Chapter 31

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*A few months later. June 4th.*
Tonight was Dominion, I am back in Japan.
Jay signed a with AEW, so he is wrestling over there. But Kyle and Mark also went to AEW. They were never signed with New Japan, but they wrestled with the company constantly. Jay and I are not together yet, but we are still in contact.

I have a match tonight against David Finlay, and ELP, it's a 3 way match for my Never Open Weight title. The other 2 made their entrance first then I made mine, the match was good, but I won, I pinned David Finlay and ELP was trying his hardest to stop the pin, but he couldn't get in the ring in enough time.

After the match I was told that I wouldn't be wrestling until forbidden door. So I decided to book a flight to America where AEW was taking place.

*A few weeks later*
Gedo told me to issue an open challenge for my title, so my music hit and all the AEW went crazy.

I grabbed a mic and went into the ring. "Well well well, it feels good to be standing in this ring, last year I wasn't able to compete at forbidden door because of a head injury, but I'm well and able to this year. And there is already going to be some people representing the United Empire, so I decided that I would be added to that list, so I'm standing here today to issue an open challenge to anyone there in the back for my Never Open Weight Championship, you can be a man, or a woman, I'll fight anyone, so let's see who steps up to plate." I said.

And after a little while I was about to start talking again when Skye Blues theme song hit. Skye blue is now dating Kyle and some  other wrestlers have been saying that she has been talking crap about me.

She skipped down to the ring with a smile on her face and she grabbed a mic. She stood there and smiled before she said "You know Harley, I haven't had a title in a while, so I'll except your challenge." She continued smiling.

"Skye, Skye, Skye. Don't fool these people with that smile and positive attitude that you always carry around. Cause when you walk behind that curtain you turn into a bitch. Just a year ago, you were telling me that you are a huge fan of me and how you respect me so much, now you're sleeping with my ex and talking crap about me. Will has told me what you have said, Mark Davis has told me, Jeff Cobb has told me, many, many people have told me including some of the women that you work with, they have all told me what you have said about me. But I just laugh, I think it's so funny, you try so hard to be like me, it's embarrassing, you were inspired by me to start wrestling, then you told me that you were a huge fan, you started using my move set, now you're Fucking Kyle Fletcher, who are you going to fuck next, Jay white? I mean you get passed around that locker room more than a friend group passes around a cigarette, face it Skye, you'll never be me. I'm better than you, and come forbidden door, you're going to wish that have never gotten into the ring with me, I am a different person than you will ever be, the moment that bell rings on Sunday, I am going to smash your face in. Oh and let's have some more fun with this. This Sunday Skye Blue vs Harley Thompson in a Canadian Death Match." I smirked at her.

She looked at the ground for a little bit before she said "You're on." She tried to throw the mic at me but I had speared her before she could even let go of the mic. I started punching her face and then I took my belt off and placed it on the ground then I pressed her face into it, then I stomped on her head as hard as I could and smashed her face into my belt. Security started running out but they were all attacked by me, so then Will ran out and grabbed me, and my belt, and carried me to the back.

"Alright that's enough." Will said as he set me down. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND." Kyle screamed at me. "Oh well, that was the point." I said.

"Oh and Fletch, let Skye know that she will be seeing a different Harley in the ring on Sunday." I said and walked off.

*Forbidden Door*
"So what are you thinking for your makeup today?" My makeup artist asked. "We're going back to the paints, I have the perfect face paint for tonight, take a look." I showed her the picture.

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