Chapter 25

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*A few weeks later, at forbidden door*
I was in the back with the empire, the locker room door was open and I happened to look over and saw that Jay was walking past the door, Will saw what I was looking at and ran to close the door. "NO! I will do everything in my power to keep you away from him." He yelled.

I stood up and whispered in his ear  "Let me show you power." I then opened the door and walked out and was cut off by Riley.

"Girl I haven't seen you since you killed Jay a few weeks ago, are you cleared to wrestle yet?" He asked, and I looked over his shoulder and saw Jay looking at me. "Actually yeah I am, just in time for the G1." I said, and walked past him and over to Jay.

"Hey cupcake. Good luck tonight with your big match. Don't go losing my belt to a bunch of no named people." I smiled. "Darling please, I didn't mean to injure you, and actually it wasn't even me, it was Gedo." He pleaded with me.

"I'm not your darling, but here in a few weeks the world won't be breathing with the switchblade, cause I'll have my hand around their necks, see you in the G1." I said and walked away and to go find Tanahashi.

"Tana your hair looks amazing." I gave him a hug. "Thank you my child, so how are you feeling? I haven't seen you since you almost killed Jay." He said. I sat down and said "I'm feeling great, I'm actually cleared to wrestle, so I will be wrestling in the G1." I said.

"Good, I'm glad." He smiled. "And good luck on your huge match tonight, I'm going to be in the back yelling 'GO ACE' and if you lose I'm going to jump Mox when he gets to the back." I laughed and he smiled.

"Thank you my child. I got to finish getting ready, I will see you soon." He kissed my cheek and I left.

Ever since I left my home in 2015 I haven't seen my parents, so when I got to new Japan in 2017, Tana has been my parent.

I was walking back to the empire's locker room when I felt someone attack my leg. I looked down and saw Mox's baby girl.

I haven't seen her in like 6 months. "Nora, I haven't seen you in months." I picked her up.

"I missed you." I gave her a kiss. "Yeah she insisted on seeing you." Mox said. "Well let's be honest here Mox, I'm like the coolest person ever." I said. "Yeah dad she is." Nora said.

"Well since you are so cool, do you mind babysitting?" He asked. "Only if it's my favorite girl in the world, let's go Nora." I laughed. "Thank you Harley, Nora be good for your auntie." Mox smiled and walked away.

With Nora in my arms I walked to the locker room and ran into Jay again. "Oh darling, you would make an amazing mom." He said. "I know, I would make an amazing everything, ain't that right Nora?" I asked. "Yeah." She said.

"Whatever you say." He laughed, "Don't you have a wife, you shouldn't be talking to your Ex." I said. "Yeah I do, but she likes you, she said that if she had the choice to choose between us, she'd choose you." He said. "Well I would choose me too." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I got to go, I have a very serious play date to get to." I said and Jay laughed.

Jay's pov:
God it's always been her, even when she tried to kill me. I tried moving on, but I still have feelings for her.

I just can't let my wife know, and I feel bad for that. I love my wife, but I still really love Harley, I mean she was really my first love, like all of my girlfriends when I was a kid were cool and all but I never truly loved them, I love Harley.

I watched as she walked away with the baby in her arms.

*A few minutes later*

I walked by the United Empire's locker room and saw Harley and Kyle laying on the ground playing with the baby, and Kyle lifted Harley's chin and gave her a kiss.

I felt a lot of anger and rage in my stomach so I just walked away.

Will's pov:
I was walking down the hallway when I saw Jay looking into the Empires locker room, after a little while he stormed off.

I got curious and went to see what he was looking at, when I peeked my head into the room I saw Kyle, and Harley on the ground with Mox's baby, and Kyle and Harley were kissing.

"Ahh get a room." I walked in. "No, I think we're good." Harley laughed. "Fine then give me Nora, she doesn't need to see that." I took Nora.

"When is your match Will?" Harley asked. "In like 10 minutes." I said. "Ok, Aussie Open and I are going out there with you." She said and I nodded.

Harley's pov:
For about 8 minutes Will was playing with Nora.

Aussie Open and I were ready, I just had to take Nora back to Mox.

"Hey Mox, I'm going out there with Will, so here is Nora back." I said. "Okay thank you." He took Nora and I walked off to go find Will.

"Alright you ready babe? I know you're not wrestling but we're going to support Will." Kyle rubbed my shoulders.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Orange Cassidy made his entrance first, then Will's music hit.

Will went out first then Kyle, Davis, and I went out behind him. Of course Will beat him, but after that they paned the lights and cameras towards the crowd and showed Juice Robinson, and ELP.

Juice was showing the IWGP U.S. title that is not even his.

I demanded a mic, and said "You're sitting up there so comfortable aren't you Juicy, when that title on your shoulder isn't even yours, it's Wills, and you know it, so why don't you be a good boy and bring it down. Riley tell your friend to bring it down." They just shook their heads and mouthed 'No'

"I was afraid that you would say that." I dropped the mic and jumped over the barrier and ran all the way up to them, but they were running away so I chased after them. I caught Riley so I showed him to the camera and gave him my finisher on the concrete. I kissed the camera and walked away and back to Will, Kyle, and Davis.

When I got back down to them Will said "Darling that was not necessary." "I know but I miss being in action, I live and breathe for this, and I have to wait for the G1 to get back in the ring." I said as we walked up the ramp.

When we got to the back I saw Riley holding his head. "You are crazy, you know that." He laughed. "Yeah I know." I patted his back.

Now I just waited for Jays match cause after his match ends, I'm gonna attack him.

*Jay's Match.*
As soon as Jay pinned Adam Cole, the arena went Black. I made my way to the ring and stood behind him, when the lights turned back on Jay looked around, then he turned around and saw me.

I kicked Jay in the gut, then I gave him my finisher and held up the IWGP World heavyweight title. "This is mine Jay, and it will be until you beat me clean." I threw the title at him.

I hoped out of the ring and made my way to the back.

"You still move great." Kyle gave me a kiss. "Thank you." I smiled. "Alright it's my match now, will you watch Nora?" Mox came up to me. "Yeah of course, Nora we will be cheering for Tanahashi." I grabbed her. "No, she will be cheering for me." Mox said.

"No she won't, Nora Mox, or Tana?" I asked her. "Tana." She smiled. "Good girl." I smiled. "Whatever." Mox laughed.

Throughout the main event Nora and I cheered for Tana and screamed "GO ACE."

But sadly Mox won. "Well kid, you're dad won, Tana lost."  I said "Awwe shucks." She crossed her arms and I laughed.

When they got to the back Mox grabbed Nora and said "Daddy won." And she said "Awwe Shucks." Again and Mox laughed as well.

After the show we all went back to our hotels.

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