Chapter 57

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I stayed in my gear and just threw a shirt on, and we all waited with Will for his match.

When it was time I gave him a hug. "I love you Will. Good luck, we will be back here if you need us. You got this." I started to cry.

"Don't cry. I may be leaving but I will always be here for you." He patted my shoulders.

When he left I burst into tears. I threw my water bottle and Akira held me. "He can't leave. He can't." I cried more. "Harls he has too, he is going to open a new chapter in his career, and plus we will all be here for you." TJ said. "You guys don't understand, he was one of my trainers, my first day in the Dojo, he made sure I was set, he took his time teaching me, he didn't get mad if I messed something up he just kept showing me then when I would get it right he would tell me how proud of me he was, I was like 19 I was a kid and yet he didn't criticize me for trying to be a woman in a company full of men. He is the reason I am who I am, after Jay and I broke up he took me in till I found my house where all of you guys live now. Will made me the best in the world. And now he's leaving, who the fuck am I supposed to watch Disney shows with when im drunk, or when it's 3 am and I just went through a bad breakup? Will is my friend, my trainer, but Will is my fucking brother. I already lost so many people to AEW now I'm losing him to, I hate it." I said.

The room went silent till Cobb said "Yeah that is a pretty nice house." We all bursted out laughing and he said "See I always lighten up the mood. But in all seriousness, Harls you may not have him to do all of that with but I'm down to stay up watching Disney shows with you, plus you spend a lot of your time in America wrestling for AEW carrying the New Japan name, so you will still have him." Cobb said and I nodded.

It still hurts.

We all watched Will's match and how he lost to Okada, then how the war dogs attacked him. I was the first to jump up and run through the backstage area and through the curtains and to the ring I tackled Finlay then the rest of the empire came out to help.

I didn't stop when I was on top of Finlay, I continued to punch him and at one point I grabbed his head and repeatedly smashed it into the mat. I felt a pair of sweaty hands wrap around me and lift me up off of Finlay.

I looked back to see Will and I calmed down when he said "It's okay Harls, it's okay."

TJ and Akira kicked finlay out the ring and the war dogs grabbed him, I didn't realize how badly I beat him till I saw blood gushing from his forehead, nose and mouth.

Will cut a promo and I hugged him. "I can't lose you now Will." I whispered and he said "You won't, I promise."

I am not on the new beginning in Nagoya show so I'm at Dynamite tonight.

I don't have a match but since Mox called me out for Windy City Riot I am here to make a promo for that and to announce my open challenge for the next 3 weeks.

I am wearing a cropped United empire shirt and my hair is now green and black, I am also wearing some black ripped skinny jeans, my black and green Nikes, and my hair is curled.

My IWGP title is around my waist and my never open weight title is on my shoulder.

I knocked on Jay's locker room door, he doesn't know I'm here and he has a big match tonight.

Austin opened the door and smiled, "Well well well, what a nice surprise, come in, Jay is in his bathroom getting changed." He let me, "thank you." I smiled and walked to his bathroom and walked in.

"Bro I said I'm getting changed." His back was turned to me. "I didn't know I was your bro." I shut the door behind me. "Oh it's you." He laughed and turned to me.

"It's good to see you babe." He gave me a kiss. "It's good to see you too, god it's so stressful being double champ." I laughed. "I know I did it once, remember?" He said. "I do remember." I smiled. "So how is it being back with the United Empire?" He asked, "It's great, I have been around the whole group except for Kyle and Mark." I said. "Well Kyle is here tonight so TK will probably throw you guys in a promo together, but mark is still injured." He said and continued to pull up his gear.

We continued to talk for a bit then he finished getting dressed and we walked out.

Then there was a knock on the door followed by a voice saying "Is Harley in there?" "Yes I am." I said, "Alright well your promo is up next." The producer said and I kissed Jay bye then walked out, we walked over to the gorilla.

"Alright, Harley, you know what to do." TK said and I nodded, my music hit and I walked through the curtain and the crowd went nuts. I got in the ring and said "Well well well, I made a promise that when I stepped foot in this ring again I would be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. And look, I am not just holding the never open weight champion, but I am the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, and I am also back with my family the United Empire, sitting back on the throne where I belong." I said.

The crowd shouted "You deserve it" for a while before I said "But that's not why I am here, there is a problem who should be backstage right now who wants my title, but he's not here. Jon Moxley." I looked around then continued "You will get your shot Mox but I want to run through some of the AEW talent before I get to you. So for the next three weeks I will be putting out an open challenge on collision for my IWGP world heavyweight championship, so whoever wants a shot, I will see you on Saturday." I was about to leave when the Don Callis family music hit.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Takeshita, Will Hobbs, Kyle Fletcher and Don made their way to the ring.

"Congratulations Harley, I always knew that you could be a double champion." Don said "Don what the fuck do you want?" I asked. "Get to the motherfucking point." I leaned in a corner.

"Well Harley, you a beautiful woman, and you are back with the United Empire, teaming with Will Ospreay who is apart of the family, and Kyle is in the family, and I know that you will say no but what if I gave you the opportunity to get back with Kyle Fletcher in return for you joining the family." He said and I bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked, "oh you're being serious?" I laughed even harder. "Yes I'm being serious." He said, "No. I have a boyfriend, his Jay is Jay White, and I don't have feelings for Kyle, him and I broke up a year ago, a year ago on January 4th, I didn't have a huge match and I lost, I didn't get pinned but I lost, and he broke up with me, I got back together with Jay, I went and won a G1 undefeated, then I went on to main event Wrestle Kingdom 18, at the biggest stage of them all, The Tokyo Dome, I went on to face Sanada, and win, the second foreigner to win a G1, the first to win a main event at wrestle kingdom. Plus Kyle is dating Skye Blue, she can keep him." I laughed and Kyle's eyes went wide.

"But before this goes on any further. Kyle what happened to you? What happened to the United Empire? The green gear the 'AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE' chants, the gold chain the feather earring. What happened to crowns up? What happened to all your friends back in Japan? Like Cobb, The great o-khan, Henare, TJP, Will Ospreay, Francesco Akira, and Harley Thompson. Yeah you and I aren't together but when we broke up we still teamed together and still had a good time being around each other. What happened to the better part of you?" I asked and he looked down.

"Takeshita, Don and Hobbs don't mean shit. Cause Don can't wrestle, Hobbs is a crybaby bitch who complains and complains and Takeshita could be so much more if he went with Kenny, Hangman, Ibushi, and the young bucks, so what are you doing with these misfits, when you can come back to Japan and be apart of an Empire." I said "what did you say about me you no good dirty bitch." Hobbs got in my face "Mother fucker I know I'm not speaking Chinese, so make sure you open those big ass ears of yours when I say get the fuck back before I have to put you down like your big mama should have done." I spit in his face. He grabbed my hair and Kyle grabbed his wrist and said "Don't touch her."

That distracted him so I kicked him in the balls. He dropped to his knees and I kneed him in the face. "Sit the fuck down, and respect me as I am the best in the world." I pushed his head to the side.

"Nice chat gentleman, Kyle think about what I said and get back to me with your answer." I said and left the ring and left the men in it frustrated.

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