Chapter 24

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*A month later*
I have already defended my belt a total of 3 times this past month, but I have defended them at inde promotions in London, America, and Canada. But tonight I had a match against Zack Saber Jr. Because he won the New Japan Cup tournament, so he gets a shot at the belt.

He made his entrance first then I made mine. I don't know Zack all that well, but he is amazing in the ring. But just not as good as me.

The ref was raising my hand when the arena went back, I was attacked from behind and when the lights turned back on I saw that it was Jay. Jay had attacked me and was raising my belt in the air.

He then laid my belt on my body and kissed the top of my head.

After I got to the back I screamed at the camera "JAY. JAMIE YOU WANT A TITLE SHOT? YOU GOT IT. I'VE ALREADY BEATEN YOU 3 TIMES." Then I pushed the camera away.

I was making my way to the locker room when I was stopped by Jay. "Great job out there darling, but I just couldn't help myself from challenging you." He clapped. So I mocked his clapping he got mad and said "Why don't you just go and run to Will and Fletcher like you always do."

At that point I was tired, but I was angry, so I got in his face and said "Well why don't you go back home to your little wife and have a family with her. And don't try to deny it. I saw the pictures. So go back to America and act like you are something over there, and I will continue being the best wrestler in the world. I will see you at Dominion." And I spit on him and threw my title over my shoulder.

I walked away and left him in a scrambled angry mess.

*June 12th.*
This past month was the BOTSJ so I was wrestling in different promotions, I defended my belt a total of 11 times throughout my title reign, and tonight I was going for V12.

I took a deep breath as I watched Jay make his entrance, once he was in the ring my music hit and I took another deep breath.

I made my entrance and then the match started. There is something different about Jay during this match, he's more focused, he's more aggressive.

I wasn't expecting this from him. After 30 minutes had passed Jay had given me a blade runner, but I kicked out. I am the only person to ever kick out of the Blade Runner.

I got up and started yelling and hitting the mat. Jay was mortified. No one has ever kicked out of the blade runner. Jay and I stood up and we started chopping each other as hard as we could.

8 minutes later Jay had knocked down the ref and the next thing I know Gedo was in the ring and he had hit me 3 times in the head with a chair. As I was falling down I saw him slide out of the ring and hide the chair.

Jay then gave me the blade runner and he pinned me. 1. 2. 3. Jay had finally beaten me.

The whole bullet club came out and they all posed with Jay over my beaten down almost lifeless body. Kenta and Chase Owens were kinda kicking me when Will's music hit. Will, Kyle, Davis, Cobb, TJP, and our newest member Francesco Akira came running down the ramp and attacked all of bullet club.

Kyle picked me up and carried me all the way to the back. I had passed out but when I woke up I was at the hospital.

"Oh good you're awake. You have a minor head injury, and you will be out of action for like 3 weeks." The doctor said. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yeah, since you are up let me go get your friends." She said and left.

Soon after that Will, Kyle, Mark, and Jay came running into the room. "IM GONNA FUCKING MISS FORBIDDEN DOOR." I yelled at Jay.

He just looked down. I then ripped all of the cords and crap off of me and stood up. The machines were beeping like crazy but I didn't care. I got in Jays face and said "When I cane start wrestling again, just know, I'm gonna make you want to quit New Japan Pro Wrestling."

The doctor came running in after that and said "what are you doing out of bed?" "Get my paperwork, I'm going home, and if you don't get the paperwork, I will leave without it." I said not looking away from Jays face. "I'm on it." The doctor said with a hint of fear in her voice.

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom, I got dressed and when i came out of the bathroom the doctor handed my my paperwork. I grabbed all of my stuff and didn't even bother speaking to anyone, I just left, leaving everyone in a cloud of smoke.

I didn't even go home, but instead I just drove around Tokyo. I cried and cried, I have never been injured ever in my whole career, and I have never missed a show. But now I'm going to miss the road to shows and Forbidden door.

I'm going to murder Jay and Gedo. I just hope they are prepared.

*A week later.*
Jay was cutting a promo on how I haven't shown my face since he beat me, but that's when the arena went black. I grabbed a chair and made my way to the ring.

As soon I was in the ring I started beating Jay, the lights then turned on but I didn't stop. I then hit gedo, then I put Jay's head in between the chair and stomped on it, then I broke the chair over his head. Once the chair was broken I started punching Jay in the face, I felt a pair of arms lift me up and I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Fletcher, but I didn't care I elbowed him in the face and continued attacking Jay.

Then 3 pairs of arms grabbed me. Will, Kyle, Cobb. "Calm down darling." Will said, but I couldn't calm down, I gave them all low blows with my legs and continued to punch Jays face in, then I got up and stopped on his face with my boot. And I decided to pull a ELP and before I came out here I put a 50 pound metal in my boot, so I knocked Jay out and he was bleeding so much.

The whole United Empire came out and carried me to the back, once I was far away from Jay, the ambulance came and got Jay, and took him to the hospital.

"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Will asked. "I was thinking murder, I wanted to kill him. He has put me through so much in my life, so I wanted to get revenge." I shoulder checked Will as I walked past him.

He grabbed my arm and said "Get it together. Get focused, heal yourself, I will see you in the ring again in the G1. Until then, don't do anything stupid."

I scuffed and went to the United Empire locker room where everyone was. They all watched as I grabbed my stuff, "You coming or not?" I asked Fletcher. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I don't know yet, but I need to get away from here, what about you Akira, you coming?" I asked and he looked confused, I forgot he speaks Italian "Colpa mia, vieni con me? (My bad, are you coming with me?)" I asked. "si certo (Yes, of course)" he said. I nodded and looked at Fletcher.

"So you coming or not?" I asked. "Yeah let's go." I smiled and walked out of the locker room with Fletcher and Akira.

"Where are you guys going?" Will stopped us. "Don't know yet, probably just for a drive." I walked past him. "Don't do anything stupid you three." He yelled at us.

Will is always yelling at us three when we are together because we are the three youngest and we are the troublemakers of the group.

We all got in my car and drove off. "But for real where are we going?" Fletcher asked. "I don't know yet, I just need to drive, but should we go get some food?" I asked Fletcher then I asked Akira "Akira hai fame? (Akira are you hungry?)" "si molto affamato (Yes very hungry.)" he said and I nodded.

I pulled into a restaurant and we all went in and sat down, then we ordered.

After we ate we decided to just drive for a little bit then we went back to my houses where we found the rest of the Empire. "So what did you guys end up doing?" Will asked. "We went out to eat, then we just drove for a little bit, just to clear my mind." I said. "Ok good." He said.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed, goodnight guys." I said and everyone said goodnight.

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