Chapter 37

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(This is way before the actual quarter finals, so non of this happened yet in reality)

Today is the quarter finals and I'm facing ZSJ from the D block. Zack made his entrance first and then I made mine, Will and Akira came with me, during the match Will tried to intervene so I yelled at him "Will what are you doing?" "I'm trying to help you." He said. "I don't need your help Will." I yelled back, then Zack rolled me up, thank god I was able to kick out at 2, I rolled away and got up, and hit Zack with a knee. I then hit Zack with my finisher and pinned him.

The bell rung and my music hit. Will and Akira ran into the ring and Will tried to give me a hug. "Get off me, you almost costed me the match." I pushed him. He backed up and said "I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes and turned around, I started walking away then I turned around and punched Will in the face.

Will fell and was knocked out for a few minutes. "Harley? What are you doing?" Akira screamed at me. I didn't say anything but instead I rolled out of the ring. Will was getting up and Akira tried to follow me. "No, stay with Will, you need him, I don't." I said and he fell to his knees. I was backing away when Will helped Akira up.

None of them knew what I was doing tonight, so when Akira looked up he was crying and trying to fight out of Will's grasp.

I saw the rest of the Empire run past me and heard Cobb say "Harley what are you doing?" I didn't say anything, but instead I just walked away watching Akira crying, Will's eyes met mine and everything was in slow motion, one single tear came running down his cheek. With my title in one hand, and my robe in the other I walked to the back.

No one said anything to me, I just walked past them and to my locker room, I took a shower and was about to walk out of my locker room but when I opened the door I saw Will. "Why'd you do that?" He asked. "Kyle. You won't kick them out, so I am removing myself from the problem." I tried to walk past him.

"So what are you going to join Bullet Club now?" He asked. "No, I'm going to stay by myself." I tried walk away again but was stopped. "What about that tattoo?" He looked down at my United Empire tattoo that was on my side. "I will just cover it for now. Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, you need to talk to Akira." He said.

I took a deep breath and nodded, I walked to Will's locker room where I saw Cobb, Henare, Khan, and Akira.

I tried walking to Akira but Khan blocked me so I punched him in the throat. Akira looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. I crouched down to see him better. We just stared at each other for a little bit before I hugged him, now tears streaming down my face.

I squeezed him and felt him squeeze me, he is like my little brother, so to see him cry hurt me. "Hey, I need to take a break from the empire for a little while cause of Kyle Fletcher. But I will still be here for you." I said and looked back into his eyes.  "posso venire con te per favore? (can i come with you please?)" he asked in Italian. "No, stay with them, you need them more than you need me. I'm going to win this G1 for you though." I whispered and gave him another hug.

I felt him nod and more tears fell down onto my shoulder. After I stood up I said "One last time for the family. Crowns up, for the United Empire." I did the United empire symbol and everyone did it with me. I gave Will a hug and I gave the rest of them a hug, but I told Akira "Remember, I'm still here for you, I love you little Italian boy." I gave him one final hug, then I left.

I looked back one final time and smiled as I saw Will and Akira hugging each other.

I got into my car and drove home, but I stayed in the guest house so I didn't have to see Akira crying again.

*August 13th.*
Tonight is the finals, and I'm facing Naito.

I got ready and covered my tattoo and got some face paint on

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