Chapter 3

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*A year later*
This past year I have been getting really good. Tanahashi, Okada, and Will Ospreay have all taken an interest in me, and not like is a crush way but in a role model way.

Tonight was a show, and I was in a tag match with Will Ospreay. We're facing another young lion and Taguchi.

Through out my time as a young lion, I haven't really talked to any of the other lions, I've only talked to them when I was in the ring with them.
Will and I made our entrances then Taguchi  and the lion made theirs.

Of course Will and I won, and Taguchi ate the pin, and I was the one who pinned him.
Most of the time Young Lions never pin the  vets. When the bell rang, Will ran into the ring and hugged me.

We made our way to the back and did our Back Stage Comments, then I took a shower and curled my hair, then got ready to join the other young lions.

Tana was in the ring when all of the sudden he was attacked by the none other returning Jay White. Then Jay challenged Tana to a match at the Tokyo dome.

During the rest of the show some of the vets had us Young Lions take some face bumps and had us bleed, so after the show I went to the back and cleaned myself up.

Then there was a knock on my locker room door. I opened the door to see Mark and Jay White behind him.

"Hey Harley, you know how a year ago I was telling you about Jay White and his other young lion friends?" Mark said, "Yeah why?" I asked. "Well I thought that you should meet one of them, you probably already saw him tonight, but this is Jay White." He moved out of the way and showed Jay.

He wasn't in the outfit that he attacked Tana in, but he was in Shorts and a tight fitting shirt.

"Jay this is Harley Thompson, Harley this is Jay." Mark said to ease the awkward silence.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Jamie, but everyone calls me Jay." He held out his hand for me to shake, which I did. "It's nice to meet you too Jay, my name is Harley."  I said and he smiled.

"Well I'll let you two get to know each other." Mark left. "So uhm can I come in?" Jay asked. "Yeah of course, I was just cleaning up the blood off of my face." I moved out of the way and let him in.

"So Mark told me that none of the other young lions like you?" Jay sat down on one of the chairs in the room. "Yeah, the moment I walked into the dojo they all just started and whispered about me, and then when Mark introduced me to them, they all just walked away, so I don't talk to them, I only speak to them when we're in the ring together." I said wiping off the rest of the blood.

"Yeah that class has always been a bunch of assholes, so who trains you?" Jay asked. "Okada, and Tanahashi, and Will Ospreay sometimes." I sat down on the chair opposite of his. "Oh, so I just attacked your trainer, not the greatest first impression." He laughed. "Yeah but it's okay, it's what's best for business." I said. "Yeah, hey you seem pretty cool, would you maybe want to go out with me and my friends one day, and by friends, it's Juice Robinson, I know he follows your career every since you were training in Rev Pro, he's actually the one who showed me you." Jay said.

"Yeah sure, it would just have to be a day that I'm not training, my only days off of training are Fridays and Tuesdays." I said. "Ok tomorrow is a Friday, does tomorrow work?" Jay asked. "Yeah, it does." I smiled.

Through out the rest of the night Jay and I talked and got to know each other until it was time to head back to the Dojo.

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