Chapter 36

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*A day later*
I don't have to wrestle again until the 10th, so I got the "Okay" from gedo to go to America and wrestle there for AEW or ROH.

I got to America and Tony is having me do a mixed trios match with Aussie Open, against the infantry, and Trish Adora.

I gave both Fletcher and Davis a hug because Will told us we can't fight in public or it will make it seem like someone is leaving the United Empire. I started the match with Trish.

And it was no issue getting her down. I was in control for like 5 minutes before she slipped away and tagged out, so I tagged Davis in.

"So why are you in America? Don't you have a G1 that you are doing?" Kyle asked, "yeah and I'm undefeated so far, but I don't have to wrestle again till the 10th, today is the 7th, I am doing one more match tomorrow morning for ROH, then I'm going back to Japan tomorrow afternoon." I said. "Harley again I'm sorry for the way things ended, you haven't been the same after our break up." He said. "Kyle don't be sorry, that was 7 months ago, I've moved on and so have you, I have no issues with you, I just don't ever reach out because of Skye Blue, she will freak out and you don't need to listen to that or deal with that." I said, and all he did was nod then he said "Why'd you go back to Jay?" "Because after we broke up he was there for me, he stayed up all night with me helping me, and I know that if I'm with him I will strive to be the better wrestler, so he is what I needed all along... but you were fun, and I loved you, but clearly you didn't love me enough anymore to be with me." I said and before he could say anything he was tagged in.

"Stop chit chatting you two, we have a match to win." Davis laughed at us. "I missed you big guy." I laughed. After about 7 minutes of Kyle being in the ring he tagged out to me.

I got in the ring and Trish and I went at it, and I gave her my finisher and was pinning her when one of her teammates pulled me out of the ring and I smacked my face hard into the ground and instantly my nose was gushing blood. I didn't care I got back up and went back into the ring and finished the match while Aussie open attacked her partners.

The bell rung and my music played and Kyle and Davis ran into the ring and we all raised our hands. "Your nose is broken, how are you going to finish the G1?" Kyle asked. "I'm going to finish the G1, by winning the rest of my matches, I'm not gonna let a broken nose get in my way. And that's if it's broken it could have just been a bloody nose, cause my nose isn't hurting." I said. "Well let's go to the medics office." Davis said and we all went to the back.

The doctor Checked out my nose and it wasn't broken but instead I had managed to rip a chunk out of my nose. They stitched it up as best as they could and I was fine.

"See I'm fine, but even if I wasn't I would still be wrestling." I said, "that's horrible, hey fletch how is Skye's neck?" Davis asked. "Well it's still broken, doctor said to give it a few more weeks because it was only a small break. It still hurts, and she said that when it's heeled she is going to beat the crap out of Harls." Fletcher said. "I'd like to see her try, I would just break her neck again, but this time on purpose. She needs to get it through her head that she will never beat me, but she knows where to find me. Japan." I laughed and walked away from them and called Jay.

"Hey babe." Jay answered. "Hey babe you're in Florida right now, right?" I asked. "Yeah, why oh and is your nose okay?" He asked. "My nose is fine, but I'm at the universal studios for the ROH tappings, so I was just wondering if you could pick me up and I would spend the night with you." I said. "Of course, I'm on my way." He said. "Ok I'm going to take a shower, see you soon." I said then hung up, I took a shower and got into some bike shorts a sports bra and a united empire varsity jacket.

I put my long socks and slides on and grabbed all of my stuff. "Where'd you get that jacket?" Kyle asked. "Cobb got it for me for my birthday." I said. "Oh my god, I forgot about your birthday, I am so sorry." He said. "Bro that's fucked up, even I didn't forget." Davis said. "It's fine I don't really care." I shrugged my shoulders. "Let me take you to dinner at least." He said. "Sorry, Jay is coming to pick me up, maybe next time." I said then I heard Jay's voice. "Hey babe, you ready?" "Yeah I am." I gave him a kiss and a hug. "Let me take this, I missed you." He said and took my bags.

"Alright bye boys, I will see you guys tomorrow morning." I said and left, Jay put his arm around me and said "You are killing it in the G1, I'm so proud of you." "Thank you." I blushed.

Jay opened my door for me, then put my bag in the back. I got buckled and then he got in the car. "Let's go get some food, then we will go back to my place." He started the car and then pulled out of the parking lot. "Okay, that's fine with me." I said. He put one hand on my thigh and drove with the other one.

I took a picture of Jay and I and posted it on instagram with the caption "The two best in the world." Jay and I decided to get some Wendy's then we went to his house.

After we ate we got in our bathing suits then went in his pool. I was on a pool floaty with my glasses on reading a book when he took a picture of me and said "I'm posting that to instagram." "Okay that's fine, no one has ever seen me in glasses, I said and put my glasses and book on a table next to the pool. Then I walked over to Jay, he put his phone down, so I picked him up and body slammed him into the pool.

"Ow, that hurt." He said when he got to the surface.

Kyle's pov:
I watched as Jay took her bags and they walked away. "Now look what you've done." Davis said. "What do you mean?" I asked "You choose Skye over her, you broke up with her for Skye, the moment you called her on January 4th, you told Skye to come over cause she was in Australia. You didn't technically cheat on her, but you practically did. And she doesn't know what you did, but once she does cause Skye is running her mouth all over the locker room about it, she's not just gonna murder Skye Blue, she's going to kill you, and there's nothing I can do about it, she might even leave the Empire because of you." Davis said and I just sat there.

What am I doing? I left her for Skye, now she's back with Jay. Now she just got over it, and now she's going to be even more pissed.

I looked through instagram and saw a picture of her and Jay in his car. She's going to actually murder Skye blue. Then I saw that Skye Blue posted to her story, she was promoting a interview that she did.

I decided to watch it and she told the whole world how we got together on January 4th, the moment Harley sees this she's going to go A-wire.

*A day later*
Harley's pov:
I saw Skye Blues interview last night and now I'm getting ready for my match, I got face paint on.

"Hey do you want Kyle and I to go with you?" Davis came into my locker room

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"Hey do you want Kyle and I to go with you?" Davis came into my locker room. "No." I said and walked past him. I had my robe on and my belt was around my waist, once I walked out of my locker room I saw Kyle and said "I saw that interview, let her know when I'm done winning the G1, I'm coming for her and you." I spit in his eyes.

I walked past them and made my way to the gorilla. I have a match against Stu Grayson. He made his entrance then I made mine. The match went 24:38 minutes and I won, I grabbed my belt and robe and made my way to the back. I walked right past Aussie Open and to my locker room, I took a shower then Jay took me to the airport. "Bye babe, I love you." He said. "Bye I love you too. I got out of the car and went into the airport and thank god they were loading the plane.

I got on and thank god I was the only one in first class. I put my earbuds in and listened to music while I fell asleep.

I slept the whole flight, and when I got back to Japan Will came to pick me up. "So how was it back in America?" He asked. "Did you see that interview?" I asked. "I did, I was hoping that you didn't see it." He said. "Well I did, I already warned Kyle that after I win the G1, I would be coming for him and her." I said.

He didn't say anything the rest of the way home.

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