Chapter 39

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Tony is dynamite and Jay, Riley and I are walking into the building when we saw Kyle Fletcher and Skye blue. With my Trophy, and briefcase in one hand and my belt on my waist and my bag in the other hand Jay, Riley and I walked right past them, but Riley thought it was a good idea to say "Harls, I'm so proud of you for winning the G1, and for Finding yourself as an individual wrestler instead of being in a faction with a man who left you for some knock off version from Wish." And he said that just as we walked past them.

"What did you just say?" I heard that annoying bitches voice. "Oh I'm sorry I was talking to the first ever woman to win a G1, Harley Thompson, you know her, she was the one who broke your neck." Riley stopped turned around and so did we. "No what did you say about me?" She tried to get in Riley's face, so I handed my stuff to Jay and got in between them. "I said 'Harls, I'm so proud of you for winning the G1, and for Finding yourself as an individual wrestler instead of being in a faction with a man who left you for some knock off version from Wish.'" Riley said from behind me.

"If you ever get in his face again I will break your neck again but I will make sure you never recover and that you can never mover your head again, do you want that?" I said as I looked down at her. She didn't say anything so I said "If you have a problem, take it up with me, I'm the person who you have a problem with, don't take it out on my friends. And I saw the picture you posted of you with Francesco Akira, that's my little brother, and whoever I didn't like neither does he, and he has already confessed that he doesn't like you, so stay away from him."

"If he loves you so much then why didn't he leave with you?" She asked, "I told him to stay cause he needs Will, and if Will loses Akira, then he also loses TJP, and if he loses TJP he loses Henare, and if he loses Henare then he loses Cobb, and if he loses Cobb then he loses Khan, and if he loses Khan then he has no faction, he has no family."  I said "What about Kyle and Mark?" She asked, "No cause if Cobb and Khan leave than so do Davis and I." Fletcher said.

"Why are you not sticking up for me? Skye yelled. "I'm sorry." Fletcher lowered his head. "Wow this relationship is really toxic. All you guys do is talk about me, and now you're just standing there when she's yelling at you? I mean why is she even yelling at you? When we were dating we never yelled at each other, if we were mad with each other, we would always try to make things right. I hate to say it but this isn't really love, you're stuck in a controlling relationship Kyle, she's only with you because she wants to be like me, I give it a few months. You'll see." I said and Skye looked at me and tried to punch me.

I caught her fist and twisted her arm and said "You ever try to lay a hand on me I will make sure it gets broken." I pushed her and nodded at Kyle who was just staring at me.

Jay handed my my stuff and kissed me, then him, Riley and I all walked away. They walked over to the men's locker room and I walked over to the women's when Kenny pulled me aside. "Hey Harley, congratulations on winning the G1." He said. "Thank you Kenny, and how have you been?" I asked, "I've been well, are you going to be wrestling at Wembley on August 27th?" He asked "Yeah I think the direction that we're going in is Nick Wayne vs Me, what about you?" I asked. "Oh that's great, and I'm going to announce it later, but it was amazing to see you, and again congratulations, that's a huge accomplishment, and you and I are the only two foreigners to ever win the G1, you being the first Woman." He said and I smiled and nodded and continued walking to the Woman's locker room.

When I got to the locker room I saw Willow and Britt Baker. "What's up ladies." I said. "You're back." Willow gave me a hug when I set my stuff down, "Yeah I'm here to set up a match for Wembley." I said and gave Britt a hug. "Ooo, against who?" Britt asked. "Nick Wayne." I said, "I don't know why I was expecting you to wrestle a woman, you hardly do that." She laughed. "Yeah that's every once in a while." I laughed as well and sat down.

"So how have you guys been, I haven't seen you in a month." I said. "We've been good, what about you? And how have you and Jay been?" Willow asked. "I've been great, turned on the United Empire and I won the G1, and Jay and I are great." I said. "That's good, all Skye blue does is talk about you, and she's constantly yelling at Kyle and telling him what to do." Britt said.  "Yeah I ran into her and Kyle outside and she was doing exactly that." I said. "Are you going to wrestle tonight?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to issue out an open challenge for my title." I said, "well good luck." Britt said, "thank you and good luck with your match tonight." I said and she smiled and nodded.

But you were mine first Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora