Chapter 20

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*A month later*
This past month I have been working out like crazy and working on getting bigger muscles. I have a show coming up tonight, so I am just getting my gear on.

This is my first match since losing to Kota in the finals of the G1. I died my hair half green and half black, so I got gear that matches.

I got my hair curled and got my makeup on.

I was in a tag match with Will tonight and we were facing kota and Tana.

Tana and Kota made their entrances then Will and I made ours. I started the match against Kota.

I took out all of my anger that night. And with me being much bigger, I beat them down.

At the end of the match I pinned Kota and mine and Will's hands were raised.
We made it to the back and did our press conference, then I was about to walk into my locker room when Jay pulled me aside.

"Hey you looked great out there." He said, "Thanks." I said. "Yeah and you have gotten so much more muscle, but I heard that you and Kyle aren't together anymore?" He asked. "We're just taking a break, nothing happened but long distance is hard and we are trying to focus on our careers." I said. "I could understand that, I'm dating someone else but we want to keep it away from the public's eyes because she's not comfortable being around all the paparazzi yet, she's met Riley though." He said. "Oh good for you." I said but I couldn't help but feel a little bit hurt.

But I have no right to feel that way, I moved on from him so I thought, he has a right to move on too. It just hurts cause I still love Jay.

"Thank you, she's a really nice girl and a good person, she's a lot like you, just different." He said. "Ohh, tell me how is she similar and how is she different?" I was now interested. "She has a good heart like you, she is sensitive like you, she's a hard worker like you, but she had cancer, and when you get upset you lose your mind, you are a leader, you are not afraid to fight someone. So you guys are similar but you are very different." He said. When he said that she had cancer my heart sank.

"You better not break her heart or I will break you." I said. "Understandable. Again I'm sorry about that. You are the only person I have ever cheated on, and I will never do that again." He said. "Good. If you ever cheat on someone ever again, your life will be over." I said, and he nodded.

I walked into my locker room and took a shower then went to find Will, which he was with his Girlfriend.

"Alright you guys ready to go?" I asked, "yeah we will meet you out in the car." Will said. Bea Priestley (Will's girlfriend) waved and started grabbing her things.

She's a nice girl, and she's been staying with Will and I. I waved and walked out to my car.

She doesn't ever really talk a lot, but anytime she does, she is really respectful. I put my bags in the car and got in the drivers seat and waited.

After about 3 minutes they both came out and Will got in the passengers seat, and Bea got in the back.

We went and got food then we all went home, I ate and then fell asleep right away.

The next day we all went to the gym. My body muscles are building up more and more and the more and more I work out the more and more motivated I am.

After a few hours of exercising we all decided to leave and go have lunch.

"So Harley, have you talked to Kyle here recently?" Will asked. "Yeah I talked to him after the show last night." I took a drink of my water. "And how is he doing?" Will asked. "He's doing good, he's building up more strength as well, and just focusing on his career." I said. "Did he tell you that he's going to be coming to Japan in a day, he will be here tomorrow." Will took a bite from his food.

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