Chapter 7

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*6 Months later*
Being in ROH was really fun, and I have learned a lot, but now I gotta go to REVPRO in London. I said my goodbyes to the ROH wrestlers and staff then I left to the airport.

Jay and I have talked over the phone a lot, and he's still waiting for me. I got on the plane and fell right to sleep.

And he lost to Tana at the Tokyo dome.

When the flight was over it was night time so I just went to my hotel room, and went back to bed until I had to wake up and go to Rev Pro.

*The next day*
As soon as I woke up I ate breakfast and went to the Rev pro building and saw my old boss. "Well well well, if it isn't Harley Thompson." Tyler gave me a hug. "Yeah yeah, it's good to see you too." I laughed. "You're young lion career has been pretty successful." He said. "Yeah, and this is my last stop before I graduate." I said.

"Well congratulations, and there is someone I would like you to meet." He said as we walked to someone's locker room. "His name is Kyle Fletcher." He knocked on the locker room door and the same guy from the restaurant 7 months ago opened the door.

"Yes Tyler, can I help you?" I asked. "Yeah, I would like you to meet Harley, she's was sent from rev New Japan Dojo. This is her final stop before she graduates." Tyler said. Kyle looked at me and smiled. "It's wonderful to meet you Harley, I'm Kyle Fletcher." He said.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Harley Thompson." I held my hand out for him to shake and he did. "I was hoping that you and Mark Davis would make her feel welcomed." Tyler said. "Yeah of course, Harley why don't you come in, Mark should be here soon." Kyle said, and I shook my head and walked into his locker room.

Tyler smiled and walked away. "Here take a seat." Kyle cleared off a chair for me. "Thank you." I sat down. "So you're pretty popular here and in Japan, I'm always hearing people talk about you." Kyle said. "Yeah, do you know where the nearest hair salon is? I like to change my hair with each promotion that I go to." I said. "Uhm Mark and I can take you when he gets here. There's not a show tonight, so we have time." Kyle said and I shook my head. And as soon as he said that the door opened.

"Oh Mark good thing you're here, this is Harley, she's from the New Japan Dojo. And she needs to go to the Hair Salon." Kyle said. "It's good to meet you, and that's perfect I need to get a haircut too." Mark shook my hand. "It's good to meet you too, I'm Harley Thompson." I said.

Then after that we loaded up in Marks car and went to the hair salon.

"What are you looking to do with your hair today?" The lady asked. "I want it completely bleached, then half dyed a emerald green, and the the other half dyed a royal purple." I said. "Ok, sounds good." She said and then got to work.

After a few hours, she was done, and I ended up trimming the ends as well.

Then we went back to the arena to train a little bit.

*The next night*
I had a match tonight with one of my best friends El Phantasmo, I haven't seen him in years so this will be fun.

I've gotten to know Kyle and Mark more, they showed me the the best places to get breakfast, lunch and dinner, and where the best tea spots were.

Kyle is a really nice guy, but I don't see him like I see Jay.

I made my entrance, then ELP made his, we shook hands then the match started.

Since it's my first match here I lost, but that's fine, after the match ELP, Mark, Kyle and I all hung out.

"So what's your guy's tag team name?" I asked. "Aussie Open." Mark said. "That's a pretty good name." I took a drink of my water. "So how do you and Riley know each other?" Kyle asked. "We were neighbors, and our families were always close, and Riley and I both had a love for wrestling, so he broke into the business first, then he helped me get my name out there." I said. "Oh that makes sense, you're both Canadian." Kyle said. "Yeah, but I'm 12 years older than her, I'm 31, she's only 19, she's turning 20, July 1st." Riley said.

"Damn, I'm turning 20, December 24th." Kyle said.

We all spent the rest of the night laughing and talking, but around 12 AM, we all left, and headed to our hotels.

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