Chapter 10

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*3 Weeks later, September 23rd 2018*
Today was my match with Kenny for his belt, "So who do you want out there with you?" Okada asked. "Can all of you come with me?" I asked. "Of course, let's go." Okada said.

I'm so excited cause I can wear my actual gear. It matches my purple and green hair, it's a green and purple top, and my bottoms are purple and green too but one side is a pant leg, and the other side is shorts, and I have long boots and I curled my hair.

The whole arena went black and my music hit,then the lights flickered, the turned on to show my shadow, then they turned off, then back on and I started walking down the ramp, and then Okada, Jay, Will came with me.

Kenny then made his entrance, then the match started. Kenny is a great wrestler, I looked up a lot to him when I was training so this is a dream match for me.

The match went 31:47 minutes, and Kenny beat me, after the match ended and Kenny made his way to the back, the arena went black and then the lights turned back on and Tama Tonga was in the ring with Jay and the rest of Chaos were all over the ring scattered, and Jay and Tama Tonga did the Too Sweet.

When Tama saw that I was getting up to confront them he grabbed me and threw me to Jay, and Jay gave me the Blade runner. I knew about all of this of course, but it's still crazy that it's happening.

The young lions carried Okada, Will and I to the back, and when we got to the back Jay came up to me right away and said "You okay? Are you hurt?" "No I'm fine, and great job out there, you really surprised everyone." I gave him a kiss. "Good, and thank you. And you were incredible out there. I'm so proud, you really proved that you could hang with people like Kenny, Tana, Okada, Kota and I." He wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you, but I need a shower." I laughed, "okay you go do that." He said.

I went my locker room and I had text from Riley, Mark Davis, and from Fletcher all saying the same thing "You looked amazing out there, I'm so proud of you." I replied to all of them and then took a shower.

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