Chapter 21

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*9 months later*
These past 9 months have been really good, I am the United States champion, I didn't win the G1 but that's fine.

Tonight I am defending my title against Lance Archer, that man is terrifying, and I am not looking forward to this at all.

I was getting ready when Will came into my locker room. "We're turning on Okada tonight, I am making my own faction, with me, you, a young lion named the Great-O-Khan, and then Bea of course." He said, I whipped my head around and saw him leaning against a wall.

"Are you serious?" I asked, "yeah unless you want to stay with Okada." He said, "No, I'm going with you." I said. "Ok cool, well good luck against Lance, he almost killed me last year, if he almost kills you I will rush out there." He said.

"Ok thank you." I smiled and he walked out.

*10 minutes later*

Lance made his entrance first then I made mine. When Lance and I went chest to chest he towered over me. I didn't back down and that's where I messed up.

I was talking crap to him when he grabbed me by my neck and lifted me into the air and gave me a choke slam. When he did that I was at least 10 feet in the air.

He pinned me instantly but I kicked out at 2. He got off of me and allowed me to get up.

I stood up and grabbed my neck, gasping for air. He then grabbed my hair and I kicked him in the knee.

The match went like 8 minutes and I beat him with a figure 8 leg lock.

After a while of trying to get out of it he tapped. My music hit and my hand was raised, they handed me my belt and I got out of the ring right away because Lance was chasing me.

When I got to the back I ran right past the back stage comments and Lance was quick on my tail. As soon as we were out of the camera view he stopped and went to his locker room and I went to mine.

I took a shower and then went with Will.

We went out with Okada and then when Okada was cutting a promo, Will and I looked at each other and we gave Okada a Marufuji hook kick to the face.

Once Okada was on the ground, I lifted him and gave him my finisher then Will did the same, then the lights went off, then when they turned back on The Great-O-Khan was in the ring acting like we was going to fight us, then he also attacked Okada.

Then the rest of Chaos came out to Help Okada, but got shut down quickly. Then Will held up a symbol with his hands and so did Bea, The great-o-khan and I, and then Will grabbed a mic and said "We are The United Empire, Okada you only wanted us cause you knew that we would be better than you, well we don't need you anymore." Will threw the mic and then we all left.

We were walking to our locker room when Jay came up to us "Damn I never thought that you guys would turn on Okada." He said, Will laughed and in his heavy British accent he said "Yeah, we just needed something new."

I was about to say something when I felt someone jump on my shoulders I turned my head around and saw Riley. "No Riley, you were supposed to attack her for a instagram video, we're going to have to redo this a different day." Jay said. "Oh, sorry." Riley got off of my shoulders.

"If you would have attacked me I would have ended your life." I said, "yeah, I'm not dying, sorry Jay." Riley gave Jay the thumbs up.

*A month later*
Tonight Will is going to invite Jeff Cobb into the Faction, after Jeff's match Will went out there and offered him a spot, which Jeff gladly accepted. He shook each of our hands then we all held up our symbol.

*A few months later*
Tonight was Wrestle Kingdom and I had a match against Okada and he was challenging me for my United States title.

He made his entrance then I made mine, the match was extremely fun, I love being in the ring with Okada, and I beat him in 33:29 minutes. Will came out and gave me a hug and helped me to the back.

I did my back stage comments and then took a shower and then went home.

*Months Later*
It is September 19th, 2021, and I lost my belt in June against Mox. But tonight Aussie Open is here and Will and I are going to surprise them with a spot in the United Empire, since last year we have gained another member, his name is Aaron Henare. When we offered Kyle and Davis a spot they instantly accepted and Fletcher gave me a hug, and he whispered in my ear "I'm not signed with REVPRO anymore, I'm going to stay in Japan even if they don't sign me."

As soon as he said that I smiled. After I said that I grabbed a mic and said "We are unstoppable. And if anyone in the back has a problem, they can come out here and tell us to our faces, but just so you know if you try, you won't make it out of this building without being on a stretcher. So anyone in the back, do you have a problem?" I smiled.

And for a while no one came out so I said "That's what I thought, none of you are on the Empire's level, not even Jay white, or Okada, or Tanahashi, you guys just can't level up to myself, or anyone of these men, I mean I beat Okada at the Tokyo dome this year, I beat Tanahashi at last year's Tokyo dome, then I beat Lance Archer, I beat Jay, I beat Jon Moxley, I beat all of your favorites." I said and then Jay's music hit and I laughed, I saw him running down to the ring and as soon as he was in there I started stomping on him, I was beating him up when the rest of the Bullet club came running down to help him, although the rest of United Empire took care of them, then once they were able to escape, we all raised our hands.

We all walked to the back and I was walking to my locker room when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and saw Kyle. "Hey Kyle, what's up?" I asked. "Since I'm staying in Japan, we wouldn't be doing long distance anymore, so will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked. "I was hoping that you would ask me that, so yes." I kissed him, and he kissed me back.

"Alright love birds break it up." I heard Will. "What do you need Will?" I asked. "That promo was incredible, but that wasn't in the script?" He said. "I know, but it's true." I said and he smiled and nodded.

"Well, how about we go back to my place?" I asked Kyle, he nodded and smiled. Then we left.

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