Chapter 22

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*A month later*
We are still in a feud with Bullet Club, but we don't have any Juniors , so tonight Will was going to get us a junior.

Will ended up getting a man by the name of Theodore James Perkins also known by his in ring name TJP or TJ Perkins.

We were cutting a promo with him after his match when Jay, Kenta, and Ishimori came out so I said "Look Ishimori, we got someone who is your size, actually wait he is still taller than you, well he's a Junior and so are you."

"Real cute darling, but no one can compare to Taiji Ishimori, they can't even compare to your good friend El Phantasmo. Harley darling why do you continuously choose to be on a losing team when you can walk up this ramp and shake my hand and join my Bullet Club." Jay said.

"Jay Darling, I could say the same to my good friend ELP, but he made his choice to be on the enemy side, so I must do what I do best, and kick his fucking head off, just like I did to you in the G1 Semifinals last year and this year, it's really sad when you lose twice to girl. Remember Jay, remember what you said? I'm only good for being a girl. You thought that you were better than me, you thought that I would never be good enough for this place. Well look at me now cupcake, I'm better right now than you ever will be." I sat in the apron as he walked towards me.

"Harley, I just don't know what has gotten into you. Darling, you used to be so good, now look at you, ever since you left Okada, you've only been mid. Will has been holding you back, he's like this shadow that is keeping you in the darkness and away from the light. You used to be a main event Women, now you're just a opener girl, you are wrestling in Will's shadow." He said as he got in my face. I felt the anger build up in my chest and I looked back at Will who was already looking at me.

"Just take my hand darling, and I'll forget about all the mean and untruthful things that you said." He held out his hand. I thought about it for a little bit then grabbed his hand and jumped off the apron and went to his side.

I saw how hurt Will was, but then he saw me smirking and then I gave Jay a cutter then, I gave him my finisher.

Then the rest of the Bullet club came running out to help Jay, but they got shot down really quick. By the end of that brawl I was bloody.

We all went backstage and took showers then the whole Empire went out to eat. "Guys, can I have your attention please? I would like to make a toast to one of my best friends. William Ospreay. This mama s we all know is truly incredible, he created this faction a year ago for people like us who just do care what anyone else thinks, we all just love the craft of professional wrestling so much that we just don't care anymore about other's opinions. So to Will for helping me with my career and my future in this company. And my house is always open to ever single one of you, I have like 9 extra bed rooms, and some of them have multiple beds, and there is more than enough room for you guys." I said and raised my glass.

"To Will." I smiled and everyone said the same thing.

Everyone took me up on my offer, so having all of them in my house was fun. Cobb is incredibly nice and funny, and everyone else is just amazing, they all help clean, my house is never dirty, and being back together with Fletcher is amazing.

He sleeps with me at night and sometimes we don't even sleep, we just stay up talking.

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