Chapter 59

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*Weeks later. February 10, New beginning press conference.*

The war dogs did theirs first and I purposely bumped into Dan Moloney on my way to the entrance.

"Watch it." He spat and I laughed and said "All bark and no bite." He just rolled his eyes at me and walked away.

It is a 6 on 6 match, The wars dogs, David Finlay, Clark Connors, Dan Moloney, Gabe Kidd, Alex Coughlin, and Gedo. Vs. The United Empire, Will Ospreay, TJP, Henare, Jeff Cobb, Akira, and myself Harley Thompson.

We all walked out and sat down, I was right in between TJP and Will. Everyone talked except Will and I, but I went before he did.

"I may be a woman, and there may be a steel cage full of men tomorrow but do not underestimate me. I am the only one in this match who won a G1, the only person to win the main event of a wrestle kingdom as a foreigner, and I am the only one who is holding the IWGP world heavyweight championship, I will fight alongside my family and Akira I know that you didn't want to be in this match, you have been put through more shit than anyone in this match and I fucking promise you, I will have your back, I will fight alongside you even if I am missing a leg and a arm, cause you are the reason I came back to the United empire, you and Will were there when Kyle broke up with me so I'm gonna be there with you, weapons in hand beating those war pussys ass." I said and he looked at me and nodded.

Will talked then after that we all stood next to each other with our crowns up high.

*The next night*

This is my face paint for tonight, and it matches my gear and hair

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This is my face paint for tonight, and it matches my gear and hair. When I was done with hair and makeup I went to find the rest of the group. "You look good, perfect for tonight." He said as I sat next to Akira, and TJ. "Thanks, Will I need to talk to you." I said and he looked over at me.

"What's up?" He asked, "can everyone leave, this is a personal thing." I asked and everyone agreed and when Alex (Wills girlfriend) was walking past me she patted my shoulder and smiled, I missed her, I haven't seen her in a while.

They shut the door and I said "Will I love you, you are the brother I never had, you were here with me since the start of my career, you helped train me, but you're leaving me behind, and that hurts will, for a while you were the only person I trusted after Jay, and now you're moving on to bigger and better things." "Harls, I'm still gonna be here for you, I will never leave you behind, when I win big titles in AEW, you are the first person I want to see raising my hand, just like you were here in new Japan, and I know that you will never leave New Japan, and I'm glad, this is your home, but if you ever get forced I will always be here to support you wherever you go, but I'm leaving new Japan to you to take care of, I'm leaving, Okada's leaving, you are the last hope." He said.

"Yeah I am, you were once considered a last hope, when Kenny left, he trusted you, Jay, Okada and myself with new Japan, and I am the only one left, new Japan doesn't need you, Jay, Kenny, or Okada, when they have Shooter, Tsuji, Yuya, Zack saber Jr, Kosei, TJ, Cobb, Akira and myself, we are the future of New Japan. And I will single-handedly rebuild New Japan to better than when Aj was here, better than the Kenny era, better than the Okada era, better than the Jay white era, better than the Will Ospreay Era, this will be the best comeback of the century, mark my mother fucking words, I will put my life into it." I said.

Will didn't say anything and I just stormed out, "Is everything okay?" Akira followed me and asked, "Yeah everything is fine, just mad he's leaving." I said "I know, but you still have me." He smiled and I laughed and put my arm around him, "Yeah I do, that's all I need." I looked at him and smiled as we continued to walk down the hallway.

"1 hour later.*
The match is starting, everyone is all in the gorilla room and Finlay just made his entrance.

"See you out there will beat that War Pussy's ass." I said and he nodded and made his entrance. "You know for a girl you have quite the mouth, I wonder what else it can do." Dan said, I looked over at him and I didn't even have to say anything when TJ got in his face and said "Don't ever fucking talk to her like that again."

"It's okay TJ," I pulled him back "You know moloney if you really want to know so bad I can give you Jay Whites number, you know the real bullet club leader, and you can call and ask him, he can give you all the details." I smirked he was about to say something else when Gedo stopped him.

"Don't, you say anything else to her or do anything to her, Jay will actually Kill you, he almost murdered a man for asking for her number, and her and Jay weren't even together anymore but she has always been his, and he is very protective over what is his." Gedo said and Dan just scuffed.

Dan was the next one out, then Henare, then gedo, then TJ, then Clark, then Akira, then Alex, then Cobb, then Kidd, then myself.

When I got in the ring I took out some of the war dogs, then found Akira and made sure he was okay, I got him up then pulled out bags of glass, thumbtacks, then I pulled out a few razor blades, then some forks so Akira and I could go to town and make some bitches bleed.

After we cut up some of the war dogs I got hit in the head with a wood board wrapped in barbed wire. I fell and hit my head hard on the ground and I was out. I woke up a few minutes later to Akira and TJ trying to get me up. "Are you okay?" TJ asked, and I nodded and stood up, and all the blood started dripping down my face. I wiped it out of my eyes and then saw Finlay trying to pin Will, I rolled in the ring and stopped the pin.

I grabbed one of the forks that was in the ring and continuously stabbed him in the head then I rolled out of the ring to help Akira.

After a while I saw that Will was getting ganged up in the ring by all of the war dogs so I climbed the cage and did a cross body into the ring onto the war dogs. I hurt my rigs in the process but I got back up and yelled.

Then I felt someone hit me with a kendo stick, I turned around and saw gedo.

I laughed and he went to hit me again but I caught it and yanked it from his hand then grabbed his beard and beat him until I broke the kendo stick then I stabbed him with the wood shards.

"HARLEY WATCH OUT." I heard Akira say so I turned around and I was stabbed with a fork I felt my head bleeding so much more. I saw Akira jump on moloney's back but moloney got him off then stabbed him.

Akira fell and I saw the blood rushing from his head so I ran and speared Moloney through the ropes and to the floor where all the broken glass and thumbtacks were.

He yelled in pain and I slowly got up and went to check on Akira but he was fine, stabbing Clark repeatedly.

I chucked and left him be and went to help TJ with Kidd.

*30 minutes later*
Akira, Will and I are the last ones fighting on our team, the others are either too hurt or cuffed to the cage.

Akira was hurt pretty badly so Will took him to a corner and I was in another corner. He rolled Akira out of the ring and I tried to help Will but Moloney grabbed me and held me back.

"Oh pretty princess you will be forced to watch this." He said

"LET HER GO." Will yelled but they didn't. I was forced to watch Finlay give Will his finisher and pin him. My head dropped when the bell rung. Moloney dropped me and I couldn't even get up. I laid there looking at Will's bloody body.

I cried as Finlay talked then they all left. I crawled over to Will and held him in my arms.

There was many countless nights when he held me in his arms whether it was after a long hard match that I won or lost, or even when I was going through a bad breakup. I hugged him tightly and prayed this moment never ended. This will probably be the last time I can do this.

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