Chapter 32

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I didn't have another match in Japan till the G1, so Gedo is having me work some AEW shows.

Will is back in England and I haven't talked to him since Sunday at Forbidden door. TK wanted me in a tag match but none of my faction members were here except Kyle Fletcher.

"I know you guys don't see eye to eye, but you guys are in the same faction, And I need you guys to team up." Tony said. "Fine against who?" Kyle said. "Action Andretti and Skye Blue." Tony said. "No problem Tony, see you out there Fletcher." I said and walked away to my locker room.

I got my gear on, and did my hair, I wasn't going to do any face paint, just normal light makeup.

I put my title around my waist and then put my fur robe on. Skye, and Andretti made their entrance first, then Kyle and I made ours. We came out to my music and Kyle acted like everything was fine between us.

Kyle started with Andretti first, but Skye blue was so tapped up. When Kyle tagged me in I looked at Skye blue who looked like she was dreading this.

I got in the ring and she wasn't getting in the ring so I grabbed her by her hair and threw her over the rope and into the ring. I knew exactly where to target because I caused most of the damage on her.

I beat her pretty badly before she tagged out to Andretti, I stood there and laughed as Andretti stepped up to me, he was talking crap and shoved me. I didn't fall but took a few steps back, and that's when Kyle ran up from behind me and around me and and got in between us and said "Do even try to hit her." That's when I saw Skye Blue looked up and looked angry. She got in the ring and stepped up to me and threw a elbow at me, it hit my face and Kyle saw. "SKYE." He yelled. But that distracted her and I gave her the OsCutter.

She rolled out of the ring and Kyle finished the match and got the win for us. The ref raised our hands. I thanked Fletcher, then rolled out of the ring, grabbed my belt and my robe, then I went backstage.

When I got to the back Jay picked me up and gave me a kiss. "You looked great out there." He smiled. "Thank you." I smiled back at him.

"You wanna go on a date tonight?" Jay asked. "Yes I do, thank you so much Jay for asking." Riley said as he wrapped his arms around us. "I guess you can come too Riley." Jay laughed. "Thank you, and to be clear, you're paying right?" Riley asked. "Yeah I'll pay." Jay said. "Oh good cause I'm broke." Riley and I said at the same time.

"You guys are under million dollar contracts, what do you mean you're broke?" Jay asked. "That doesn't matter right now." I laughed and he sighed.

I took a shower then got ready, we went to one of mine and Riley's favorite restaurants. "When was the first time you guys ate at this place?" Jay asked. "Well I was 6, and he was 18, my family took them out to eat with us one day and from then on it was one of our favorite." I said. "Have you guys ever hated each other?" Jay asked.

"Yes, because when I was going through my teenage years, I didn't hang out with him as much so he was constantly ruining my sleepovers, he was always embarrassing me when he would pick me up from school." I said. "Well you are like my little sister, so when you go from watching wrestling with me everyday and helping me train to not even talking to me, I'm going to throw hands with you." Riley laughed.

After we all ate, we decided to go pay a visit to my family and Riley's family, they live next door to each other, and I haven't seen them in years.

I rang my doorbell and Riley's mom opened the door. "Mom what are you doing here?" Riley asked. "Just because you guys leave doesn't mean we stopped hanging out." She said.

"Hi Mrs. Vigier." I gave her a hug. "Oh Harley it is so good to see you." She hugged me back. "And who is this handsome young man?" She looked at Jay. "Oh this is my boyfriend Jamie White, but we call him Jay." I smiled not realizing what I just said.

"Wait you guys are back together?" I heard Riley ask Jay. "I guess so." Jay said.

"Well it is nice to meet Jay." She held out her hand and Jay kissed it and smiled "The pleasure is all mine." She blushed and said "What a charming young man."  "Well come on in kids, you're mother will be excited to see you and meet your boyfriend." She let us in and I went straight to the kitchen where my parents and Riley's dad was.

"Harley." My mom got up and practically ran to me and hugged me. "I haven't seen you since like 2016. How have you been and who is this?" She asked. "Mom I have been wonderful, just busy, but this is my boyfriend Jamie White, but we all just call him Jay." I said. "Well Jay is wonderful to meet you, I hope that you're better than her boyfriend in high school." She gave Jay a hug.

My mom is overly friendly. "It's wonderful to meet you too, yeah I hope I am better than him." He said not knowing what to do.

"Why don't you guys have a seat, or go hang out in your room, I'm making Nanaimo Bar's." My mom said while giving Riley a hug. "Okay mom." I laughed and took Jay and Riley to my room.

"What are Nanaimo Bar's?" Jay asked, "It's a really good Canadian dessert." Riley said as he sat on my desk chair. Jay and I laid on my bed and said "I haven't been here or seen my room since 2016."  I said.

"Why haven't you been back since?" Jay asked, "I just got busy trying to become a wrestler, then when I graduated, it was go, go, go, no stop, I have only started taking breaks here recently, cause when there wasn't a new Japan show, I went to Rev Pro, or Impact, or CMLL, or now I guess you can say AEW." I said.

Jay, Riley and I spent the rest of the night together laughing and Riley and I told Jay a lot of childhood stories.

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