Chapter 35

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*3 Days later*
I am wrestling Tonga Loa tonight, and he is making his entrance now, and I'm making mine, and of course Akira is right there with me.

Tonga Loa and I went 12:35, and I of course beat him. When I was doing my backstage comments I said "3 down, 4 to go. People aren't taking me seriously, so maybe they will now, but I will continue proving that I am better than everyone. Taichi, I will see you in a few days." I got up and went to my locker room.

*4 days later*
Taichi and I were in the main event and he made his entrance first, then I made mine. I gave Akira my belt and robe. The bell rung and Taichi and circled the ring before for we locked up, there was a point when I almost got pinned but I lifted my shoulder at the last second. After a few more minutes he was running at me to give me the Axe Bomber, but I reversed it and gave him my finisher and pinned him. The match went a total of 19:59 minutes, it was a second away from going to the time limit.

"I did it again, El Phantasmo you are next my friend, I will see you soon, and the rest of you in the back, make sure you are watching me, maybe you'll learn something." I got up and left.

*2 days later*
I am wrestling Riley tonight and I am just making my entrance now, Riley already made his, so he is just waiting for me. Akira was right behind me, and I handed him my stuff and the bell rung, Riley and I have wrestled like 10 times at this point and he has only beaten me twice, and I have beaten him 8 times, and this time was no different, we went 16 minutes on the dot and I beat him.

"Will come August 1st be ready, cause I'm coming for you, I will be in your corner tonight, but I will beat you on the 1st, just 2 left, then I will beat whoever I need to in the quarterfinals and then I'll beat whoever In the semifinals, then I will be in the finals, and I will win that. Good luck guys." I kissed the camera then I went to the back.

*Later on that night*
Akira and I weee in Will's corner when he wrestled Okada. I watched this match very closely because these were my last two opponents.

Will beat Okada and I gave him a hug but then we got in each other's faces and he said "You're not beaten on the 1st, you can think that you will, but it's not happening." "Oh Willy, congratulations on beating Okada, I've only done that a thousand times, get ready cause come the first, I am going to be standing over your beaten up body. I will still love you, but I am going to beat you, and there's no doubt about it." I said and we shook hands, then he gave me another hug, Akira joined in on the group hug then we all left and went to the back.

*5 days later*
Will and I are in the main event tonight and Akira is in my corner, Will made his entrance first then I made mine. I handed Akira my robe and my belt then Will said "Akira, what about me?"

"Have the young lions take it, I'm with Harley." Akira said. "You are so mean." Will said. I stretched and then the bell rung. Will and I locked up and I pushed him against the rope. "Clean break." Red shoes said, I back up then chopped Will as hard as I could. He shook it off and him and I were at it again. That set the tone for the rest of the match. Will hit me with the storm driver and then the storm breaker, but I kicked out at one.

Will freaked out and I got up and kicked him as hard as I could in the face. I am rev only person to kick out of the storm breaker.  Will got back up and elbowed me in the face.  He hit me with his finisher again but I kicked out again.

After another five more minutes, I gave Will the one winged angle, then I hit him with my finisher, then I pinned him. But he kicked out at 2. He is the only person to kick out of my finisher. So I came up with a new move last minute. I hit him with a move that is kinda like his finisher but instead he lands on his head, then I hit him with my finisher again and pinned him. "1. 2. 3." Akira and the crowd counted with red shoes.

The bell rung and my music hit, I laid there next to Will my hand still over his body. Akira and the young lions ran in and put ice on us.

I closes my eyes and took a few deep breaths. "You guys okay?" Akira asked. "Yeah." Will and I responded at the same time.

After a few minutes Akira helped me up and I was handed a microphone to close out the show "Arigatō, thank you all for coming to the show, I have one more to go, and thank you Will for this wonderful match, this was so far the hardest match of the tournament, I am so tired, after this I am going to bed. Again thank you all, I hope you enjoyed the show and I will win the rest of this tournament for not only myself but for the united empire and for Canada." I said, then Akira helped Will and I to the back. Will and I did our back stage comments at the same time "Well I really thought I was beating her, but I didn't, so congratulations to her." Will said and clapped. "Thank you Will, and I warned you, but Okada you're next, in 5 days, be ready." I said then Will, Akira and I left. Will went to his locker and took a shower and I went to mine.

*5 days later*
I was getting ready for my match when Will ran into my locker room. "Harley, I overheard Gedo and Finlay talking, Finlay said that since you keep winning like this, you haven't lost a match since the beginning of this year, he wants you to turn on the United empire and go to bullet club." Will said "Oh hell no, I would rather quit than be in bullet club." I said. "That's what gedo is telling Finlay, he said 'United Empire is her home, I can ask, but if she says no, then that's not my problem' and I'm like she better not, Dan already left me this year for bullet club, my sister can't leave me too." He said, and as soon as he said that, Gedo and Finlay walked into my locker room.

"Harley can we talk to you? Will can you leave?" Gedo asked. "No whatever you have to say, say it in front of Will." I said. "Ok, well David Finlay is wanting you to join bullet club." Gedo said and I bursted out laughing. "Yeah maybe if the switchblade Jay White was here, you would have a better chance at getting me to join, but even then I would say no, the United Empire is my home. I would rather quit than join bullet club, especially with David Finlay as the leader. Look at him, he's a wannabe Jay White." I laughed even more and so did Will, even Gedo cracked a laugh, and Finlay got pissed and kinda shoved gedo and said "Than quit." "I don't know Finlay it looks like Gedo needs me more than I need this company, he is holding onto my contract as long as he can, I can't say the same for you though, the moment your contract expires he's not going to be begging you to resign, though when my contract expired last year he was on his knees begging me to resign because I bring that many viewers to the company, this company has had so many 5-6 star matches and Will and I have the most of those. Not you. So if you will leave, I need to get ready for my match against Okada." I said. Gedo laughed some more but Finlay stormed out.

Once I was done getting ready I made my entrance first with Will and Akira by my side. I got in the ring and waited for Okada to make his, once he did I handed Will and Akira my robe and belt. Then the bell rung.

Okada and I almost went to the 20 minute time limit but I beat him in 19:50 minutes. I closed out the show and went to the back  and did my back stage comments "Alright I am undefeated so far. I'm in the quarterfinals, I will see whoever it is that I'm facing in the ring on the 10th. Good luck." I said and got to my locker room.

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