Chapter 9

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The flight was about 12 hours, and I slept most of it. When I landed I got off and headed down the escalator and saw Tana, Will, Okada and Jay holding a poster with my name.

I ran to them and jumped into Tana's arms first, he gave me a hug then I hugged Will, then Okada, then I jumped into Jay's arms, and kissed him.

"I waited for you, did you wait for me?" I asked. "Of course I did." He kissed me back. "Wait, when did this happen?" Will asked. "Uhm, just now." I laughed.
We all drove to Jay's apartment so that way I could drop my stuff off, then we all went out to eat.

*Later that night*
Jay and I were laying next to each other under his white satin sheets and we were laughing. I was telling him some of the funny stories from Rev pro and ROH, and he told me some stories from here while I was gone, and how some of the young lions were acting.

"I really missed you." I said. "I know and I missed you more. I had plenty of restless nights, or some I would wake up and head to the dojo and you weren't there." He kissed my head. "Yeah I still wake up at 4:30 AM everyday, and get ready to go train, but now I'm not doing that." I said. "Yeah, it's just good to have you back." He said. "Yeah, it's good to be back." I yawned.

"I'm going to go to sleep, I have serious jet lag." I laughed and Jay nodded, and then turned the lights off.

I fell asleep pretty quickly, and I fell asleep with Jay's arms around my waist.

*The next morning*

The next morning I woke up to Jay being gone. So I got up and started looking for him. "Jay." I called out but no answer.

I kept looking and a few minutes later I called out again "Jay." Finally I heard him yell. "Harley, I'm in the kitchen." So I walked to the kitchen and saw that he was making breakfast.

"Hey what are you doing up so early?" I asked. "Well I knew that you would be up at this time so I woke up at 4 to make you breakfast, so that way we can hit the training rooms, and get ready for your big debut tonight." Jay said. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss. "Thank you." I said. "Anything for you. So have you thought about what faction you're going to be in?" He asked.

"Yeah I was thinking of either joining Bullet Club, or Chaos with you, Okada, and Will." I said. "Hmm some great choices." He said. "But I have decided on which one, I guess you'll have to wait and see tonight." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

*Later on that night.*
Bullet club and Chaos were standing across the ring from each other when then arena went black and then my music hit. The lights flickered and then flashed on to show my shadow, but then it shut off again.

Right now Kenny is the Heavyweight Champion, and Jay is the U.S. champion, so I thought I would kind of tease Jay, I already let everyone else know, but Jay still doesn't.

Finally the lights turned back on and the crowd went wild, I made my way down the ramp, and got in the ring, I went right over to Kenny like he and I planned and gave him a hug.

Jay was pissed. I cut a short promo about what my mission was and at the end I turned to Kenny and said "And that title is at the top of my list." Then I hit my finisher which is an Inverted Hammerlock tombstone piledriver.

I then smiled and walked over to Okada and he gave me a hug then raised my hand.

We all went backstage and Jay gave me a hug and a kiss and said "You really scared me for a second, I thought you were joining bullet club." "Haha, nope that was all apart of the plan." I said.

*A week later.*
Gedo wants to wait for me to have a match until I wrestle Kenny, so I have to wait a few more weeks till I have my first match back from excursion, but I get to attack Kenny whenever I want, so that's a plus.

I did however go with Jay or Will during their match's. They always had really fun and interesting matches, so it was always fun to watch them.

After the show tonight, Okada treated all of Chaos to dinner, Jay, Will, Okada, and I were all at the same table and Will made a comment about how I'm already challenging for the top title.

"No, I wanted her to do that, it keeps her motivated, Harley is a smart girl, so she needs challenges to keep her motivated and to keep going, plus it's a better look for Chaos." Okada said. "Oh okay makes sense." Will said and then I smacked him in the back of the head "Yeah don't ever question me again." I laughed and so did he.

We were all laughing when I noticed that Jay was having an anxiety attack, he was shaking his leg a lot, and he kept fidgeting with his necklace and his rings.

"You okay?" I mouthed to him. "No." He mouthed back. "Excuse me guys but I need to talk to Jay really quick." I said and they nodded.

Jay stood up and took my hand and we walked out to his car, we sat in the front seats, and I asked "What's wrong?" "I don't know, I just started feeling stressed and my heart started racing." He said.

"Ok take some deep breaths, has anything happened here recently that could have caused this?" I asked. "Uhm yeah, I overheard Gedo and Okada talking about how they want me to turn on all of you guys." He said. "What? Oh okay, well don't worry about that, just breathe, and even if you do have to turn on us doesn't mean that we won't be together or that we won't be rooting for you." I said.

"You're right, you're right, thank you." He gave me a kiss and took a few more breaths. "Do you want to go back in there and finish dinner, or do you want to leave?" I asked. "No I'm hungry, let's go back in." He said, and I smiled, I'm hungry too.

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