Chapter 15

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*2 Months later*
I am now living in my new house and Will is living in one of my guest bedrooms. I have been working a lot, and have had to see Jay a lot, each time I see him he tries to make it up to me and tries to get back together with me, and each time he does that the more my heart breaks. I love Jay so much, I really do, and I really want to be with him, but I just can't trust him anymore.

And like my hairdresser said he's a manipulator, he's just not healthy for me, and maybe he's like that cause all of his daddy issues. Originally I wasn't having a hard time at all, like it hurt, but I knew that I couldn't change what he did, now the more and more I see him, I want cry.

I trusted my soul with Jay, I told him all of my secrets, and I even told him that I love him, and now I can't even look in a mirror and say that I love myself.

Tonight was the last show in the tour so I went to Gedo and asked "Hey can I go to Rev pro for a little while until our next show? I just want to continue working, with buying a house I need all the money I can get." I said. "Yeah of course, I will see you in a month or so." He said.

I went home and packed a bag and bought a plane ticket online. I told Will that I would be leaving and for him to take care of my house.

I went to bed and woke up the next day at 4, and got all of my stuff and called a cab to take me to the airport. When I got on my plane I fell right to sleep, there were only like 4 people in first class and I was the only young one, the rest were elderly people, so it was really quiet which was wonderful.

When I got to London I called Riley and asked where they were but told him to keep it a secret.

He gave me the address of Fletchers place, I guess he bought an apartment, and they were all hanging out over there.

When I got there I rang his doorbell and when he answered the door he and saw me he picked me up and hugged me right away.

"What are you doing here?" Fletcher asked as he put me down. "Well I don't have another new Japan show for like a month so I decided to come back and work over here for a while. And to come see you guys of course." I said. "Well come on in, you can stay here for the time being." Fletcher grabbed my suitcases.

I walked in and saw Riley and Mark watching TV. "What's up bitches?" I jumped on them. "Hey what's up, when did you get here?" Mark asked. "Just now, Riley sent me the address, I'm going to be here for like a month." I got off of them, and hugged each one of them.

"Well we were just about to go pick up food, maybe you and Fletcher can stay here, and Mark and I will go get the food, we are just getting chicken wings, what kind do you want? Let me guess Buffalo?" Riley asked. "Yup, and bone out." I said. "You got it, we'll be back." They said then left.

"So can I get you anything to drink?" Fletcher is asked. "Water please." I said. He went and got me a bottle of water and sat down next to me.

"So how are you doing after the break up?" He asked. "Not that great, he keeps wanting to get back together, and I don't want to cause he cheated on me, and each time he tries it breaks my heart even more, and I really missed you guys so I thought problem solved, I get to see my best friends, and I get to get away from him." I said.

"I'm sorry Harls." He said, and I smiled. I didn't know what came over me, but I just kissed him, and he kissed back, I ended up getting on his lap and we made out for a while, then we pulled a part.

"I'm sorry." I said. "Don't be." He smiled. "Hey, maybe we can start this relationship now, but keep it on the down low, let's go slow and just keep it to ourselves and Mark and Riley, and maybe Will." As soon as I said that he smiled and kissed me again. "That sound perfect." He said, I smiled and just laid in his lap.

I just need to go slow after that fast relationship that just happened. This was perfect.

When Riley and Mark got back we told them the good news. "That's wonderful guys." Riley said. "Yeah just don't tell anyone, we're taking it slow." I said. "Ok we won't." They reassured us.

After we all ate we decided to go to an amusement park, to kill time.

While at the amusement park I got a text from Will saying to call him asap so I walked away from the crowd and called him.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked. "Jay is what's wrong." He said. "What did he do now?" I asked. "1. He's dating someone else, and this bitch is talking so much shit about you. 2. Jay is telling everyone that you cheated on him first and that's the reason he cheated on you." Will said. "Well I'm not going back to Japan for a month, so I will handle it when I get back, in the meantime punch him in the throat for me." I said. "Ok will do, have fun, bye." He hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and went back to the rest of the group. "Hey is everything okay?" Fletcher asked. "Yeah just Jay acting stupid is all." I said. "What did he do?" Riley asked. "Well he got a new girlfriend and she's talking crap about me, and Jay is telling everyone that I cheated on him first, so I told Will to just throat punch him for me, and that I would deal with it when I got back." I said. "Ok, well let's have some fun." Mark said.

We spent the whole day there, and when it was time to go, Riley took Mark and they went to their hotels, and Fletcher and I went to Fletcher's apartment.

"Well thank you for today." I wrapped my arms around him. "You're welcome baby." He kissed me.

"I needed this. And I didn't realize until today." I said. "I'm just glad to call you mine now. And hey since Jay is already dating someone else, should we announce our relationship?" He asked.

"Let's wait a few more weeks." I said. "Okay, fine with me." He looked down at me. Fletcher is 6'3" and I'm only 5'4" so he's almost a whole foot taller than me.

"Well I should get to bed." I said. "Just sleep with me." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "Only if you are." He replied. "Okay, sure." I nodded and followed him to his room.

But you were mine first Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora