Chapter 44

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"Our next guest is Harley Thompson." Tony Khan said as I walked over to the table.

"Hello everyone, how did you all enjoy the show?" I sat down, they all said that they enjoyed the show and then they started asking questions. "Good afternoon Harley, we've all watched you grow as a wrestler from the time you were in Rev Pro, to training in the New Japan Dojo, to what you are now, do you see yourself changing your style as you get older or do you see yourself working for a different company in the future?" A lady asked me.

"No I don't seeing my style changing and if it kills me then it kills me, I am the most dominant professional wrestler that this business has ever seen, no one is on my level, not Jay, not Will, not Kenny, not Ibushi, not Takeshita, not Okada, not Tana, I truly believe and know that I am the best professional wrestler in the world, now to the second question, I don't see myself singing a contract with a different promotion, it's New Japan or nothing, the day that new Japan doesn't resign me or I get too old to resign that is the day I retire because New Japan is my home, I live in Japan, I trained there so no I will never sign with WWE cause who the fuck would sign to that shitty second place promotion and why would I sign to AEW, I mean no offense Tony you created a wonderful promotion but you don't really showcase your top talent like people who are actually good, so no, I will never sign to AEW, and I will never sign with WWE, It's New Japan or nothing." I said and Tony just nodded.

"Harley we have seen you in quite the love triangle, with the Switchblade Jay White and Kyle Fletcher, what is your take on both men and do you see yourself ever getting married to one of them?" A different person asked me, my heart instantly skipped a beat as I thought for a moment "Uhmmm.... Jay is my current boyfriend and my first like actually boyfriend who has actually cared about me, and I love him, I love him to death, and Kyle and I hate each other at the moment, I do not see myself ever being with Kyle again cause of the shit he pulled, and I haven't really thought about marriage, there have been several people who have asked me about it but I haven't really put much thought into it and Jay is 5 years older than me, not saying that it's impossible that we ever get married but it's never something we've talked about." I gave the best answer that I could.

"Harley we have heard you talk about companies and what you plan on doing with your future is there anything that you would like to participate in when it comes to a different promotion like a show or anything?" A guy this time asked, "Yeah actually I think my good friend Tony Khan over here should make a whole PPV for Hiroshi Tanahashi cause I love Tana that's like my second father and I also want to wrestle a few of their talents such as Kenny Omega, Takeshita, I want to wrestle Jay again, and I want to wrestle any member from the house of black I think that faction is amazing I love their hard hitting style and I think it would possibly be one of the best matches ever." I smiled and Tony said "I will take that into consideration."

"Ok. Harley we know that you used to be in a faction with the United Empire, and you just recently left, what is your take of that whole faction?" Someone else asked. "Well I was a founder for the United Empire, and I loved those guys, and I still do, and I am still in contact with Akira, and Will, and Cobb, and that's about it mainly Akira and Cobb, as anytime Will and I talk we argue, but Akira is everything to me, he's like a little brother to me, so when I saw how hurt he was when I left it killed me, he even almost left The Empire to join me, but I told him to stay with Will, he needs Will." I said.

"Tony we have heard from Harley that she will never sign with any other promotion including AEW, what is you response to that?" A man asked, "Hang on before you respond to that why are you trying to pin us against each other?" I asked and the guy didn't respond "It's okay Harley, but you know I respect that New Japan is her home,   I wish she felt differently but at the same time it would probably be a lot of drama because Kyle and Skye are here so if she was here along with them and her boyfriend it would just probably result in suspensions, and I would hate to do that." Tony said.

"Ok and what is your response to her saying that you don't showcase your best talent?" Dave asked. "That's her opinion, and I can see where she is coming from but I also like getting my other talents some time to showcase their skills and potential, so now my question to Harley is who do you want to see showcased more?" Tony asked me, "I wanna see Jay in more singles matches, I want to see more of Hangman, I want to see more of Kenny and the bucks, just the core 4 and Jay, cause let's be honest they are the best wrestlers here."  I looked at him and he took note of that.

"Alright guys is that all of the questions for Harley?" Tony asked and everyone nodded yes, "Alright before I go, Dave stop causing unnecessary drama, and keep rating my match's 6 stars or higher, if not we're gonna have some fucking issues." I pointed at him and he gave me a thumbs up.

I walked back to Jay's locker room and just walked in, Jay was the only one in there and he was packing up all of his stuff. I put my hands over his eyes and said "Guess who?"

"Juice is that you?" He teased. "No it's me." I smacked his arm. He turned around and smiled.

He put his hands on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. "Hey let's get some food and go back to the hotel after this." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled and nodded. He kissed me and then grabbed mine and his bags, and we started walking out to the car when we heard "Harley wait." "Yes Will?" Jay and I slowly turned around and saw Will, Kyle, Davis.

"Can we talk," Will asked "Like can you, Aussie open and I talk?" "No, I can and will talk to you but not them. But Jay and I are going to have a date night, so bye." I said.

"Go be whore, you're better at that than wrestling." Kyle said I turned back around and got in his face and said "Are you so bitter cause I've never fucked you?" He just stayed quiet. "Oh my god it is, you're just jealous of Jay cause I've never fucked you, what a real whore I am, I've only ever fucked one person and that's Jay, cause when someone hits that good you don't want no one else to even get close to it, once I got a taste of Jay, I didn't want anything or anybody else, so go cry me a river." I laughed in his face.

I turned around to face Jay who's jaw was on the floor. But then Kyle grabbed my hair, and Jay's whole demeanor changed. He punched Kyle repeatedly in the face and Will tried to get him off of him but I grabbed Will and he and I started fighting.

Then out of nowhere the Gunns and Juice jumped on Davis who was trying to get Will and I to stop fighting. I saw Toni Storm to the side but quickly jumped into action when she saw Skye blue trying to attack me.

"Get off my friend you cunt." Toni screamed at her as they started fighting. After like 10 minutes of all of us fighting security rushed out and separated all of us.

"YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD WILL. FUCKING DEAD." I screamed at him. His face was super bloody but so was mine. I looked at Kyle who looked like he was dragged through the mud and Davis wasn't that beat up, Kyle was checking on Skye blue who also had blood on her face.

I looked at Toni Storm who was completely fine still, the Gunns and Juice were out of breath, and then I looked at Jay who had murder in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he instantly calmed down and looked at me.

He tensed up at the sight of blood on my face "It's not mine, it's Will's." I said and he smiled and kissed me as Kyle watched.

"What happened?" Tony Khan asked. "Fletcher pulled her hair as she walked away from him and it set me the fuck off cause he wouldn't let go, so I punched him, the Will got involved so then him and Harley started fighting, then Davis got involved then the Gunns and Juice stepped in so Harley wouldn't get too hurt, then Skye charged after Harley so Toni stopped her." Jay said in a calm voice. "Oh, okay, well no one is suspended, cause this makes for great story telling." Tony said.

"Harley you down to work this Wednesday?" He asked. "Fuck yeah." I smiled, "Okay, Skye Blue and Kris Statlander vs Toni Storm and Harley Thompson this Wednesday." Tony announced and Storm and I hugged each other but Skye was pissed.

"And I'm not done, Jay and Juice vs Aussie open." Tony announced again and Jay and Juice were pumped, but Aussie open wasn't.

"See you Wednesday girly." I blew a kiss at all of them, and Will was fuming. "Hey Will, why the long face mate?" I asked him and he just stared at me.

I waved and smiled and was getting into the car when I turned to Will and said "WILL TELL AKIRA TO CALL ME." he just flipped me off.

Jay got in the drivers seat and we left, the Gunns, Juice, and Toni all left in a separate car.

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