Chapter 12

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"Hey sorry I took so long, I was helping Davis find his shoes, but the cab should be here any minute now." And as soon as he said that the cab pulled up.

"Alright Davis, and Riley, we will see you tomorrow." Fletcher said, I told the boys goodnight and then Fletcher and I got in the cab.

"So how has it been with mystery man? Has he messed up yet?" Kyle asked. "It's been good, he hasn't messed up yet, and mystery man has a name." I laughed. "What's his name then?" Kyle laughed. "Jay White." I blushed at the thought of his name. "Oh damn, yeah if I got the chance to be with him, I would take it too. But on a real note, I will always be here for you, weather it's as friends, lovers, or ex lovers." He said.

"Thank you Fletch. And I do really like you, but I really like Jay too, I'm just trying to figure out life, Jay is only my second boyfriend, my first one being when I was a Freshman in high school, I started dating a Sophomore, and I thought he really loved me, we dated till I graduated, and once I did, I started going to the same college as him, then I found out that he was cheating on me, so I dropped out of college, broke up with him, went to London, then got recognized by New Japan, then went through the young Lion system, and met you." I smiled.

"Damn I'm sorry, I've had 2 girlfriends so far, and both cheated on me, so I haven't dated anyone since like 2015, or 2016, I think it was like New Year's Eve of 2015 when I broke up with my last girlfriend." Kyle said. "Damn, that sucks, I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, but we're here now." He said. He helped grabbed my bags and we went into his hotel room.

He showed me my room and placed all my stuff down. "Ok we'll enjoy while you're here." He said. "Thank you." I said and took my shoes off.

He was about to leave when I asked "Hey Fletch, do you want to maybe watch a movie?" "Sure Harls." He smiled and we walked out to the main living room. He sat on one side of the couch, and I sat on the other side.

We watched a funny movie, and in the middle of the movie I fell asleep.

I woke up to Fletch carrying me to my room. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" He looked down at me as he set me on my bed.

Fletcher's pov:
I set her down and saw that she was awake "I'm sorry did I wake you?" I looked down at her. "Kinda, sorry I fell asleep." She apologized. "No you're okay, just get some rest." I said and covered her with a blanket.

As soon as she was under the blanket she was asleep. I walked to the doorway and looked back at her. She is so beautiful, she still has her purple and green hair, it really suits her. I remember the day that she got her hair done.

After I realized I was staring too long I quietly closed the door, and walked to my room, I took a shower and then got into bed.

It hurts to know that she's with Jay White instead of me, but all I can do is wait for her. I just hope Jay doesn't break her heart.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to Jays account and see if they have any pictures together. And man they had a lot. They seemed perfect together. Then I watched some videos of them and they really had a real spark. The way Jay looks at her makes me even more jealous. Then I saw a picture with Jay, Harls, and Will Ospreay, so I decided to go to Will's account and I saw even more videos of Harls and Jay

I got too mad and just put my phone down. I love Harley, I watch all of her matches even if that means that I don't get any sleep. I want her in my life, but I can't do anything to ruin her's and Jay's relationship because she won't forgive me.

I didn't even realize that I was so angry that I had fallen asleep.

*The next day*
Harley's Pov:
The next day Fletcher and I had met up with Riley and Davis and went to go get breakfast, then we went to go train.

*A few hours later*
I was getting ready for my match, and got all my gear on, and I curled my hair and put the lightest makeup on. After I got ready I went to Aussie Open's locker room, I was teaming with Riley tonight but he's still getting ready.

"Hey guys." I said. "Hey, you're gear looks better in person." Davis laughed. "Yeah, I wanted it a very specific way, so it just stays that way." I said. "Makes sense. You nervous for your match?" Fletcher asked me. "No, I'm ready." I said. "Good, that's good." He said.

Ever since last night Fletcher hasn't talked to me much, and I don't know why.

Soon after that Riley walked in "Hey guys, I'm ready, Harley, we should start making our way to the entrance stage." "Ok, bye guys." I walked out of the room.

"What happened with Fletcher, anytime you're around he gets quiet?" Riley asked, "I have no clue, but I was wondering the same thing." I said. "Hmm, that's weird." He shrugged his shoulders.

The other guys made their entrance, then we made ours. The match went good, and we won, I got the pin, then we made our way to the back.

"Hey good job out there." I heard the voice of Will. I turned around so fast and saw him leaning against a wall. "Will what the fuck are you doing here?" I gave him a hug. "I have bad news for you, but I need to talk to you in private." He said, I nodded and my heart started racing, we walked outside and away from everyone.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh nothing I just wanted to make you nervous." He laughed. "But Jay suspects that you are cheating on him with Fletcher, because there is pictures of you going to his hotel room, so he's all hurt right now, and sent me over to ask you about it." He said.

"Oh my god, well I'm cutting my time in REVPRO short, we're going back to Japan." I said. "Well we're you?" He asked. "No, I told Fletcher that Jay and I were together and even he said that if he got the chance to date Jay, that he would take it too." I said. "Is Fletcher gay?" Will asked. "No, but he respects Jay, Jay is one of his favorites, and he would never do anything to hurt me or him." I said.

"Ok, well take a shower, then we're heading back to Japan." He said and I nodded.

I walked back into the building and went to find Fletcher, Davis, and Riley, "Hey is everything okay?" They asked, "Yeah but I gotta go back to Japan, it was great seeing you guys." I said, then walked out.

After my shower I got all of my stuff then Will and I headed to the airport.

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