Chapter 33

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*A week later*
I was still in Canada, and I'm working another AEW show, I have one more show with AEW after this. I open the show so I was dressed in a suit with diamonds and jewels dangling from the arm sleeves and I am wearing heels.

I wore my title on my shoulder, and grabbed a mic. My music hit and I made my way out there. "Hello Alberta, Canada. I will say, Canada truly is the best country in the world, and I know Will Ospreay may think different, but don't listen to him, he has never beaten me, proving that Canada is better. But how are you all doing tonight?" I asked I got in the ring.

They all cheered and I laughed "I am here because I am going to be here this week obviously, and next week, so I want to issue an open challenge for my belt, for tonight, and next week." I said and they cheered again.

Then Skye Blues music hit, I shook my head and laughed, "Cut my music, Harley, I want a rematch, but just a normal match, and I want it tonight." She said as she walked down the ramp. "Haven't you learned your lesson yet Skye, you're a smart girl, just look in the mirror, look at all the tape on you, look at your black eyes, look at the stitches in your head." I said. "I don't care how beat up I am, I will do everything I can to beat you." She said. "You're very funny Skye, but I'll give you your rematch tonight, but the outcome will be the same." I said and she slapped me.

I took a few steps back and then speared her, I took my heels off then picked her up and gave her my finisher. I grabbed my shoes, belt and then left.

When I got to the back I went to my locker room and got my face paint done. This is look we did for tonight:

This look only took her 45 minutes to do so when she was done my hair lady did my hair and while she was doing that there was a knock on my door

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This look only took her 45 minutes to do so when she was done my hair lady did my hair and while she was doing that there was a knock on my door. My hair lady opened it and I saw Akira "AKIRA." I got up and gave him a hug. "Hey, so you have a pretty big match tonight." He pointed at my face paint.

"Kinda, do you want to go out with me when I make my entrance?" I asked him, "Of course." He said, his English is so good now, he still has an accent so it's kinda hard to understand him sometimes but he can speak English. "Ok, my hair is almost done, then I'm going to get into my gear, then I will wait to have my match." I said and he nodded.

After my hair was done I grabbed my gear and went into my bathroom and got it on. I laced up my boots, grabbed my belt, then we went to find Jay. "Hey babe." I said. "Hey gorgeous demon creature." He laughed. "How are you doing Akira, I haven't seen you in a while." He gave 'Bro hug' "I have been good, how about you?" Akira asked him. "I've been good as well." Jay said then we all saw Kyle and Skye walking towards us.

"Hey Akira, what are you doing here?" Kyle gave Akira a hug. "I'm going to be with Harley during her match." Akira gave him a hug back. Then Kyle saw me and my face paint and my black eyes. "Oh great. Skye you released the demon again." He said. "You guys are dramatic, face paint doesn't scare me." She said. "You don't understand, she only uses face paint when she is going to murder someone in the ring." Kyle said and Akira agreed and so did Jay.

"Ok girls you guys are next." Tony came up to us. "Good luck babe." Jay kissed me. "Thank you." I kissed him back. And Kyle just looked at us.

"Alright Skye. Make your entrance." I said as I put my belt on. She rolled her eyes and nodded. I put my fur robe on and then when she was done making her entrance I made mine.

Akira was right behind me and when I got in the ring I crawled over to Skye like I always do.

The lights went back to normal and I took my robe off and handed it to Akira, then I handed my belt to the ref, he raised it in the air and handed it to the announcer. I stretched in my corner as the announcer was introducing us, he introduced Skye first, then me. I stood on the top rope and did the United empire symbol. Then I got down.

The bell rung, and I charged at her spearing her in between the top and middle turnbuckle.

I then grabbed her and gave her a power bomb off the top rope. She landed on her neck and head and wasn't moving so the ref backed me away into the corner so Akira and I were talking. "Just go get her and finish this match." Akira said and I nodded. I pushed the ref and medic away and grabbed Skye blue. I then gave her the storm driver 93, which is one of Will's moves, and the move is intended to drop your opponent right on their head.

The crowd screamed, and now she really couldn't move. She was awake but she wasn't moving, so I grabbed her and gave her my finisher, which also intended to drop your opponent on their head and then I pinned her. The bell rung and I was handed my belt, my music hit and then the medics came with a stretcher and they put her on it and wheeled her out of the building. Akira gave me a hug and a high five and then we walked to the back.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER." Kyle pushed me as soon as I got to the back. I slapped him and said "She wanted the match, she knew how hurt she was, and she still wanted the match. Now her neck may be broken, but she wanted the match knowing how hurt she was, that is not my problem, and if you ever put your hands on me again I will fucking break them." I said.

I made my way to my locker room and my phone was ringing, it was Will. I haven't talked to him since Forbidden Door. "Hello?" I answered. "That was the best 4 minute match ever. You killed her, and you used my move." He said. "Thank you." I laughed. "Oh and I'm sorry about what I said about you and your country, I should have respected you more." He said. "Thank you Will." I smiled.

*Later on that night*
Jay, Riley, and Akira, are all at my parents house. My mom loves Akira, she said he is such a nice kid.

My mom made dinner for all of us, and she made dessert. Next week is the last week with my parents then I have to go back to Japan for the G1.

But I love being here with them.

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