Chapter 51

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Over this past week we have spent so much time with his family, and with each other, Jay has taken on personal dates so that it's just us and we can have some alone time, and it's been great. We were on the roof of a restaurant and were seated at one of the many tables.

Jay gave me a rose and I smiled as he took a picture of me and posted it to social media. But tonight is the last night here, tomorrow we are going back to the U.S.

"You really are the most beautiful woman I've ever met." He took a drink of his water. I blushed and did the same.

*That Wednesday*
Tonight I am booked in a mixed tag match against Anna Jay and Daddy Magic, and I'm teaming with Juice.

They made their entrances first, then we made ours. The Gunns and Jay came out with us as well and I told juice "I will start." "You sure, I can start." He said. "No I got this." I said he nodded and went to the apron. Anna and I circled the ring before we locked up. I pushed her to the rope and chopped her.

"Get you and the girls in the locker room can't hit like that." I teased. She held her chest then tried to Mexican chop me. I stood there and laughed, that was nothing to me, I'm so used to getting chopped by Will, Jay, and Ibushi, so that just felt like a little pinch.

I chopped her again and she fell and held her chest. I grabbed her hair and pulled her up to give her a superplex. I rolled through with it and gave her another one. And continued that for a while then I gave her a German. I sat in the corner for a bit as I got dizzy then I crawled over to her and pinned her, but Daddy Magic broke it up.

I laughed and stood up, I grabbed him by the little hair that he had and kicked him in the gut, then I gave him a powerbomb. He rolled out of the ring and Anna Jay tried to roll me up, but I rolled through and got her in the Bone lock.

She managed to get to the rope, so I let her go. "Tag me in." Juice said. I backed up and tagged him in, and sat on the apron for a little bit.

"You doing ok?" Jay asked. "Yeah, always am." I smiled, he patted my shoulder and nodded. I stood up to watch to make sure Juice didn't lose our match for us cause he's not the best wrestler. After a while of him being in the ring I tagged myself in and finished the match, I gave Anna Jays finisher then mine and I pinned her. The bell rung and the ref raised mine and Juices arms then handed me my stuff. Jay gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead then we walked to the back.

"Why'd you tag yourself in?" Juice asked. "No offense Juice, but you almost got pinned 4 times, so I finished the match for us, I love you juice but I also love to win." I said. "Ok." He put his head down.

"It's okay Juicy, you were teaming with a woman who believes she's better than me." Jay laughed, "It's cause I am better than you Jay, you have only beaten me once, and that's cause you cheated, every time I beat you it's peer talent." I said. "See what I mean." He told juice and I smacked him on the arm, then walked to the women's locker room to get changed.

I'm opening the show with a promo and I'm calling out Skye Blue for one final match to end this.

I walked out with my belt around my waist, the briefcase in my left hand and a mic in another hand. "So I don't have a match tonight, but I am here to call out one particular person in the back, but before I do that as everyone knows October 1st is wrestle dream, and I'm free that night but I have issues with one person in the back, she likes to talk a lot of shit, and we have had a few matches, the first one being Forbidden Door, then she wanted another match and that was a horrible idea, but now she's all clear and healthy to wrestle, so Skye Blue, one final time, October 1st, Seattle Washington, you vs me in a steel cage." I said then her music hit. She skipped her way to the ring and grabbed a mic and got in.

"Wrestle dream ayy?" She asked and I nodded. "In a steel cage?" She asked again and I nodded and said "Yes, in a steel cage." "Okay, you're on, put I want you to put your title on the line." She said. "Ha, okay, let's do it, you vs me, October 1st, in a steel cage for the Open Weight Championship." I raised the belt in the air.

We dropped the mics and got in each other's faces, she slapped me, so I took my briefcase swung it and hit her in the face with it. After that I left the ring and went to the back.

"Baby you can't be hitting people with your briefcase." Jay laughed. "Yes I can, Ibushi taught me that." I laughed and we walked to his locker room.

But you were mine first Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant