Chapter 28

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About 30 minutes after every thing happened Will finally came home, and yet he still brought everyone with him. I was in my gym room with my ear buds in when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kyle. "Can we please talk?" He asked. I took a deep breath and set my weight down.

I put my AirPods back in their case and said "Fine, let's go outside on my deck." He nodded and followed me outside.

We both sat down and I said. "Talk." "Ok, why are you so mad and angry that I left you? It's not like I ever hit you, or cheated on you? All I said was that I fell out of love." He said "I'm not mad that you left me. I'm mad because of the way you left me. You ended things over the phone, you should've just waited and sat me down when you got back and told me how you felt. But instead you disrespected me by doing it over the phone and then you had the audacity to say that we could still be friends. Like I just lost you, why would I want to be friends right away?" I said.

"Oh I get it now. I shouldn't have done that. You're right." He looked down. "Look Kyle, I think that it's just best if we just didn't talk for a while." I stood up and tried walking away when he grabbed my hand. "I'm still here if you need someone to talk to." He said and I nodded.

I walked back into my house and threw a hoodie on, I grabbed my purse, my phone and my keys. "Where are you going?" Will asked. "I don't know yet." I lied, I knew exactly where I was going.

"Ok, be safe." He said and I nodded. I walked of my door and to my car.

I got in, checked my mirrors, put my seatbelt on, locked my doors, and backed out of my driveway.

It was a long drive to his apartment, but he's who I needed to see right now. Once I finally got there I rang his doorbell and when the door opened it was not who I was expecting.

"Harley what are you doing here?" Riley asked. "I came to see Jay, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Ishimori and I are trying to console Jay because his wife sent him pictures of her with another man and divorce papers." Riley said. "Can I come in?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He let me in.

I walked to Jay's living room and saw him with his face in his hands and Ishimori patting him on the back. Jay was crying softly when he looked up and saw me. His beautiful blue eyes, blue like the ocean.

He stood up and hugged me. I felt his pain. He cried into my shoulder as I cried into his. When we finally backed apart he wiped my tears off my face. "What's wrong darling?" He asked. "You were right, I should have never gotten together with Kyle, all he did was break my heart." I cried more. "Well we all have to learn from our mistakes, and I think I just learned from mine." He held my hands.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, if I never did that then we probably would have never gone through this." He said. "Everyone makes mistakes." I said, and he pulled me into another hug.

"Guys we should watch a movie." Riley said. "Ok, yeah that sounds like fun." I said. "Yeah let's do it." Jay said and Ishimori just gave a thumbs up.

Jay's pov:
I have never been so happy to see a person in my life. She walked in when I needed her the most. She sat next to me during the movie and every time she would sniffle I would comfort her. Kyle hurt her a lot. They were together for years and he just walked away like it was nothing.

During the movie her phone rang, she lifted it up and saw that it was Will, but she didn't answer, but her phone rang again, but she didn't answer. Then she put her phone on do not disturb.

She took a deep breath and before I knew it she fell asleep. After the movie I carried her to my bed and covered her up. I grabbed a pillow and blanket, and we to the living room where Ishimori and Riley were. "Alright boy's night in the living room." Riley said. "Yeah I guess so." I laughed.

"It's crazy how she came at the perfect time, like she just knew." Riley said. "Yeah, she also needed me. I hate Fletcher, he hurt her so much, but when she recovers from that, she is going to be stronger and better than ever, that's how she was with me, and with him it's going to be worse, I bet you anything." I said. "No I believe you, when she was doing the face paints it scared me." Ishimori said, "Yeah me too." Riley and I said at the same time.

We all laughed and talked before we fell asleep.

*The next morning*
Harley's pov:
I woke up in Jays bed but he wasn't in here, I turned on my phone and turned the "do not disturb" off, and saw that I had 15 miss calls from Will and 30 texts from him.

I read all of the messages and they were just saying "Where are you?" "Are you okay?" "Did you get into an accident?" I didn't respond, but instead I got up and grabbed my stuff.

"You're awake?" Riley said. "Yeah, sorry I wasn't planning on falling asleep." I said. "No you're fine, I have to leave for America at 2, and I have someone come over to buy my apartment." Jay said and realization set in. Jay was leaving.

"Oh, well I should get back to my house, Will keeps calling and texting me asking where I am, and if I'm safe." I said. "Okay, well drive safe, I will see you soon hopefully." Jay gave me a hug then I left.

I got in my car and cried a little bit before I backed out of his driveway, I went to Starbucks before I went home.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard Will. "Where have you been?" He asked in his heavy British accent. "Where have you been?" I mocked him and his accent. "I'm being fucking serious, I didn't sleep last night because I was worried about you." Will said and I saw Kyle walk into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I said that he could stay." Will said. "It's my house, and if I say that someone can't be here, then they can't be here." I said. "Ok, but where were you?" Will asked again.

"A friends place." I said. "Riley?" He asked. "I guess you can say that, cause he was there." I said. "Who else was there?" He asked again. "God you are not my parent I am 24 but if you want to know so bad I went to Jay's apartment, Riley and Ishimori were there as well." I yelled.

"Wait you were with Jay?" Kyle asked. "Yeah, why does it matter?" I asked. "He cheated on you." Kyle crossed his arms. "I never said that I was dating him again and plus why would you care, you broke up with me." I stormed past them.

"Harley." Kyle said. "Kyle get out of my house or I'm calling the cops." I said as I walked up the stairs. "Fine I'll leave." He said and left.

I laid on my bed and grabbed my phone and texted Jay saying "Thank you for last night, you really helped get Kyle off of my mind." He replied instantly saying "I will do anything for you Harley." I smiled at the text and just held my phone close to my chest.

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