Chapter 41

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"Harley that was insane." Willow looked at the blood on my knuckles and elbows. "Yeah I'm sorry." I grabbed some casual clothes and walked to the shower. I took my makeup off and took a shower, I got into some bike shorts, a crop top, my varsity jacket, and I got my Nikes on, I walked back into the locker room and all the women were grabbing their stuff and I did the same. I walked out of the locker room with all of my stuff when I ran into Will, he was talking to Akira, Davis, and Fletcher.

They were all laughing until they saw me, besides Akira, he was still laughing and he ran up to me and gave me a hug. "I cannot believe that you picked Davis up." Akira said and I nodded, that's when Fletcher got in my face and said "If you ever do that to her again I will kill you." "No you won't, you wouldn't even stop me, all you did was beg on your knees like a little bitch." I said, then I felt someone wrap their arm around me "Even if you did try I wouldn't allow you to even get within 10 feet of her." I heard the familiar New Zealand accent. I turned around and saw Jay in a tight black muscle shirt and in some loose sweatpants with his hair tied up in a bun, and some sunglasses covering his eyes.

Kyle backed up and Will said "Akira are you going with us, or them?" "I will go with them, I will catch up with you later tonight Will." Akira said and we all walked away then we heard Riley say "So where we going?" "Bro where did you come from?" I asked, "down the hall." He laughed.

"Well, Akira, Harley, you and I are going to get some food then probably back to my place where we will meet up with Juice and the Gunns to play some games and watch movies." Jay said and Riley nodded.

*A week later*
Today is Tuesday and today I have an interview with a YouTuber named Chris Van Vliet.

"Hello everyone, welcome back, today I have a very special guest, she is the Second ever foreigner and the first ever woman to win a G1, and she is the Never Open Weight Champion, Harley Thompson. Welcome Harley." He said "Thank you and thank you for having me." I smiled.

"It's my pleasure really, well let's just jump right into this, so Harley, you started wrestling in 2015 in rev pro, for a while before you went to the new Japan dojo, what was all of that like for you?" He asked. "It was huge. I went from being a nobody to being a lion overnight, and I still very much love Rev pro, I wrestle there a lot and I still remember where I came from."

"Alright when you were in the Dojo, was there ever a point where you wanted to quit?" "No, I mean I was definitely tired, but Okada, Tanahashi, and Will made it better as they were the ones that trained me, and they were the only people who would talk to me, cause non of the young lions would talk to me, and I speak fluent Japanese, so there's not a language barrier there, oh and Jay was there for me the last few months of my training." I said. "Ok that brings me to my next question, when you graduated you were in Chaos with Okada, Will, and even Jay for a while, then you and Will left and created the United Empire, but you left them here recently, why did you leave them, you obviously love them we all see the way you love them and they love you so why did you leave?" He asked.

"Well, Will and I were always in the same faction, and it was an extremely hard thing to do as I saw that it hurt Akira a lot, but I left unannounced and didn't even tell anyone that I was leaving until it happened, and I left because of Kyle, so Kyle and I started dating like 3 months after Jay had cheated on me, well we took a break like a year later, then in 2021 we got back together, then on January 4th he broke up with me over the phone and I found out that it's because he wanted to get with Skye, but he didn't want to cheat on me and well Will didn't defend me at all during the situation, Tana did, Riley did, Akira did, and Jay did, so I was angry because of that and then he almost costed me my match, so I just had to leave, I did what was best for me, I still love them, but what was Will doing for me? So I did what I did."

"Okay what about this weekend at Wembley?"  He asked. "I'm really excited for Wembley, my career started in London so this is a dream come true for me." I said. "Alright well what about yours and Jay's relationship? Like how did you get back together?" He asked. "Like I said Jay was there for me when Kyle broke up with me, so we just hanging out together again then in June after forbidden door we went to my parents house and that's when we got back together, and when we got back together I realized that I shouldn't have even gotten together with Kyle cause that wasn't ever real, what Jay and I had and have now is extremely real, don't get me wrong I did love Kyle but not as a lover, more as a friend, but he ruined that, and not cause he broke up with me, but because he did it over the phone and he continuously let Skye blue talk about me the way that she did, and she still is."

"Alright that brings me to my next question, Skye Blue, I've heard rumors that the beef between you two is fake, is it real or is it fake?" "No it's extremely real, last year when I was at an AEW event Skye approached me backstage and she told me how much of a fan she was of me and how she looks up to me as a wrestler, but then everything happened with Kyle and I was still fine with her but then she started talking shit about me backstage saying that I'm a whore, I'm a stupid bitch, that I just fuck the producers at New Japan to get where I am, and that she is a real woman of talent and that I'm talentless. So at Forbidden door I showed that bitch what talent looks like, and that she can't compare to the level that I am on. And I thought it was funny that she called me a whore when she literally sells pictures of herself to make some extra money, but then she kept nitpicking at me so I broke her neck, then she recovered but she kept trying to prove herself to me, and she disrespected me so I lost my shit, I did what I have learned from one of my trainers Will Ospreay, and I elbowed her in the head until I saw blood painting the canvas, and I dropped her on her head."

"Ok well that's all of the questions I have for you, is there anything that you would like to tell your fans?" He asked me, "Yeah, if a bitch tries to knock you down, elbow them in the head until their blood is painted the ground, don't take shit from people, love you guys." I said, "well thank you for coming, have a good all in week." He said, "thank you for having me, have a good week." I shook his hand then left.

*A day later*
Tonight is dynamite and I have a match against Kyle Fletcher tonight. They were originally supposed to wrestle the Hardy's but Jeff is injured so I was told that I would wrestle Fletcher one on one. I got my face painted

I was walking to the gorilla when I ran into Will, and Don

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I was walking to the gorilla when I ran into Will, and Don. "Harley we were just talking about you." Don said. "What were you saying?" I asked as I adjusted the trophy that was in my arm. "Just how amazing you are." Don said "And how I'm better than Skye, Fletcher and Will Ospreay." I winked at them and walked away. "No that's not what we we're talking about." Will screamed "Whatever Will, keep chatting with the enemy, I'm going to talk to Kenny." I yelled.

I walked to the Elite's locker room and knocked on the door, and Matt opened it. "Oh Harley you scared me, come on in." He held his chest. I nodded and walked in. "Hey Harley, you ready for your match?" Kenny asked. "Yeah, you okay from earlier?" "Yeah I'm fine after your boyfriend attacked me." He laughed. "Ok I was just making sure you are fine, well I gotta get out there, talk to you guys later." I said then left.

Then I made my way to the gorilla.

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