Chapter 29

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*A week later*
I was in my locker room getting ready for my match when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and saw Will and Kyle. "You almost ready? Will asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Alright Kyle and I are going to go with you." He said. "You can, but Kyle can't." I said. "I'm the leader, and what I say goes." Will said. "Whatever, let's go." I said.

"Wait did you get a tattoo?" Will asked. "Yeah, it says 'United Empire 2020-♾️.' Why?" I said. "I just never thought you'd get a tattoo." Will said. "We'll get used to it cupcake, now let's go." I said.

I walked out of my room and walked to the gorilla position (aka the curtain) I made my entrance first and then Tama Tonga made his, this match was for his title. I took my big fur jacket off and handed it to Will.

I got in my corner and took a deep breath. As soon as the bell rang I took out all of my frustrations on Tama, I charged after him and from that point on I just needed to be in control.

I hit Kyle's finisher on him and pinned him, he wasn't going to kick out so I raised his arm and started pretending to freak out.

Then I hit Tama with the blade runner and then hit him with my finisher and pinned him I counted with the ref and looked directly at Kyle and Will. "1. 2. 3." I smiled and the ref raised my arm and then handed me my title. I raised the belt and smiled.

I stood on the top turnbuckle and raised the belt. I got down and Will gave me a hug. I didn't even bother looking at Kyle, instead I got out of the ring and walked to the back. When I got to the back I saw Jay, he picked me up and spun me around. "Congratulations darling." He smiled. "Thank you." I said. "Harley, you did it, you did something I couldn't do, and that's beat Tama Tonga for that title." Riley gave me a hug. "Thank you." I hugged him back.

I turned around and saw Francesco Akira running towards me he jumped on me and wrapped his body around me. "Congratulations." He said. "Holy shit, you just spoke more English." I gave him a hug.

He jumped off of me and walked over to Will and Kyle when Jay said "Look Harley I feel really bad about leaving new Japan, but I know I can trust you." "Thank you, and yeah I'm having a hard time excepting that you are leaving. You were the young lion class before me. You waited for me, then you cheated on me, then got cheated on, we've been through our ups and downs, but this is going to hurt the most, cause I won't see you for a while." I cried, he wiped my tears away and said "Don't cry darling, I will always be here for you, you can call me at anytime and I will answer."

I gave him a hug and then he said "Alright darling, I got to get yo my match, I will see you after." He kissed my cheek and walked off.

I walked over to one of the screens, I sat down on a chest and watched the match with my title in my lap. When Eddie pinned Jay my heart sank and I cried so much.

Jay was about to start talking when David Finlay attacked him, I stood up and was about to run out there when Will stopped me "Don't, you're in my faction, everyone will be confused." I took a step back and said "You're right, I'm sorry." I grabbed my title and waited for Jay.

Once he got to the back I hugged him and said "Jay thank you for everything." "You're welcome darling, but I hurt you." He said. "But it made me stronger." I said. All he did was smile. A beautiful devilish smile.

"Well darling, I got to get my stuff and leave, Gedo wants me home as soon as possible." He said. "Okay." I gave him one more hug.

I watched as he walked away, I couldn't help but cry.

*About ten minutes later*
Jay gave me one more hug and said "Goodbye for now, but not forever." I nodded and cried as he walked away. And as soon as he walked out of the building I dropped to my knees and cried, all I did was cry, after about 5 minutes of me being in that position I stood up and started throwing things around.

I felt to arms wrap around me and carry me to my locker room. When they sat me down I saw that it was Kyle. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to calm down, all he did was leave the company, he didn't die." Kyle raised his voice at me. I stood up and said "You have always been jealous of Jay, of what Jay and I had, you knew that you could never compare to Jay, so you made me hate him. FUCK YOU KYLE." I screamed the last part in his face.

"You're FUCKING CRAZY. Fucking Crazy." He yelled back. "Oh I'm fucking crazy, I'LL SHOW YOU FUCKING CRAZY." I smirked. He stood there as he watched me trash the room, then I finally threw a chair at him. The chair hit him in the head, and it cut him a little bit.

"You need help. Mental help." He said. "I wasn't like this when we first got together, you made me like this. Everyone only saw the loving side of you, but little did they know that you are a fucking asshole. You are fucking insane too. Kyle never forget, you made me, now fucking watch me take over this company." I threw on my jacket, and grabbed my title and all of my stuff.

I walked out of the room and out of the building, I put all of my stuff in my car and went to my hotel.

I was unlocking my hotel room when the door behind me opened. "Well well well darling, you just couldn't get enough of me, could you?" I knew that voice from anywhere. I turned around and saw Jay standing in his doorway with just his shorts on, he leaned up against the frame of the door and smiled at me. "Well it's good seeing you too Mr. White." I laughed.

"What do you say you come to my hotel soon?" He asked, "Yeah sure, let me shower first." I smiled, "Just take a shower in my hotel, I'll let you wear some of my clothes." He said. "Okay, just let me put my stuff away." I smiled.

I put my stuff away and only grabbed a bra, underwear, and my phone, I locked my hotel room and then headed to Jay's. He opened the door for me and smiled.

"Okay, I need a towel, a shams some shorts or sweatpants." I said, "It's all in the bathroom for you love." He said. "Thank you." I smiled.

I walked to the bathroom, and shut the door, I got the shower ready and saw that Jay had also put his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a wash cloth on the counter for me as well.

I got Jay hooked to the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo when we were first together, and he's still using it.

I got in the shower and when I was done I put my bra and underwear on and then put on the sweatpants, I didn't put the shirt on right away because I was drying my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom in just my bra and jays sweatpants. "Woah." Jay said. "It's not like you haven't seen me like this before, plus I'm just drying my hair real quick." I said and he smiled.

"Well what do you want to do?" I asked. "I think you know." He walked up to me and kissed me.
I dropped the towel and kissed him back, he picked me up and laid me on his bed, he kissed my lips and all the way down to my abs. That's when there was a knock at his door, he jumped off of me and threw a shirt on, I ran to the bathroom and put on the shirt that he gave me.

Then Jay opened the door and we both saw that it was Phantasmo. "Oh bro we were just going to call you to come over and watch a movie with us." Jay said, "Well now you guys don't have to. I brought snacks, and sodas." He said.

Jay let him in and he sat next to me on the bed. "If it isn't my best friend." He put his arm around me. "Yea it's me Riley." I smiled. Jay then sat next to us and threw a movie on.

About and hour and 30 minutes into the movie Riley yawned and said "Alright guys I'm tired, I'm gonna go back to my room and go to bed." He left the room and after about 10 minutes Jay got a text from Riley saying "I could read the room, I knew what you guys wanted to do, so have fun."

"Oh wow, was it that obvious?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess." Jay laughed.

Jay kissed me and we were back in the rhythm of what we were doing earlier.

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