and continued to show me the pictures.

Once he came back, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and grabbed my purse. "Jay put me down." I said, "I will when we get to my room." He walked up the stairs and to his room.

When we got there he shut the door and placed me down on the bed. "This is your room?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "It's nice." I said as he started kissing my neck roughly. "Jay, stop, we're at your mom's house." I said. "It's okay, we'll be fine." He went back to kissing my neck. Then there a knock on his door.

He got off of me and opened the door, "here you forget this." His brother handed him another bag. "Thanks." Is all Jay said before he shut the door again.

"Jay." I laughed as he threw the bag and jumped back on me. "What?" He shrugged his shoulders. He started kissing me and we made out for a while.

"Jay I'm tired." I said, "let's take a nap then." He said, "alright let's get changed, cause I won't sleep in this." I laughed, "And I need to take my makeup off." I said. He nodded and we got changed and I went into the bathroom to take my makeup off. I threw on one of jay's shirts and sweatpants and he just got into some sweats. Then we fell asleep.

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